Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

A Mortgage Broker can Answer Many Questions

A Mortgage Broker can Answer Many Questions
As you search the market for your next home, don’t forget to spend an equal amount of time on the process of securing a mortgage. Without this, you may find it impossible to move forward with a purchase. Generally speaking, there are two ways to secure a mortgage: •    Work with a broker.•    Search and compare lenders and loan products on your own.There are pros and cons of both, but for the sake of this article...
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Chris, any recommendations on where to look to find a reliable mortgage broker?
Friday, 17 June 2016 13:04
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Opt for a Unique Vacation Experience this Summer

Opt for a Unique Vacation Experience this Summer
Now that warmer weather has arrived, you may be thinking about taking some time away from work. You may also be thinking about booking a vacation. It doesn’t matter if you are traveling alone, with family, or with friends, there are thousands of destinations to consider. So, here is the big question: where will you visit this summer? Like many, you may head for one of many beaches throughout the world. After all, there’s nothing better...
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Finance Globe
This summer seems to be starting off hotter than usual. My thoughts this year are to go up north, possibly to the views of Canada.... Read More
Thursday, 16 June 2016 22:01
BE very careful when you go to a casino!! especially inexperienced people who have little to lose. Casinos can be very fun, you ju... Read More
Friday, 17 June 2016 13:02
In the event you decide to leave the United States ... check requirements for a Country that requires Visas and a Passport for tra... Read More
Saturday, 18 June 2016 09:35
3485 Hits

There are Times to Close a Credit Card Account

There are Times to Close a Credit Card Account
There is no denying the fact that closing a credit card account can have a negative impact on your credit score. For example, closing an older account can shorten your credit history. It will also mean that you have less credit available, thus leading to a higher credit utilization ratio. Even with all this in mind, there are times when it makes sense to close a credit card account. Here are some of those times: 1....
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Its hard for me to recommend closing a card, but I have to agree with the points Chris makes. In those situations I would also rec... Read More
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 18:01
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Don’t Forget About These Credit Card Travel Tips

Don’t Forget About These Credit Card Travel Tips
Will you be traveling this summer? If so, do you have a plan in place for making purchases? Like many, you will turn to your credit card time after time. While there is nothing wrong with this, there are some basic tips you need to follow. 1. Understand your credit card fees. For example, using your credit card outside the United States could lead to a foreign transaction fee of approximately three percent. You need to...
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My wife and I just traveled internationally. I told my credit card companies and had no problems. My wife did not, and the first t... Read More
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 18:00
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Use a Small Business Credit Card for these Reasons

Use a Small Business Credit Card for these Reasons
Although you may have avoided the use of a small business credit card in the past, it could be a good idea to change your approach in the future. Once you are okay with the idea of using a credit card, it won’t be long before you are comparing your options and deciding which one suits you best. Here are some of the top reasons to use a small business credit card: 1. Convenience. Are you...
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I use several small business cards, and they are some of the best credit cards I have. The benefits are great, the terms are fair,... Read More
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 17:59
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Can Your Credit Card Interest Rate Increase?

Can Your Credit Card Interest Rate Increase?
Thanks to the CARD Act of 2009, credit card issuers can only raise your interest rate under specific conditions. As a consumer, this is good news. The not so good news is that your rate could still increase at some point in the future. Here are several times when this could happen to you: 1. Your promotion is coming to an end. Did you sign up for a credit card with a 0 percent interest rate...
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I was not aware of any of this information. Very helpful Chris!
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 17:56
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Essential Tips for Loaning Money to Friends and Family

Essential Tips for Loaning Money to Friends and Family
Some people say you should never loan money to a friend or family member. Money tends to complicate relationships, particularly if the borrower doesn’t pay you back as agreed. It’s easy to set a rule that you'll never loan money to people you know, but it’s just as hard to watch someone close to you suffer financially, especially if you can help. If you decide to loan money to a friend or family member, here are some tips to make the...
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My advice, if you want to stay on good solid footing with family and friends, "just say no." The minute the loan starts to go sout... Read More
Wednesday, 01 June 2016 08:44
I agree very much with this article. Friends or family can be a great option, but you need to be very careful when you mix money w... Read More
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 17:56
2577 Hits

Do These Things if You Miss a Credit Card Payment

Do These Things if You Miss a Credit Card Payment
As hard as you try, there may come a point when you miss a credit card payment. This isn’t the worst financial mistake you can make, but it could have a negative impact on your credit report.Here are several things you should do if you miss a credit card payment: 1. Act fast. The due date may have come and gone, but that doesn’t mean you should sit around and wait for the next statement cycle...
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If you act very fast and this is your first time, most credit card companies will credit your delayed payment and it won't hit you... Read More
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 17:54
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How to Protect Your Credit Score During a Financial Slump

How to Protect Your Credit Score During a Financial Slump
Throughout life, you’ll experience life changes that can have a major impact on your finances. Job loss, losing a spouse, having a child, major medical bills, and disability are just a few life events that can put a strain on your finances. Unfortunately, your credit score can also be impacted during these times. Here are some tips to protect your credit score even when you’re having financial problems. Scale back your credit card usage. Many people feel...
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You can also call your credit company and ask for larger limit amount. This will help with your % of utilization which will keep y... Read More
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 17:53
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The 6 Skills Everyone Needs to Be Financially Successful

The 6 Skills Everyone Needs to Be Financially Successful
We know that skills like budgeting and smart spending play an important role in financial success. Without them, you can easily make critical mistakes that derail your finances. But budgeting will only take you so far. Here are six life skills you need to have to be financially successful. The ability to prioritize At any given time, you’ll have competing financial needs. While you may feel like they are all equally important – like saving money and...
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I would also add: -Persistence -Drive -Ability to solve problems (because financial problems will come up during your life)... Read More
Tuesday, 14 June 2016 17:52
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