Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

The 3 Best Ways to Save While Eating Out

Everybody enjoys eating out from time to time. However, most of these people realize that it comes at a cost.With the right approach, you can eat out without breaking the bank. Here are three of the best ways to save:1. Choose restaurants where you don’t have to leave a tip. For example, Chipotle and Panera are two of the most popular restaurants in the country. Along with high quality, tasty food, you order at a counter...
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  3286 Hits
3286 Hits

Common Credit Card Fees to Avoid

When searching for a credit card, you are likely to get so caught up in the interest rate and reward program that you overlook other details that are every bit as important.As you compare credit card offers, pay close attention to the fees. If you overlook this important detail, you may find yourself paying more in fees than you ever imagined possible.Here are two common credit card fees that are best left to the next person:Application...
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4400 Hits

How to Secure a Better Deal on a Used Car

There are many benefits of buying a used car, but most people agree that one is head and shoulders above the rest: the ability to save money.Even though the cost of a used car will be less than a comparable new car, it is important to realize that you don’t have to pay the sticker price. There are steps you can take to get an even better deal:1. Have a fair number in mind. You don’t...
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3132 Hits

Car Loan Questions: What’s on your Mind?

It does not matter if you are buying a new or used vehicle, you have two options when it comes to finalizing the transaction. Make the purchase in full with cash, or opt for a car loan that you can payoff over the course of time.While some are able to make a cash purchase, most find themselves comparing car loans in an attempt to get the best possible deal.You can do a lot of work on...
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5571 Hits

What are your Retirement Goals? You Should Know the Answer

Most people say they want to retire by a particular age, such as 62, and automatically assume that this is good enough. However, many realize after some time that they are not on track to do so.One of the best ways to protect yourself, ensuring that you retire at your target age, is to set goals.No two people are in the exact same position. For this reason, no two people are going to share identical retirement...
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3467 Hits

3 Big Benefits of a Money Market Account

Money market accounts are a popular choice among those who are looking to save money without taking any risk. From local financial institutions to online banks, opening one of these accounts has never been easier.Before you decide to open a money market account, it would be in your best interest to learn more about the benefits. Here are three you cannot afford to overlook:1. Interest rate. Generally speaking, the interest rate associated with a money market...
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3353 Hits

3 529 Savings Plan Mistakes to Avoid

With the cost of college on a rise, a growing number of parents are researching the pros and cons of a 529 savings plan. This allows you to save money for your child’s college, all in an account that is not subject to federal income tax.Just the same as any type of financial decision, there are things you should and should not be doing. Unfortunately, there are several 529 savings plan mistakes that have held people...
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3406 Hits

Overlooked Benefits of Online Banking

Many years ago, nobody would have given online banking a second thought. In today’s world, with so much advanced technology, this is something millions of people have fallen in love with.Most people are familiar with the primary benefit of online banking: convenience. However, there are many other reasons to experiment with this type of banking.1. No more waiting in line. Can you think of anything more frustrating than waiting in line at your local bank, all...
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  3524 Hits
3524 Hits

3 Alternatives to Traditional Retirement Saving

When it comes to saving for retirement, you know one thing to be true: more is always better. While this may be the case, some people don’t have enough time or earn enough money to reach their goals.If you find yourself struggling to save enough cold hard cash for retirement, there are other things you can do to improve your situation.Here are three alternatives to traditional retirement saving:1. Retire debt free. Are you able to eliminate...
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3493 Hits

5 Ways to Save More for Retirement

Is retirement age closing in on you in a hurry? Are you worried that you don’t have enough money to hang up your work boots for good? If you find yourself in this position, you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Of course, this won’t do anything to improve your financial situation.Here are five ways to save more for retirement:1. Max out your employer retirement plan. This is important for everybody, especially...
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  3561 Hits
3561 Hits

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