Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Summer is Coming Soon: Are you Saving for Vacation?

Summer is Coming Soon: Are you Saving for Vacation?
During the winter months it is not always easy to think about summer. After all, it seems so far away. However, if you have plans on vacationing this summer, now is the time to begin the preparation process. In addition to selecting a location, you need to set a budget and start saving. It won’t be long before you need to make a payment to reserve your hotel, flight, and/or rental car. Here are three tips...
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Saving for vacations should be fun! Most people save for retirement, a car, or other expenses that may not be as fun to save. But ... Read More
Thursday, 11 February 2016 17:43
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What to do if Your Credit Score Tanks

What to do if Your Credit Score Tanks
It doesn’t matter what you have done in the past, you never know what will happen to your credit score in the future. Even if you keep a close eye on every move you make, there is always the chance that your score could tank. Remember this: it only takes one mix-up to ding your credit score. At that point, you may find yourself wondering what went wrong. Rather than get down on yourself, rather than...
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I completely agree, if there is nothing you can do to quickly fix the problem, you really need to move on. Implementing an action ... Read More
Wednesday, 03 February 2016 13:51
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3 Top Questions to Ask a Mortgage Broker

3 Top Questions to Ask a Mortgage Broker
Are you in the market for a new home? Have you come to the realization that securing a mortgage is the only way to pay for your purchase? Generally speaking, you have two options for finding a mortgage: •    Communicate directly with multiple lenders, eventually deciding on the one that is best for you. •    Hire a mortgage broker to “shop around” and explain your many options. The primary benefit of using a broker is time...
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Brokers can save you a lot of time and energy in finding a lender for you. Also the good mortgage brokers will have access to lend... Read More
Monday, 01 February 2016 15:13
Right on, Frank! The word "reliable" is one that needs heavy emphasis. Don't just choose any broker, find somebody you can trust.... Read More
Monday, 01 February 2016 15:28
2802 Hits

5 Things to Do Everyday for Better Finances

5 Things to Do Everyday for Better Finances
To get better at anything, you have to work on it often. That includes your finances. You can’t take a peek at your budget and balances once a month or so and expect to excel financially. Here are five things you should do everyday for better finances. Review your financial goals. Goals aren’t like an alarm clock that you can set and forget, not if you want to ever reach your goals. You have to review...
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To stay up to date and relevant, I recommend reading at least one personal finance article each day. This will help you learn some... Read More
Monday, 01 February 2016 15:09
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12 Tips for Reaching Your Financial Goals

12 Tips for Reaching Your Financial Goals
If you’re serious about achieving your financial goals, follow these twelve tips to ensure your goals are more than just simple dreams.  Make sure they’re specific enough. If you set a goal “to save more money,” how will you know when you’ve saved more money? When you’ve saved $5? $500? $5,000? If your goals are too vague you won’t know how to achieve them or when you’ve reached them. Make sure your goals are specific so you...
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Great information in here. I always write down my financial goals. I also always put them in a spot I can see everyday. Sometimes ... Read More
Monday, 01 February 2016 15:06
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Could you Benefit from Whole Life Insurance?

Could you Benefit from Whole Life Insurance?
Many consumers immediately turn their attention to term life insurance when it comes time to buy coverage. There is one reason for this: cheaper premium payments. While there is a place and time to purchase term life insurance, you should not do this by default. There are many benefits associated with a whole life insurance policy, some of which could point you in this direction in the near future. If you are on the fence, don’t...
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If you have a family or a loved ones that rely on you, I would recommend researching whole life insurance. As Chris mentioned, the... Read More
Friday, 29 January 2016 09:38
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The Most Basic Questions when Opening a Bank Account

The Most Basic Questions when Opening a Bank Account
Has the time come to open your first bank account? Are you interested in opening another account with a bank you already do business with? Regardless of your situation, you need to be patient as you learn more about your many options. Assuming that one bank account is the same as the rest would be a big mistake. For example, there are many differences between a checking and savings account. The same holds true when you...
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I would never advise to open a bank account, especially your first, with fees. Most banks waive those fees as long as you meet cer... Read More
Friday, 29 January 2016 09:36
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5 Questions to Answer Before Using Your Emergency Fund

5 Questions to Answer Before Using Your Emergency Fund
There are many benefits of saving money in an emergency fund, including the peace of mind this will bring to your financial situation. But here is the problem: it is not always easy to determine when you should use this money and when you should leave it be. To get on the right track, here are five questions to answer before using your emergency fund: 1. Is it an unexpected expense? It can’t be considered an...
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Great questions to ask yourself Chris. No one ever wants to use your emergency fund. Each situation is unique, but if you do ask y... Read More
Friday, 29 January 2016 09:34
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3 Steps to Quickly Find a Tax Professional

3 Steps to Quickly Find a Tax Professional
This topic has been discussed time and time again, but now is the time of the year when it should really hit home. If you have a tax professional you trust, it won’t be long before you are scheduling an appointment and filing your final return. But what if you don’t have a tax professional? What if you need to make a change this year? With the filing deadline closing in quickly, you don’t want to...
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I always recommend asking around, especially if you would like to use a local tax professional. Sometimes the best people don't ad... Read More
Friday, 29 January 2016 09:27
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How to Request an Adjustment on a Utility Bill

How to Request an Adjustment on a Utility Bill
Just the same as anybody with a budget, yours includes each and every utility that you pay. For most, this means gas, water, sewage, electric, and cable. While the cost of each can change by the month, often based on factors such as the weather, you have a basic idea of how much each expense will set you back. And then something happens. You get a crazy high bill in the mail and you wonder what’s...
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The highest likelihood of getting an adjustment on your utility bill is through water. Breaks and leaks from pipes can frequently ... Read More
Friday, 29 January 2016 09:24
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