Finance Globe

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Do you Disagree with Your Car Insurance Premium?

Do you Disagree with Your Car Insurance Premium?

When you receive your car insurance statement in the mail, your feelings can go one of two ways. Maybe you will be excited that your premium remained the same or decreased. Or maybe you will feel disappointment when you realize that you are being asked to pay more this statement period.

There are times when you realize that your premium will increase. For example, maybe you were involved in an at-fault accident or received some type of moving violation.

There are also times when you may disagree with the increase, not knowing for sure why this happened.

If you disagree with your car insurance premium, as the result of a recent increase, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Review the recent past. Did you do anything that could have led to a premium increase? If you think hard enough, the answer may come to light. This could save you a lot of time in regards to contacting your agent.

2. Compare your two most recent statements. This alone will give you a clear idea of where the premium increase comes into play. It will not be difficult to see how much more you are paying or where the increase comes into play. What may be difficult is pinpointing exactly why this happened.

3. Contact your insurance company. If you can’t figure things out on your own, if you still aren’t happy for any reason, you need to contact your insurance company to discuss the increase. They will not have any problem giving you an exact answer to your question. Whether or not you like the answer, however, is another thing entirely.

You don’t have to pay your car insurance premium if you have reason to believe there is a mistake. Even if your insurance company tells you the premium accurate, you always have the right to make a change in an attempt to save money. 

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Comments 1

Frank on Thursday, 21 April 2016 16:27

I unfortunately received a few seat belt tickets, and my previous existing insurance provider almost doubled my rate. Luckily I was able to find better insurance at a better rate! Its worth to always shop around for insurance for the best deal!

I unfortunately received a few seat belt tickets, and my previous existing insurance provider almost doubled my rate. Luckily I was able to find better insurance at a better rate! Its worth to always shop around for insurance for the best deal!
Thursday, 06 March 2025

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