Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

5 Reasons to Say No to a Credit Card

5 Reasons to Say No to a Credit Card
There are times when using a credit card makes a lot of sense. For example, some people do this as a means of collecting points that can later be redeemed for travel rewards. Conversely, there are times when saying “no” to a credit card would be in your best interest. For some individuals, this just isn’t a good idea. Period. Here are five times when it makes sense to say no to a credit card, thus...
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Finance Globe
Credit cards offer a lot of flexibility, security and benefits when used properly. There are times as Chris mentioned, normally in... Read More
Friday, 06 May 2016 23:30
Couldn't agree more. If you cannot pay off your credit card each month, do not consider getting one. Credit cards have tons of adv... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:57
3880 Hits

Here are 5 of the Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Here are 5 of the Best Ways to Improve Your Credit Score
So, you have reviewed your credit score and you don’t like what you see. Before you get too upset, remember this: there are steps you can take to improve your score in the months and years to come. Below are five of the best ways to improve your credit score: 1. Make On Time Payments in the Future For some, this is easier said than done. However, it’s a step you need to take. It’s essential...
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Doing these steps Chris outlined along with time will absolutely help your credit score. Credit Score is hard to change overnight,... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:55
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7 Rules for Dealing With a Pay Cut

7 Rules for Dealing With a Pay Cut
We want to make more money in our careers, not less. Unfortunately, there may be instances where you have to deal with a pay cut. Your job may have to cut wages to stay in business, your commission may be lower, your own business may suffer a loss of revenue, or you could decide to take a job that pays less money. Dealing with a pay cut is far less than ideal, but navigating the reduction in wages...
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I unfortunately have had to deal with this situation several times. I have done what I could to make extra money, but I mainly foc... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:53
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These 5 Things Don't Affect Your Credit Score

These 5 Things Don't Affect Your Credit Score
Certain aspects of money management are good for your financial health, but have nothing to do with your credit score. Not directly at least. Check out five important parts of your finances that don’t directly affect your credit score. The amount of money you make Your income isn’t one of the primary factors that goes into your credit score. So, whether you make a little money or a lot, your credit score won’t be affected. However,...
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While these many not directly impact your credit score, I certainty believe these indirectly impact your credit score. All of thes... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:50
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5 Important Steps to Take If You’re Victim of Credit Card Fraud

5 Important Steps to Take If You’re Victim of Credit Card Fraud
With the increase of data breaches and credit card skimming, we’re all at risk of becoming victims of credit card fraud. Thieves can steal your credit card number and make purchases on your account, even if your credit card never leaves your possession. Knowing what to do if your credit card information is compromised is important to minimizing the damage to your credit standing. The best way to catch credit card fraud is to monitor your...
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2860 Hits

5 Tips for Negotiating a Medical Bill

5 Tips for Negotiating a Medical Bill
It’s bad enough that you had to visit the doctor, hospital, or another medical facility. It’s even worse if you receive a bill, showing that you owe hundreds or maybe even thousands of dollars. If you find yourself in this position, you have a couple of options: •    Pay the bill in full.•    Contact the appropriate party in an attempt to negotiate a lower payment. Which option is right for you? While you may not want...
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I have called the billing department at several doctors offices and had some success lowering my payment. Sometimes explaining you... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:48
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How Being Too Busy Can Hurt Your Credit

How Being Too Busy Can Hurt Your Credit
These days it seems like busy is the new black, but your inability to say no can come with side effects beyond being tired and stressed. Leading a busy life can have a negative impact to your credit in ways you never realized. You forget to pay your credit card bills on time. When you’re too busy, deadlines continually come and go. If you’re a busy person, you’ve undoubtedly missed a payment or two because of...
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This is exactly what happened to me at the beginning of this year. I was incredibly busy at work, and I did not keep detailed reco... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:47
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Top 7 Investments to Boost Your Home’s Value

Top 7 Investments to Boost Your Home’s Value
You can spend your money on whatever you want, but some purchases are better than others. Anything you can do to boost the value of your home is well worth considering. But here is the question: which projects generate the most bang for your buck? Well, here are the top seven investments (in no particular order) in regards to boosting your home’s value: 1. Landscape Makeover Not only does this improve the curb appeal of your...
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I could not agree more with #5 and #7. Those are the top 2 items a buyer looks for when purchasing a house. You should get your re... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:46
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Best Ways to Save a Tax Refund

Best Ways to Save a Tax Refund
So, you have a tax refund coming your way? Or maybe you already received this money from the IRS, state, and/or local tax authority. In this case, you have a big decision: what will you do with the money? While some people immediately spend the money, others realize that it’s probably in their best interest to save. But this leads to another question: what is the best way to save a tax refund? There are a...
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I am currently saving my tax refund in a money market account. I am not 100% sure what I want to use if for, so I am saving it in ... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:44
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Cheap and Free Ways to Grow Your Garden

Cheap and Free Ways to Grow Your Garden
Growing a garden can be very rewarding, providing you with food, flowers, and a beautiful landscape all season long - but buying an instant garden at full retail can be very costly. Fortunately, it's easy to cut your costs if you have patience and keep your eyes open for opportunities. Here are a few tips to get you started: Buy smaller woody plants. Cut costs on permanent landscaping by starting with smaller trees and shrubs and space them according...
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