Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Maximizing Benefits from Your Student Credit Card

Getting a student credit card can be a big step toward financial independence. However, it comes with its own set of responsibilities and challenges.  Understanding these challenges and making the most out of your student credit card can set you on the right financial path for the future. The Basics of Student Credit Cards Before diving into the specific benefits and strategies for maximizing the use of your student credit card, it’s essential to understand what...
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2787 Hits

Things to Consider Before Taking a Car to College

From a student perspective, taking a car to college sounds like a great idea. Many parents, however, take a different stance. It doesn't matter if you are a student or parent, there are things to consider before making this very important decision. If you don't examine the pros and cons in great depth, it could end up causing you a headache in the long run. Here are three of the most important points to consider: Do...
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3727 Hits

How I Am Paying off My Student Loans

​I have student loans. I am just like millions of other young Americans who have to pay back student loans because I wanted to get a better education, and I wanted to get an advanced degree. There isn't necessarily anything wrong with that, but issues come up when people talk about having to pay them back. I am not going to discuss these opinions, but I did want to give you an example of how I...
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As an update, I am currently ahead of schedule! If my keep up with my plan, I will actually be debt free by the end of this year, ... Read More
Friday, 23 February 2018 14:25
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Tips and Tricks to Help you Pay Off your Student Loans Faster

This shocked me, but I read an article that stated there are over than 44 million borrowers who owe more than $1.4 trillion in student loan debt! That amounts to over $31,800 per person, which is a lot of money! While you may not be able to pay off the entire amount quickly, the ball is in your court and there are several ways to ease your current debt burden. Below are some great tips and...
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Anyone having success paying off their student loan debts??
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:10
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Personal Finance for High School Students

There is an issue I think needs to be addressed in public high schools. While the core classes like algebra, geometry, and English are critical, these schools are putting enough focus on everyday skills like personal finance. I think personal finance should be a core class in high school. Learning these skills in high schools will help the student through adulthood, and may even find a job. I bet there are many that find themselves behind...
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Does anyone currently have a child in high school and are trying to teach them about personal finances?
Monday, 27 May 2019 15:11
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Ways to Save Money in College

Unless you are an outlier, most people do not have a lot of money in college. It is imperative to find ways to save money in college. Also, for most college students, this is the first time really having to budget and manage money on your own. You might not know all the tips and tricks to make your money last. Below are a few helpful tips to help save money while in college. Use the...
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  2370 Hits
2370 Hits

How to Save Money on Back to School Shopping

  The start of the school year is just around the corner. Here are some strategies to help you save money on back to school shopping this year. Start by rounding up all of the school supplies you already own. You may already have plenty of school supplies lying around your house, forgotten at the bottom of a drawer or the back of a closet. Determine what can be reused this school year before you set...
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2322 Hits

Types of Student Loan Debt

If you need to borrow for your college or post college expenses, you should know what borrowing options are available to you. Generally there are two major sources of student loans. Federal and private loans are available to individuals, however federal student loans are much more common. There are also advantages and disadvantages to each, so please make sure you research before selecting your borrowing option. However it is important to note that no matter what...
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2545 Hits

Smart Money Moves to Make in Your 20s

If you are in yours 20s (lucky you!), you have an amazing opportunity to build a solid financial foundation that will serve you well for the rest of your life. You also have a huge opportunity to reverse any bad habits or correct any mistakes you have made to date. Now you may know that you need to start thinking about money, but just don’t know where to start. Below is a general guide and some...
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This writing is thought provoking as we look toward a solid financial foundation for our futures. Good information and the 50/30/2... Read More
Tuesday, 28 May 2019 21:18
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Student Debt in 2018

Student debt has officially gotten out of control. I was reading some interesting articles this weekend on student debt and I thought I would share some of the highlights. I am also not providing any kind of solution, but this has to be addressed. It may be too late, but the numbers below are just staggering! Student loan debt is now the second highest consumer debt category. Student debt is only behind mortgage debt, and it...
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Scary read! The Student Loan Debt is astronomical in size. In my mind I would like to see a tax break for students who pay a certa... Read More
Thursday, 29 November 2018 20:30
I agree 100% I also think this is one of the biggest long-term concerns to our economy.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:43
2674 Hits