Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Is it Time for a New Job? Money may Dictate a Change

Is it Time for a New Job? Money may Dictate a Change
At some point, you may look at your career path and wonder what is going on. Maybe you enjoy your job. Maybe you don’t. Maybe you are ready to make a change. Maybe you are too scared to search for a new position. Anybody considering a change has a good reason for doing so. For many, this is a direct result of their salary. They realize now is the time to earn more money, so they...
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  3783 Hits
3783 Hits

Don’t Let the Cost of a Home Renovation Project Spiral Out of Control

Don’t Let the Cost of a Home Renovation Project Spiral Out of Control
The cost of a home renovation project can quickly spiral out of control, leaving you in a difficult spot when everything is said and done. Like most, you will set a budget for your home renovation project, as you know exactly how much you are comfortable spending. The problem comes into play if your budget is blown out of the water, such as by adding new features or issues that arise along the way. Here are...
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  4542 Hits
4542 Hits

Could your Home Benefit from one of these Energy Saving Projects?

Could your Home Benefit from one of these Energy Saving Projects?
When you save energy at home you also save money. Does it get any better than that? While some people have a clear understanding of how to be more energy efficient, others continue to come up short in this area. Believe it or not, there are a variety of home improvement projects that can make your home more energy efficient. Here are three to consider: 1. New windows. Do you have old windows that let the...
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  3356 Hits
3356 Hits

What to do if your Home Insurance Policy becomes too Expensive

What to do if your Home Insurance Policy becomes too Expensive
When you first purchase your home insurance policy everything looks good. The price is competitive, and of course, the coverage is just what you need. And then something happens. Your home insurance company sends you a bill and the rate is not what you were expecting. Instead, it is much higher than it was in the past. If your home insurance policy becomes too expensive, there are a few things you can do. Above all else,...
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  3426 Hits
3426 Hits

Is there a Better Way to Buy a Car?

Is there a Better Way to Buy a Car?
For many years, people have been following the same basic process to buy a car. This includes visiting a dealer lot, test driving the vehicle of their choice, hashing out the details with a salesperson, and hopefully signing on the dotted line. While this remains the standard, there are a few changes you can make to improve the car buying experience. 1. Use the internet as much as possible. Most dealerships in today’s day and age...
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  3544 Hits
3544 Hits

How will you Choose the Right Credit Card?

How will you Choose the Right Credit Card?
Finding a credit card offer is not difficult. What is difficult is comparing your many options in hopes of pinpointing the offer that best suits your finances, budget, and shopping style. For most, the biggest challenge is sifting through hundreds of offers in an attempt to learn more about what each card could do for them. If the thought of all this work has you feeling down and out, don’t give up just yet. There are...
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  3622 Hits
3622 Hits

How to Save Money when Buying Furniture for your Home

How to Save Money when Buying Furniture for your Home
There may come a time when you realize your home is in desperate need of new furniture. Maybe your current furniture is worn out. Maybe it is outdated. Or maybe you moved into a new home and require additional pieces to fill out each room. It doesn’t matter why you are shopping for furniture. What matters is that you know what you want, where to find it, and how much you are willing to spend. Once...
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  3612 Hits
3612 Hits

3 Credit Card Habits to Break Today

3 Credit Card Habits to Break Today
From a financial perspective, a credit card can bring a lot of good to your life. Conversely, it can lead you down the wrong path if you aren’t careful of every move you make. Here are three credit card habits to break today: 1. Having access to too many credit cards. Believe it or not, one credit card is probably enough. If you have access to too many, it won’t be long before you lose track...
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  4676 Hits
4676 Hits

How to Negotiate a Better Deal on a Used Car

How to Negotiate a Better Deal on a Used Car
Once you decide to purchase a used car, it is time to turn your attention to the next step in the process: negotiating the best possible deal on the vehicle of your choice. Most people cringe at the thought of negotiating with a used car salesperson. As frustrating and stressful as this can be, there are things you can do to ease the tension. Here are three tips for negotiating a better deal on a used...
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  3717 Hits
3717 Hits

What to do if you Miss a Mortgage Payment

What to do if you Miss a Mortgage Payment
As far as your finances are concerned, there is nothing worse than missing a mortgage payment. Even so, this is not the end of the world. There are steps you can take to get back on track. While some people take this seriously, others never think twice about missing a mortgage payment. For whatever reason, they don’t believe this is a big deal. Subsequently, they end up in a worse position soon enough. If you miss...
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  4844 Hits
4844 Hits

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