Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How to Save on the Cost of Home Repairs

If you own a home, you know that things can and will go wrong from time to time. From a broken furnace to a clogged pipe (and that is just the start), you never know when something will come up.While there is nothing more important than taking on home repairs in a timely manner, many people find that they don’t have the money to do so. No matter who you are or how much money you...
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  3204 Hits
3204 Hits

How to Spend Less Time on your Budget

Most people understand how important it is to have a budget, regardless of how much money they earn. That being said, many people shy away from this because they don’t want to spend the time required to keep their budget in good working order. If you want to create and manage a sound budget without spending too much of your valuable time, there are several key steps you can take. Here are three to consider: 1....
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  3962 Hits
3962 Hits

Self Employment: What you aren’t Thinking About

Is the thought of self employment running through your mind? Are you ready to leave the corporate world in the past and branch out on your own? If you find yourself leaning in this direction, it is imperative that you know exactly what you are getting into. While there are many benefits of self employment, such as the ability to control your own destiny, there are a few details you may be overlooking. Here are three...
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  3640 Hits
3640 Hits

Easy Ways to Save on Tech Devices

Are you in the market for a smartphone or smartwatch? How about a tablet? Regardless of the tech device you are shopping for, you know one thing to be true: you are not always going to find something that comfortably fits into your budget.While some people are resigned to the fact that they will overpay, others realize that this does not have to be the case.Here are three easy ways to save:1. Shop online as opposed...
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  3095 Hits
3095 Hits

3 End of Year Tax Tips

With the end of 2014 closing in like a freight train, there is no better time than now to start planning for next year.While your final tax returns may not be due until April 2015, the sooner you get organized the better off you will be.Here are three end of the year tax tips to consider:1. Search for last minute tax deductions. For example, making charitable contributions before the end of the year can help you...
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  3015 Hits
3015 Hits

Home Equity Loan Benefits

With a home equity loan, you are able to borrow against the value of your property to obtain cash. Here are some of the most common reasons for taking out this type of loan:Remodel or home renovation projectTo pay for a child’s college educationTo consolidate high interest debtTo purchase another home, such as a vacation propertyBefore we discuss the primary benefits of a home equity loan, let’s first discuss the biggest potential downfall: if you don’t...
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  3746 Hits
3746 Hits

3 Simple Steps to Boost your Savings Account

When you look at your savings account what do you see? While some people are excited at the number that stares back at them, many are wishing they had more money.Rather than hope for a miracle, there are steps you can take to boost your savings account. Soon enough, your balance will be on the rise.Here are three simple steps to take:1. Eliminate unnecessary spending. Take a closer look at what you are spending your money...
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  2979 Hits
2979 Hits

Stop Ignoring Other Car Insurance Companies

You know the drill: you head to your mailbox and find another letter from another car insurance agent. They want you to contact them at your earliest convenience for a free, no obligation quote.Like many, you see this type of mailer and throw it in the trash. But before you do this next time, take a step back. Is it possible that you could get a better deal from another company and agent? If you think...
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  2696 Hits
2696 Hits

Self-employment with Little Capital is Possible

If the idea of becoming a self-employed professional is rolling around in your head, you will soon begin to ask questions regarding the financial impact this change will have on your life.As scary as it may be to take the leap, if you have a strong plan in place you may find the transition easier than you ever thought possible.With little or no capital, it is easy to believe that starting your own business is impossible....
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  2992 Hits
2992 Hits

Financial Benefits of Buying a Vacation Home

If you dream of one day owning a vacation home, you know that it will have an impact on your finances. While some people look at this and wonder how they will ever afford to make the purchase, others realize that it can be financially beneficial in a number of ways.While there is no denying the costs associated with buying a vacation home, you must also come to the conclusion that there are a few advantages...
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  3560 Hits
3560 Hits

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