Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Don’t Make Any of These Credit Card Mistakes

Carrying a credit card is a big responsibility, as there are a variety of potential mistakes lurking around every corner. Knowledge of these mistakes can go a long way in helping you avoid trouble, thus getting more out of your credit card and the many features it offers. Here are six credit card mistakes to avoid at all costs: •    Spending more than you can comfortably afford to pay back when your next bill comes due....
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I would add if you aren't paying off your credit card in full every month, then you are not using your credit card correctly.... Read More
Friday, 29 June 2018 11:13
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How to Save on Your Water Bill this Spring

With the spring season in full swing, it’s time to take a strong look at your water usage and the changes you can make to save money in the months to come. Like many people, you may find your water bill going through the roof during this time of the year. Rather than go down the same path this year, there are a few basic changes you can make to save some money. Here are some...
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I usually try to only water my plants and lawn when its needed. Given if it rains a lot, I save on my water bill!
Friday, 29 June 2018 11:13
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Easy Ways to Reduce Cooling Costs this Summer

After a long and cold winter for most of the country, it appears that warmer weather has finally arrived. On one side of things this means you can turn off your furnace once and for all, thus saving on heating costs. However, as the temperature in your area continues to climb, you’ll find yourself searching for ways to cool your home in the most economical manner. The easiest way to immediately cool your home is to...
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You can always have your A/C break in the summer This unfortunately happened to me this summer. It was terrible, but my bill was ... Read More
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:44
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Retirement Accounts: Roth IRA vs. Traditional IRA

If you are planning to open a retirement account, one of the first things you need to figure out is if you want to open a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA. Both are great retirement offerings, but there are a few differences to research prior to opening one. There is also some overlap in that both defer taxes while the money is in the retirement account, and both have contribution limits to them. 2018 is...
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  2001 Hits
2001 Hits

Ways to Help Other People Learn About Personal Finance

This site is very informative and helpful for people who want to learn more about personal finances. I have learned a great deal from this website as I am sure others have as well. If you want to get involved in your community to help others with their personal finances, below are several ways for you to do that. Please feel free to post any additional that I may have missed. Junior Achievement: Junior Achievement is...
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3001 Hits

How To Start Investing When You Don't Have A Lot Of Money Saved

Many people who have not started investing say their reason for not starting is because they do not have a lot of money saved. However there are several ways to start investing even if you have less than $1,000. Below are some ways to get you started and please post if you have any other recommendations on ways to start investing as well. Online brokerage account: Many brokerage accounts, such as Fidelity, Charles Schwab, E-Trade, etc....
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  2001 Hits
2001 Hits

Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Over the last few months, I have written a few articles on various topics of cryptocurrency. Given the increased demand around cryptocurrency, I wanted to continue these brief articles and wanted to discuss what cryptocurrency exchanges are. Below is a high-level summary of what cryptocurrency exchanges is. Please feel free to post any follow up questions in the comment section below. A cryptocurrency exchange is a platform where you can exchange one cryptocurrency for another cryptocurrency...
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  1838 Hits
1838 Hits

The Major Difference Between Debit and Credit Cards

Two of the most common types of electronic payment methods are credit and debit cards. The two cards look so similar, it’s easy to confuse them. And to make things even more confusing, many debit cards have a Visa or MasterCard logo can be used “as a credit card” at the time you’re purchasing. Knowing the difference between the two is important, especially if you have one of each. Where the Money Comes From? A debit...
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I always recommend using credit cards to get the rewards, but always make sure to pay off the credit card every month so you don't... Read More
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:36
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3 Reasons a Low Credit Card Rate is Better

The interest rate is one of the most important features of your credit card. It directly impacts the cost of your credit card whenever you carry a credit card balance. When you’re shopping for a credit card, it’s best to choose one with a lower interest rate. And once you have a credit card, you want to avoid things that will trigger an interest rate increase, like late payments for example. Here are a few benefits...
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  2135 Hits
2135 Hits

Is it Time to Review (and Tweak) Your Estate Plan?

When it comes to your finances it’s easy to focus on the here and now. Just the same, you may have a plan for saving for the future (such as for retirement). However, it’s much more difficult to create an estate plan with the idea of passing your assets onto someone else upon your death. While it may not be the most exciting thing you do from a financial planning perspective, here’s something you need to...
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I will say I don't have an estate plan. What age do you think you need one by and how much AUM should you have?
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:35
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