Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

What are the Benefits of Working with an Experienced CPA?

What are the Benefits of Working with an Experienced CPA?
With tax season on its way, now is the time to start thinking about your final return. For many, this leads to one very important question: will you file your own return or hire a CPA? For some, the thought of hiring a CPA is out of the question. They believe this is too expensive. They also have no confidence that the person knows what he or she is doing. Before you jump the gun and...
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Great Blog. Yes, CPA's can be expensive but, in my case they have found things I could depreciate and/or deduct that I didn't thin... Read More
Thursday, 19 November 2015 13:24
I would agree to what Chris has said as well. If you have a very basic return, a CPA may not be necessary. But in today’s world w... Read More
Friday, 20 November 2015 17:13
I was speaking with my CPA this weekend about this topic, and he used a great analogy that I thought would be helpful to share. Hi... Read More
Monday, 23 November 2015 09:49
2852 Hits

Make Note of these Tax-Deductible Expenses for the Self-Employed

Make Note of these Tax-Deductible Expenses for the Self-Employed
As a self-employed professional, you are well aware of the pros and cons of working for yourself. Regardless of your industry or how much money you earn, nothing changes the importance of understanding your tax situation. There are many ways to reduce your taxable income, including a variety of deductible expenses. With the year coming to an end, it is time to focus some attention on your tax situation. Once the calendar turns, it won’t be...
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Below is the IRS link to the home office deduction you referenced. Read More
Friday, 20 November 2015 16:55
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The Only Time a Store Credit Card Makes Sense

The Only Time a Store Credit Card Makes Sense
Many stores offer their own exclusive credit card. It is likely you have been presented with such an offer at the cash register. As tempting as it may be to sign on the dotted line, don’t do this just yet. Instead, ask for more information so you can review the offer before making a final decision. The primary benefit of a store credit card is the savings you will receive. For example, you may hear the...
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  4576 Hits
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Finance Globe
Good post Chris, sometimes I cringe at the thought of adding new store cards on FG due to the high rates. Make sure your getting a... Read More
Thursday, 12 November 2015 10:05
I agree, sometimes people don’t even realize when they get a new store credit card that it is even an actual credit card! You alwa... Read More
Friday, 20 November 2015 16:46
4576 Hits

Should You Use an Insurance Broker to Purchase Life Insurance?

Should You Use an Insurance Broker to Purchase Life Insurance?
When it comes time to purchase life insurance, there are many decisions to make. To start, you must answer this question: will you rely on the services of a broker or contact multiple companies direct? Some people shy away from insurance brokers. They don’t understand how the process works. They don’t believe that the person has their best interests in mind. While there is nothing wrong with being cautious, you should familiarize yourself with the benefits...
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Great information Chris. While I have never used a broker myself, certain situations can make using a broker a lot of sense. If th... Read More
Thursday, 12 November 2015 16:34
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Can you Shave Money from these Three Budget Categories?

Can you Shave Money from these Three Budget Categories?
Your budget is sure to have both fixed and variable expenses. For example, your mortgage (or rent) and car payment are fixed. They don’t change from month to month. Conversely, there are variable expenses that jump up and down on a monthly basis. Your goal is simple: to shave as much money as possible from these budget categories. By doing so, you will soon find yourself with the ability to save more. Where should you start?...
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  2737 Hits
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Great information Chris. I would also 3 additional categories you may be able to reduce your expenses: 1. Heat/cooling: In the wi... Read More
Thursday, 05 November 2015 13:45
Finance Globe
Good post Chris, for those without too much discipline: 1. Set up a fixed monthly transfer into another bank account with no fees... Read More
Thursday, 05 November 2015 13:47
I love that analysis above. This really shows the affect of compounding interest. If you start young, and have a long time horizon... Read More
Monday, 09 November 2015 14:14
2737 Hits

Here are Three Causes of Higher Life Insurance Premiums

Here are Three Causes of Higher Life Insurance Premiums
Are you in the market for life insurance? Have you heard the horror stories regarding the cost? You will never know what a policy will cost until you request and compare a few quotes. Unfortunately, there may be some factors working against you. Here are three primary causes of higher life insurance premiums: 1. You are a smoker. Hands down, this is the number one reason your premium will go through the roof. If you use...
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I would also add the 3 reasons below. 3 additional reasons for high life insurance premiums 1. Family History, as chronic health ... Read More
Wednesday, 04 November 2015 08:07
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How a Credit Card can Get you in Trouble During the Holidays

How a Credit Card can Get you in Trouble During the Holidays
There is no denying the fact that you will be faced with some additional spending during the holiday season. This is particularly true if you have a long list of people to purchase gifts for. Some people use a “cash system” to guide themselves through the holidays. Others, however, rely on a credit card. While there is nothing wrong with this, you can soon find yourself in financial trouble if you go down the wrong path....
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Great insight Chris. ALWAYS PAY OFF YOUR CREDIT CARD BALANCE IN FULL! I cannot emphasis that enough. No matter what charges you pu... Read More
Tuesday, 03 November 2015 09:52
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You Can't Afford to Ignore These Financial Details

You Can't Afford to Ignore These Financial Details
If you’re a big picture type of person, certain details of your finances can easily slip through the cracks. While it’s important to watch the bottom line, it’s equally important to pay attention to all the items that contribute to the bottom line, too. Here are some financial details you can’t afford to ignore. How much you spent this month. Continually monitoring your spending is key to ensuring you’re staying within your budget and not spending...
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I would say the 2 most important here are (1) whether your budget still balances out, and (2) how your investments are performing.... Read More
Monday, 02 November 2015 14:35
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4 Reasons to Have Multiple Bank Accounts

4 Reasons to Have Multiple Bank Accounts
For many people, one checking account and one savings account may sound like plenty of bank accounts, but it may not be enough. Having multiple bank accounts may help you manage your money better. And for the wealthy or high-income earners, multiple bank accounts can offer more protection. Here are a few reasons to have more than one bank account. Different accounts for different purposes. Putting your money in separate accounts can prevent the mistake of spending money...
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I would overall agree having multiple accounts have help for certain situations and people. One thing to consider is if you are no... Read More
Wednesday, 28 October 2015 09:03
I definitely agree, if managing multiple accounts gets too confusing, it's better to stick with one account. Maybe get used to hav... Read More
Saturday, 31 October 2015 13:09
4589 Hits

Have you Reached these Common Financial Goals for 2015?

Have you Reached these Common Financial Goals for 2015?
With October coming to a close, it won’t be long before the calendar is turning. At that point, you will look back at 2015 and ask yourself this one very important question: did you reach your financial goals? While some people have met their goals early, others are left with a couple months to make progress. Where do you fit in? Here are some of the most common financial goals, many of which may be on...
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Great insight Chris. On evaluating your financial goals, you always need to ask yourself why or why did you not reach those goals?... Read More
Monday, 26 October 2015 10:27
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