Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How can you Avoid Overspending on a Car?

How can you Avoid Overspending on a Car?
The excitement of shopping for a new car is often overshadowed by the fear of paying too much. Not only do you need to negotiate the best deal possible, but the final price must fit into your budget. There are many steps you can take to avoid overspending on a car, including: 1. Know your numbers. This means two things: the price you should pay for the car, and the amount you are comfortable working into...
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As Chris mentioned buying used can sure help the pocket book. For myself, I used to buy dealer lease turn backs or promo vehicles ... Read More
Thursday, 10 December 2015 20:42
This information ties in very well to your blog post: "5 Questions to Answer Before Applying for a Car Loan". My fiance and I just... Read More
Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:51
3330 Hits

3 Ways to Get Retirement Right in your 20’s

3 Ways to Get Retirement Right in your 20’s
It can be difficult to think about retirement when you are in your 20’s. After all, you have quite a few years to go before you hang up your work boots for good. As tempted as you may be to put this off, now is the time to get serious about saving. If you make sound decisions in your 20’s, you will find yourself in better position over the next three to four decades. Here are...
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3 additional recommendations 1) Focus on low-cost investments. This would include ETFs, inexpensive mutual funds, etc. Over time,... Read More
Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:48
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The Three Primary Benefits of Private Disability Insurance

The Three Primary Benefits of Private Disability Insurance
Some companies provide employees the opportunity to purchase group disability insurance. If you can do so at a discounted rate, it is well worth considering. On the flipside, there are employers that don’t offer this benefit. This leaves you in a tricky position. Should you purchase private disability insurance? Should you forget about this altogether? Before you do anything, learn more about the benefits of buying a policy. Here are three that you can’t afford to...
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Chris, this is great information. I am very unfamiliar with disability insurance. This information is very useful. Do you have any... Read More
Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:43
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5 Questions to Answer Before Applying for a Car Loan

5 Questions to Answer Before Applying for a Car Loan
As you shop for a new or used vehicle, you will always come back to one very important question: how much can I afford? The answer to this question depends on many factors, including whether or not you will finance or pay with cash. If you have plans to apply for a car loan, don’t jump the gun. Instead, you should first address these five questions: 1. What are you looking for in a lender? From...
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One important thing to note on obtaining financing from the dealer. They will focus entirely on your monthly payment dollar amount... Read More
Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:41
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3 Budget Related Tasks to Complete Before the End of the Year

3 Budget Related Tasks to Complete Before the End of the Year
With the end of the year closing in fast, now is the time to review your budget and determine where things stand. If you like what you see, everything can remain the same for 2016. However, you may soon find that a few changes could do you some good. Here are three budget related tasks to complete before the end of the year: 1. Review your income. Did you earn as much as expected in 2015?...
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Reviewing your budget is just as important as creating a budget. In fact, it is probable more important. This is where you learn a... Read More
Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:34
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Don’t Make these Mistakes when Shopping Online

Don’t Make these Mistakes when Shopping Online
Many people have fallen in love with the idea of shopping online. This puts them in position to find and buy everything they need, all without stepping foot outside their home. Despite the convenience and opportunity to save money, this experience does not always go as planned. Below are three mistakes to avoid when shopping via the internet: 1. Overpaying for shipping. While you may be able to save money on the cost of the item,...
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On #1: Many companies provide pickup at the store. While you may not want to do this, if a company doesn't waive shipping costs, t... Read More
Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:31
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8 Tips for Using Your Credit Card for Holiday Shopping

8 Tips for Using Your Credit Card for Holiday Shopping
The biggest shopping season of the year leads a lot of people into debt because they overspend with their credit cards. It’s not a bad thing to use your credit card during the holidays. The key to avoiding debt and future financial troubles is to use it responsibly. Follow these eight tips to maximize your credit card use without running up big balances. Use only one credit card. The more credit cards you use, the harder...
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These are great tips. During the holiday season, everyone tends to spend a little more than they planned, which is fine. When you ... Read More
Thursday, 17 December 2015 18:27
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Why did Your Home Insurance Premium Increase?

Why did Your Home Insurance Premium Increase?
Many homeowners face this situation: they purchase an affordable home insurance policy with comprehensive coverage. Everything is going just fine, and then they receive a notice that their premium will increase. If you don’t know why your premium increased, the best thing you can do is consult with your agent. This person can explain what happened and provide information on your options. Before it comes to this, however, you may want to learn more about some...
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Great information Chris. I would also add 2 others: (1) increase in luxury items such as watches, jewelry, etc. (2) changes to the... Read More
Tuesday, 24 November 2015 17:49
Add to the list valuations used by the insurance industry (per square foot) and it comes from costs to replace or build new. This ... Read More
Wednesday, 25 November 2015 08:57
2884 Hits

10 Little Mind Tricks to Spend Less Money

10 Little Mind Tricks to Spend Less Money
To change your spending habits you have to change how you respond to the cues that typically tempt you to spend money. For example, you may typically see something in the store, want it, and then purchase it. But, there are some little mind tricks you can use to spend less money. Know how long you have to work to afford it. Divide the cost of the item by your hourly wage to figure out how...
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Great information here. I have a few of my own as well that I would like to add: (1) Post reminders of your financial goals in st... Read More
Tuesday, 24 November 2015 17:42
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How to Choose a Shipping Company this Holiday

How to Choose a Shipping Company this Holiday
With the holiday season in full swing, you may find yourself mailing packages all over the country (or world). Unfortunately, some people aren’t lucky enough to see their friends and family in person every holiday season. Before you begin wrapping your gifts, putting them in boxes, and finding a shipping company, here is a question to answer: which shipping provider can best meet your needs? While there are many details to consider, here are three that...
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One additional thing to consider is buying online and shipping directly to your family/friend. Many companies offer free shipping ... Read More
Monday, 23 November 2015 09:55
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