Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

3 Things to Look for in a Checking Account

3 Things to Look for in a Checking Account
As you search for a bank that can help you open a checking account, many questions will come to mind. While it is easy to believe that one bank and account is the same as the rest, nothing could be further from the truth. Your job is to make an informed and confident decision, and this often times means spending some time researching all your options. As you do so, keep these three tips in mind:...
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  4437 Hits
4437 Hits

Second Semester Spending: How College Students can Save

Once the holiday break comes to an end, college students all over the country will return to campus and hit the books once again. Not only does this mean more studying for most students, but it also means spending more money.If money is on your mind and you are concerned about overspending during the second semester of the year, it is time to take a step back to review your budget.Here are some of the many...
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  3024 Hits
3024 Hits

Is 2015 the Time for a Career Change? Financial Impact

With the new year a few weeks away, many people are beginning to set a variety of personal and career related goals. Is 2015 the time for you to make a career change? If this is on your mind, you must consider the financial impact and whether or not you are prepared for what could come your way.Here are three ways your financial situation could be impacted by making a career change:1. Earning less money. Money...
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  2865 Hits
2865 Hits

Cheap Ways to Thank Employees this Holiday Season

Regardless of your position, if you have employees who work for you it is important to say thanks during the holiday season. For some, this is easier said than done.While you want to show your thanks, it goes without saying that you don’t want to break the bank while doing so. Here are three cheap ways to thank employees this holiday season:1. A greeting card. This may sound “too cheap” but it is anything but that...
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  2755 Hits
2755 Hits

Tips for Booking a Holiday Vacation

While some people prefer to spend the holidays around home, others enjoy taking a vacation during this time of the year.If you are in the process of booking a last minute holiday getaway, there are a few things you can do to ensure success. And in this context, success means booking the best accommodations at the best price.1. Keep an open mind. While you may be interested in one particular destination, don’t overlook others that may...
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  2570 Hits
2570 Hits

Easy Ways to Save on your Electric Bill

Do you cringe when your electric bill arrives in the mailbox or via email? Are you ready to make changes that will allow you to save money on this expense in the near future? If you find yourself in this position, there is no better time than now to adjust your lifestyle.Here are three easy ways to save on your electric bill:1. Check your home before you retire for the evening. If an electric device doesn’t...
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  3150 Hits
3150 Hits

How to Save Money on Holiday Groceries

With the holiday season in full swing, there is a good chance you will have a household of guests at some point in the near future. As you know, this means you will be spending quite a bit of time at the grocery store.Even though you may be worried about the cost, there are things you can do to save money without cutting back your menu.Here are three of the best ways to save money on...
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  2854 Hits
2854 Hits

4 Times an Emergency Fund can Save you

4 Times an Emergency Fund can Save you
Starting an emergency fund is easier said than done. Even though you may have been putting this off for quite some time, nothing is stopping you from making a change in the future. Here are three times when you will be glad that you have an emergency fund: 1. Job loss. If you find yourself out of a job and with no income, you will need money from somewhere to survive. Fortunately, if you have an...
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  3549 Hits
3549 Hits

3 Easy Ways for College Students to Save Money

As a college student, it is safe to say that money is always on your mind. You never seem to have quite enough, even after your parents add a few bucks to your bank account.Fortunately, there are steps you can take to save money throughout the year. By changing your spending habits, you may soon find that your financial situation is not nearly as challenging.Here are three ideas to consider:1. Set an actual budget. Many college...
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  3266 Hits
3266 Hits

Safe Cyber Shopping Tips

It’s the Holiday shopping season and savvy shoppers everywhere know the best deals of the year can be found in the few days immediately after Thanksgiving. The bravest of us get up at the crack of dawn on Black Friday to stand in ridiculously long lines and fight (sometimes literally) crowds of people for the hottest toys or gadgets at rock bottom prices. Some of us who may be less concerned about buying cheap than about...
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  3062 Hits
3062 Hits

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