Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

5 Common Budgeting Goals

Living without a budget is like playing with fire. You may get away with it for an extended period of time, but it will likely come back to burn you at some point. With this in mind, it is best to have a budget in place at all times.Here are five of the most common budgeting goals. Set these for yourself and your financial situation will soon improve:1. Set up and follow a basic budget. This...
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  2900 Hits
2900 Hits

Teach Your Children Well: Essential Skills for Financial Literacy

Reality check: 76% of American families live paycheck to paycheck. Only 50% of us have enough savings to cover expenses for three months. 27% have nothing saved. 38% of adults don’t think they’ll have enough saved by the time they reach retirement age. Only 40% are following a budget. Collectively, we owe 11.52 trillion dollars in consumer debt. When it comes to their personal finance knowledge, 40% of adults would give themselves a grade of C,...
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  3312 Hits
3312 Hits

5 Savings Related Checklist Points to Examine Today

Some people keep a close watch on their savings, knowing exactly what is going on at all times. Others, however, subscribe to the “set it and forget it” philosophy. In other words, they make a final decision and leave things that way for an extended period of time.You don’t have to review your strategy on a daily basis, however, it is a good idea to keep a close watch on what you are doing.Here are five...
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3295 Hits

Benefits Questions for Self-employed Workers

Is 2015 the year you will finally take the leap into the wonderful world of self-employment? If you answered yes to this question, it is safe to assume that you are both excited and anxious about moving forward.Before you leave your current job, here is a question you must address: how will your benefits be impacted?If you have a full-time job at the present time, there is a good chance you receive many benefits, including but...
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  2901 Hits
2901 Hits

New Car Financing: How to Secure the Best Deal

Buying a new car can be fun in many ways. At the same time, this can bring a lot of stress into your life, especially from a financial point of view.Unless you are in position to purchase a car with cash, there will come a point when you begin to compare your loan options.There are hundreds of lenders out there, both big and small, willing to provide you with a car loan. When it comes to...
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  3411 Hits
3411 Hits

3 Better Ways to Negotiate with a Contractor

3 Better Ways to Negotiate with a Contractor
When it comes time to negotiate with a contractor, many people make one of two mistakes: They don’t negotiate at all, but instead accept the price they are offered.They throw out a random number, without any thought, hoping that the contractor agrees. Rather than make one of these mistakes, here are three better ways to negotiate: 1. Ask for a cost breakdown. This will give you a clear idea of what you are paying for, as...
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  3801 Hits
3801 Hits

Short Term Disability: Do you have this Coverage?

There is nothing worse than the thought of becoming disabled. This can be even more frustrating once you realize you will not be able to work for a particular period of time.With short term disability insurance, your situation will not be nearly as desperate. Instead, you can rely on this coverage to pay a portion of your salary until you are ready to return to work.While not always the case, the most common type of short...
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  3545 Hits
3545 Hits

Best Ways to Fund your Emergency Account

Do you have an emergency account? Are you keeping this money safe, hoping you never have to use it, but realizing the time could come at some point?If your emergency account is short on funds, there are steps you can take to make up for this in the months to come. You may be surprised at how quickly you reach your “target number” when you take the right approach.Here are three of the best strategies for...
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  2747 Hits
2747 Hits

These Hidden Expenses are Killing your Budget

Creating a budget is only half the battle. The other half is staying on track, day in and day out, no matter what comes your way.You may not realize it right now, but there could be hidden expenses killing your budget. If you don’t know what these are and how to get them under control, you will continue to suffer month after month.Are these expenses giving you trouble?1. Vehicle maintenance. This can include everything from new...
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  2942 Hits
2942 Hits

Start Saving Now for Summer Vacation

Start Saving Now for Summer Vacation
For many people, there is nothing more exciting than taking a summer vacation. They look forward to this all year long, knowing that it is sure to be one of the best times of their life. Have you had to skip vacation in the past due to financial concerns? If so, you know one thing to be true: you don’t want to ever deal with this problem again. The best way to protect against this is...
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  2567 Hits
2567 Hits

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