Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Act Now to Save Up to 42% on College Expenses Next Fall

Act Now to Save Up to 42% on College Expenses Next Fall
According to data collected by The College Board for the 2014-15 school year, the average cost of room and board ranges from $9,804 at four-year public colleges and universities to $11,188 at private ones. With total expenses at in-state public institutions averaging $18,943 and those at private schools hovering around $42,419, that means room and board can take up anywhere from 26% to 52% of your total education budget. Ouch! How would you like to hang...
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  3515 Hits
3515 Hits

Ways for College Students to Earn Money over the Holiday Break

As a college student, there is nothing more exciting than a long holiday break. This gives you the opportunity to refresh your mind, ensuring that you are ready to hit the ground running when the new year arrives.You may be interested in earning a little bit of money during your time off. Here are a few ways to do so:1. Odd jobs for neighbors. From shoveling snow to landscaping, there are always things you can do...
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  2936 Hits
2936 Hits

Avoid these Holiday Spending Mistakes

Now that the holiday shopping season is in full swing, it is time for you to hit local and online stores to find the best deals. While doing so, it is imperative that you have a strong grip on your finances. If you don’t, you could make one more spending mistake that causes you trouble now and/or in the future.Here are three mistakes you want to avoid at all costs:1. Charging more than you can pay...
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  2726 Hits
2726 Hits

Don’t Fall Prey to these Holiday Shopping Scams

With the holiday shopping season upon us, it is likely that you have your list in hand, money in your pocket, and a plan for finding everything you want and need.As exciting as it may be to shop during this time of the year, this can soon turn to disappointment if you find you have become the victim of a scam.Every year, unsuspecting individuals fall prey to a variety of holiday shopping scams. Here are several...
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  1019 Hits
1019 Hits

3 Black Friday Shopping Tips to Follow

In a few short days, Black Friday will be upon us. While many people will shy away from stores, others will dive in headfirst in search of the best deals.If you plan on braving the large crowds, here are three tips that will improve your chance of finding the right items at the right price:1. Plot out your plan. Are you going to drive around from one store to the next, not knowing where you are...
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  2753 Hits
2753 Hits

How to Save Money on Office Communication

As a small business owner, even a one-man show, you know there are many expenses that come up over the course of a month. While there is nothing wrong with “spending money to make money,” you don’t want to throw cash out the window. Instead, you should keep a close watch on every dollar you spend.Regardless of your company size or industry, there is nothing more important than communicating with prospects and clients. If you don’t...
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  3626 Hits
3626 Hits

Overlooked Ways to Save on the Cost of a New Car

Many people believe there is only one way to save on the cost of a new car: compare dealers until you find the cheapest deal. While this is a great place to start, there are other ways to keep money in your pocket without compromising on the vehicle you purchase: 1. Cut back on the options. Do you really need leather seats? Is it essential that the vehicle has a sunroof and navigation system? When you...
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  3781 Hits
3781 Hits

What is Stopping you from Saving More Money?

What is Stopping you from Saving More Money?
Regardless of your financial situation, if you are like most people you share one common goal: to save as much money as possible. While some are able to do so with success, feeling comfortable with their progress, others continue to come up short. Here are several reasons why you may not be saving as much money as you would like: 1. Spending more than you should. Think about it this way: every dollar you spend on...
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  3627 Hits
3627 Hits

3 Questions to Ask a Financial Aid Officer

As you compare many colleges and universities, hoping to find the right one, there will be questions on your mind. Like most, you may be focused largely on the cost of the school.Fortunately, every school has a team of financial aid professionals who are more than willing to provide you with answers to all your questions. Along with this, they can give you the information you need to make an informed and confident decision.Here are three...
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  3507 Hits
3507 Hits

3 Best Ways to Pay Off Student Loans Faster

Most college students in today’s day and age turn to loans to finance their education. This may not be something they want to do, but instead something they have to do.While there is nothing wrong with making the minimum payment on your student loan (s), there are steps you can take to speed up the pay off process. Here are three ideas to consider:1. Round up. For example, if your total payment is $160, send $200...
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  3230 Hits
3230 Hits

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