Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How Fed Interest Rate Hikes Affect You?

You may have seen in the news lately how the Federal Reserve has increased the federal funds rate target range. If not, it is important to know in their March 2018 meeting, the Federal Reserve decided to increase its federal funds rate target range by 0.25% to 1.5%-1.75%. While this may not seem like a large increase, it is important to know the increase could affect you in a lot of ways. It can have a...
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2366 Hits

What is a Health Savings Account (HSA) and What are the Benefits?

The landscape of healthcare and healthcare costs are dramatically changing. Many companies are now offering high coverage plans and many are pushing high deductible plans to its employees to help keep costs down and put the “cost ownership” in the individual’s hands. Therefore, Health Savings Accounts or HSA, are becoming very popular. However, many people do not know exactly what they are and what kind of benefits come with Health Savings Accounts. Below is a high-level...
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2475 Hits

3 Signs You May Qualify for a Better Credit Card

The credit cards you open when you’re just starting out or repairing your bad credit aren’t always the cream of the crop. Sometimes even when you have great credit, you opt for a credit card without knowing you can qualify for something better. It helps to shop around for a credit card to see if you can get better terms – better rewards, better interest rate, or lower fees. Here are a few ways to tell...
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As you check your credit score every year, always keep in mind that could help you get better credit cards with more reviews, high... Read More
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:28
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Why Should You Review Your Credit Report?

Whether or not you review your credit report every now and again is a personal decision. Some people are in the habit of doing so, while others don’t see the point. As a general rule of thumb, you should request and review your credit report at least once every 12 months. Here are some of the many reasons to do so: •    It doesn’t cost anything. You can request a free credit report once a year,...
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2128 Hits

How Federal Rate Increases Affect Credit Cards

The federal funds rate, set by Federal Reserve, is the basis for the interest rates set by most financial institutions. While the rate directly affects the interest rate that banks loan money to each other overnight, it also indirectly impacts the interest rates for many other types of financial products. If you're carrying a credit card balance, you could be affected. How Fed Rates and Credit Card Rates Are Related Most credit cards have a variable...
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Great article! You should also check out my general article on what else the fed rate affects!
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:27
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5 Major ATM Mistakes to Avoid Making

ATMs are a convenient way to get cash from your account and make other bank transactions without having to go inside a bank branch, It's especially convenient outside of business hours or during the bank's busiest hours. But, remember may non-bank ATM operators are in it to make a buck. If you’re not careful, you could end up spending a lot of money just from going to the ATM. Not paying attention to the ATM fee....
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A lot of credit unions waive all ATM fees so you should always call them and make sure you aren't having to pay for ATM fees ever.... Read More
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:26
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Break These Bad Financial Habits ASAP

Do you have bad financial habits? Have you come to find that these are stopping you from reaching your goals? Are you ready to make a change for the better? Here’s the good thing: you aren’t the only person with bad financial habits. Most people have at least one habit that they want to eliminate as soon as possible. Here are a handful of bad financial habits that you don’t need in your life: •    Impulse...
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One my horrible financial habits is buying clothes. I spend WAY too much money on this. One way I am working on fixing this is set... Read More
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:25
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The Personal Information Section of Your Credit Report

At least once a year, you should request a copy of your credit report and review it in great detail. While it’s easy to focus most your time on the public records and credit accounts sections, there’s something else that deserves your attention: the personal information section. Your goal is to review each section of your credit report, paying close attention to every detail to ensure that there are no mistakes or incomplete information. Remember this:...
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My wife and I reviewed ours in December and somehow her brother's name and social security number was in the report. We are workin... Read More
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:24
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5 Simple Ways to Lower Your Home Insurance Premium

Have you come to the conclusion that you’re paying too much for home insurance? Are you seeking ways to lower your premium, all without giving up too much (if anything) in terms of coverage? It goes without saying that you understand the importance of carrying a comprehensive home insurance policy. Even so, you should never get on board with the idea of overpaying for coverage. Below are five simple ways to lower your home insurance premium:...
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We just increased our deductible from $500 to $2500. While the deductible is high, this saved us over $500 a year in premiums. As ... Read More
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:23
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Ask Your Credit Card Company for These 3 Things

If there is anything you don’t like about your credit card company it’s important to understand your options. For example, there may come a point when you call your company, discuss your situation, and ask if there is anything they can do for you. If you ask your credit card company for one or more of the following, don’t be surprised if they comply: •    Bonus points. This one is simple: you tell your credit card...
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If I miss a payment, which sometimes I do. I always call them to waive the fee. every time I have called, they have waived the fee... Read More
Saturday, 19 May 2018 14:22
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