Finance Globe

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What are the Benefits of a Smart Thermostat?


Many homeowners never think twice about their home’s thermostat. As long as it does its job, they leave well enough alone (and hope that nothing ever goes wrong).

While there’s nothing wrong with this approach, there are many benefits of a smart thermostat that you can’t afford to overlook.

Here are three reasons why now may be the time to ditch your old thermostat for something that’s much smarter:

•    Save energy, save money. Every homeowner is looking for ways to save money, even if it’s only a few dollars here and there. A smart thermostat can help you do just that, as these are designed to help you use less energy. These devices have the ability to learn your heating and cooling preferences, thus adjusting on the fly with the idea of saving you money.
•    Remote access. Imagine this: you’re lying in your cold bed during the early morning hours. The last thing you want to do is step into a cold bathroom. This is where a smart thermostat can help. With remote access, you can crank the heat, wait a few minutes for it to take effect, and then emerge from bed. Forget about having to get up to manually change your heating/cooling settings. Remote access makes it possible to do so from anywhere.
•    Maintenance reminders. Do you ever worry about properly maintaining your HVAC system? Like many homeowners, life gets in the way and you forget just how important maintenance really is. A smart thermostat can provide maintenance reminders, such as when you need to change your furnace filter. Not only does this help keep your system running efficiently, but it can also save you money on costly repairs.

These are among the top benefits of a smart thermostat. Once you learn more about the many models on the market, you’ll come to find that there are additional advantages when compared to the traditional thermostats homeowners have relied on for many years.

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Comments 1

Frank on Friday, 29 June 2018 11:14

I bought a Nest last year, and have probably saved several hundreds on this. Its so great and its 100% worth the investment.

I bought a Nest last year, and have probably saved several hundreds on this. Its so great and its 100% worth the investment.
Monday, 10 March 2025

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