Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How to Find a Mortgage Broker you can Trust

There is a lot that goes into buying a home. For many, this includes securing a mortgage. While this sounds simple enough, being that there are hundreds of lenders to choose from, there are many details to focus on along the way.Rather than contact one lender after the next, you can save a lot of time by consulting with a mortgage broker.The problem with this is simple: you never know if your broker has your best...
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  2850 Hits
2850 Hits

Considering a Home Equity Loan? Review these Details First

Do you have equity in your home? Would you like to get your hands on some of this money for a home improvement project or another expense? If you answered yes to both questions, a home equity loan is something to consider.While there are many benefits of such a loan, including the ability to obtain cash in a relatively short period of time, it is important to understand the potential drawbacks. These include the following:1. The...
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  3087 Hits
3087 Hits

3 Questions for your Financial Aid Counselor in 2015

College students throughout the country are hitting the classroom for the second semester. All of these students have paid their tuition and other expenses in some way, shape, or form.Even though classes are in full swing, it doesn’t mean you should shy away from speaking with your financial aid counselor. In fact, there are many questions you should feel compelled to ask during this time of the year. Here are three that may be on your...
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  3038 Hits
3038 Hits

How to Choose a CPA with Success

How to Choose a CPA with Success
Regardless of why you are searching for a CPA, nothing changes the fact that you want to find the right person this time around. The last thing you want is to be faced with this same challenge again in the future. Choosing a CPA you can trust is easier said than done. There are a lot of people out there who are willing to help, but this doesn’t mean that each and every one is right...
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  2980 Hits
2980 Hits

The Many Advantages of Federal Student Loans

In a perfect world, you would be able to attend college and receive your degree without ever borrowing a single dollar. Unfortunately, this is not reality for most students. It is not uncommon for a student to borrow tens of thousands of dollars along the way, doing whatever it takes to receive a degree.If the time comes to apply for a student loan, be sure to consider all your options. Here are some of the many...
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  3130 Hits
3130 Hits

Unconventional Wisdom: Can You Succeed Without a Business Plan?

If you’ve been thinking seriously about starting a business, you’re probably well aware that you should write a business plan. It is, after all, one of the first steps most experts will advise you to take on your entrepreneurial journey. The Small Business Administration calls the business plan “an essential roadmap for business success” and places it at the top of their suggested 10 step process to starting a business. Surely, if the SBA says the...
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  3730 Hits
3730 Hits

3 Ways to Compare Homes Before Buying

Buying a home is a big decision. This holds true no matter if you are doing so for the first time or have made such a transaction in the past.There are some questions that could hold you back, with the biggest one being: which home is best for you?No matter where you live, there is a good chance there are many homes for sale in your area. This is particularly true if you live in or...
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  2863 Hits
2863 Hits

Self Employment in 2015: Why Now is the Time

Have you come to the conclusion that you want to work for yourself at some point in the future? Like many, this may be something you have been dreaming of for quite some time.Rather than put this off any longer, the new year is a great time to consider what the future holds. You may not take the leap into self employment on the first day of 2015, but it could be the right time to...
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  3077 Hits
3077 Hits

What will your Budget Look Like in 2015?

What will your Budget Look Like in 2015?
With only a few days left in 2014, it is time to look towards the future. What will your budget look like in 2015? Are you going to make changes, or will you keep things pretty much the same? Regardless of your position, there are a few budget related questions you should ask as the calendar year turns. What areas of your budget can be improved in the new year?What areas of your budget should remain...
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  3609 Hits
3609 Hits

How to Maximize your Savings Potential in 2015

With 2015 right around the bend, there is no better time than now to think about the steps you can take to maximize your savings potential. By implementing a few simple strategies, it won’t be long before you are saving more money than you ever imagined possible.Here are three ideas to consider:1. Automate your savings. You can’t spend money you never see. For this reason, you should have a portion of your paycheck deposited directly into...
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  3109 Hits
3109 Hits

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