Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Four Things to Do If Your Application Is Denied

Four Things to Do If Your Application Is Denied
Applying for a credit card or loan is somewhat of a gamble. Even if you’re sure you meet all the qualifications, your application can still be denied. While it’s disappointing, it’s not the proverbial end of the world. It’s an opportunity improve your credit and your finances so you can be in a better position the next time you apply. Understand why your application was turned down. After you have an application denied, the bank will...
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Everyone will likely get denied at some point in their life. It is a good learning experience and one you can use to your advantag... Read More
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 17:49
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Comparing Credit Cards is Never a Waste of Time

Comparing Credit Cards is Never a Waste of Time
As you find yourself comparing credit card offers, you may soon ask this question: is it really worth the time and effort? Some consumers believe that every offer is the same, meaning that they can apply for any credit card and end up in a good place when everything is said and done. However, this is not true. Even when two credit cards appear to be identical, there are small details that make each one unique....
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The credit card industry to so big now that it is so easy to feel overwhelmed on selecting a credit card. As a benefit to the cons... Read More
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 17:45
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Don’t Ignore these Common Credit Report Errors

Don’t Ignore these Common Credit Report Errors
Your credit report should be 100 percent accurate at all times. Unfortunately, as you know, this is not always the case. Since mistakes can and do happen from time to time, you should review your report at least once per year. If you find a credit report error, don’t hesitate to contact the credit bureau in an attempt to get to the bottom of the problem. Here are three of the most common errors: 1. Identity...
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I check my credit report atleast once a year for the items you mentioned above Chris. You can never be too careful today.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 14:02
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Top Benefits of a Small Business Credit Card

Top Benefits of a Small Business Credit Card
As a small business owner, you have a lot on your plate. This includes a variety of details in regards to the company’s finances. At some point, you may begin to ponder the idea of applying for a small business credit card. While this is a big step forward, it’s also one that you should strongly consider. And here is why: 1. Easier to keep track of your spending. When you make every purchase with your...
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If you do start your own small business, I would highly recommend getting a business credit card. As Chris describes, it is much e... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 18:06
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5 Simple Ways to Save Money on Credit Card Interest

5 Simple Ways to Save Money on Credit Card Interest
Credit card interest is one of the biggest expenses of having a credit card. Every month that you don’t pay your credit card balance in full, your card issuer will add a finance charge based on your interest rate and credit card balance. The higher your rate and your balance, the higher your finance charge will be.  Unfortunately, high finance charges can make it more difficult to pay off your balance, especially if you typically pay only...
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You should do everything you can to pay off your credit card each month. There are obvious circumstances you cannot avoid, but if ... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 18:04
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Debit or Credit? 3 Reasons to Choose Debit

Debit or Credit? 3 Reasons to Choose Debit
As you compare your debit card and credit card, you have a big decision to make. Which one will you turn to when it’s time to make a purchase? While your credit card may seem like the better option, thanks to the ability to earn rewards and build credit, there are times when it’s better to swipe your debit card. 1. You are swimming in credit card debt. If you are already bogged down with credit...
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While your post has a lot good logic there is one matter not to be overlooked. Fraud as the laws favor credit cards and you are mo... Read More
Tuesday, 17 May 2016 21:05
I agree. The main question you should ask yourself is are you financially responsible to purchase on a credit card. If you are, yo... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 18:03
I could not agree more Wanderer.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 14:00
3020 Hits

Can You No Longer Afford Your Mortgage?

Can You No Longer Afford Your Mortgage?
If you find yourself unable to make your mortgage payment, it’s not time to give up your home just yet. There are steps you can take to remain in your home, all without putting your finances in jeopardy. Conversely, it may be time to leave your home in the past and start fresh. It all depends on your situation and what you hope to accomplish. Here are several ideas to consider: 1. Loan Modification When your...
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As Chris said, definitely exhaust #1 and #2 before you do a short sale. This situation can create a lot of problems.
Sunday, 22 May 2016 18:02
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When is the Best Time to Redeem Credit Card Points?

When is the Best Time to Redeem Credit Card Points?
One of the primary benefits of a reward credit card is knowing you will one day be able to redeem them for something of your choosing. But this leads to a very important question: when is the best time to redeem credit card points? While there is no hard and fast rule, here are three strategies you can follow: 1. Hold onto your points until they are ready to expire. This is particularly helpful if you...
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There are a lot of blogs out there, including Finance Forum, that have great recommendations on when best to redeem. These are gre... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 18:01
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3 Reasons to Review Your Credit Report Periodically

3 Reasons to Review Your Credit Report Periodically
When was the last time you reviewed your credit report? If you don’t know the answer, you are long overdue. While this isn’t something you have to obsess over, it’s important to review your credit report periodically. Here are three reasons why you should make this is a habit: 1. Because the information is important. When it comes time to secure a mortgage or car loan, for example, potential lenders will review your credit report. It’s...
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Every person should review their credit score at least once a year. It does not take a long time, and you can find issues you didn... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:59
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Take these Steps to Cancel a Credit Card

Take these Steps to Cancel a Credit Card
Regardless of your reasons for canceling a credit card, you must take the right steps at the right time. Neglecting to do so could complicate your situation, leading to financial stress in the near future. Above all else, you need to pay off any remaining balance. Once you do this, you can then move forward at your own pace. From there, here are several other steps to take: •    Notify your credit card company by phone.•   ...
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Definitely make your decision before you call the credit card company. As Chris said, they will absolutely put their salesmenship ... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:58
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