Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Three Major Signs a Debt Collection is Fake

Three Major Signs a Debt Collection is Fake
  Scammers are continually coming up with new ways to trick consumers out of money. Fake debt collections is a scheme you could easily fall for, if you're not careful. Before you pay a collection you think you owe, use these three tips to be sure the collector isn't a fake. They can’t tell you who the debt is from. All collection accounts have an origin, a company that you used to do business with. If...
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3131 Hits

What to Look for in a Gas Credit Card

What to Look for in a Gas Credit Card
Have you heard about the benefits of a gas credit card? Are you ready to learn more about this type of offer? If you answer yes to these questions, it may not be long before you are applying for one of these and using it regularly. But before you do anything, remember this: there are hundreds of gas credit card offers to choose from. For this reason, you need to be patient as you search for...
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You should definitely be able to find a gas credit card that offers above 1% cash back. Some go as high as 5%, so make sure you do... Read More
Tuesday, 19 April 2016 20:13
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Ways to Save Money on a Spring Road Trip

Ways to Save Money on a Spring Road Trip
Are you taking a spring road trip? Maybe you are a college student heading for the beach. Or maybe you are taking your family on a long trip during this time of the year. Regardless of your age, destination, or reason for going, it’s important to understand the many ways you can save money. By making a few adjustments to your approach, you can keep more money in your pocket. Subsequently, the funds can be used...
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I would add: (1) Carpool with friends to save on gas (2) Consider camping if you are up for it. Also consider staying with friend... Read More
Tuesday, 19 April 2016 20:15
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Credit Card Debt Negotiation: is it Possible?

Credit Card Debt Negotiation: is it Possible?
Are you faced with a large amount of credit card debt? Are you worried that you will never be able to pay it off? While most people continue to pay on their debt, one month at a time, you don’t have to get stuck in this rut. It may be in your best interest to negotiate with the credit card company. Here are a few negotiation tactics to consider: 1. Lump sum settlement. Do you have...
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Credit Card debt negotiation is definitely possible but hard to get as well. If you are denied or rejected, I would stress to not ... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:41
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5 Tips Many First-Time Homebuyers Overlook

5 Tips Many First-Time Homebuyers Overlook
Buying a home is a big decision, as this will change your life in a number of ways. This is particularly true if you are going through the process for the first time, as you may not know what to expect along the way. To improve the likelihood of making a confident decision, here are five tips to follow: 1. Think about the future. Even if you have every intention of remaining in the home for...
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Great info again Chris! As I said in another post, I am purchasing my first house so I am trying to research as much as possible s... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:40
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Consider these Points when Shopping for Long Term Care Insurance

Consider these Points when Shopping for Long Term Care Insurance
There are many types of insurance you can purchase, with a long term care policy often at the top of the list. This may not be something you think about in your younger days, but as the years go by it could be a purchase you are willing to make. Before doing so, there are several points to consider. These include: •    Your age and health. Are you looking to save money on the cost of...
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Evaluating your family and friends is very important when shopping for long-term care insurance. You really need to evaluate who a... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:40
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Answer Key Financial Questions Before Buying a Car

Answer Key Financial Questions Before Buying a Car
Unless you have an unlimited supply of money (don’t we all wish), buying a car is a big financial decision. To protect against a costly mistake, it’s essential to answer a few key questions before signing on the dotted line. Here are a few to address: 1. Will you finance the purchase or pay in cash? There are benefits of both, so make sure you list out the pros and cons. If you don’t have the...
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If you are financing your purchase, check out Chris’s post on the best way to find a car loan. I said to make sure you get quotes ... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:36
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8 Things You Can Do With Money From a Side Job

8 Things You Can Do With Money From a Side Job
Taking on a part-time job or making money from a side hustle can bring in more money than you know what to do with. Here are eight ideas for what you can do with money from a side job. Make ends meet. If you’re having trouble paying bills with the income from your regular job, money from a side job will be much needed. You can use the income to comfortably cover your bills and other expenses....
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I have said this before, buy in today’s age, more and more people are getting “side jobs”. It can be a great way for someone to ge... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:36
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Thinking of Buying a New Car? 3 Reasons Not To

Thinking of Buying a New Car? 3 Reasons Not To
Buying a brand new car is definitely exciting. Maybe it’s knowing that you’re the first person to ever own the car. Or, knowing that you'll have a few good years before you start having major mechanical issues. Everything on a new car is clean and shiny and the new smell is unmatched. Most people who buy a brand new car do so for a certain feeling and that feeling comes at a cost. Here are three reasons a new...
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New cars are of course very nice to have, but certainly not a necessity. Make sure you think long and hard about your financial si... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:32
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Why Self Employment Goes Wrong for Some People

Why Self Employment Goes Wrong for Some People
There are people who make the move into self employment and never look back. Every step they take is one that moves them closer to their professional goals. Conversely, there are people who soon realize that they are now faced with a variety of challenges. And for this reason, they are truly scared. Do you ever wonder why self employment goes wrong for some people? If so, here are three reasons for this: 1. They neglect...
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Self-employment can be extremely risky and very stressful. As Chris lays out in the post, there is a lot of unknowns so you have t... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:30
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