Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Tips for Traveling on a Budget

More often than not, I find myself dreaming of vacation. Booking an incredible vacation doesn't have to cost a fortune. Here are some tips for how to travel on a budget. Be flexible about your travel in order to find the most affordable flights. Plan trips in the off-season. Not only will you find better deals for travel, but you'll experience fewer crowds. Visiting Tokyo, Japan during cherry blossom season sounds incredibly beautiful, but you'll pay the...
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Anyone have a fun vacation (on a budget) coming up?
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:13
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Tips and Tricks to Start a Side Hustle

“Side hustles” are all the rage now and many people are starting them to make extra cash. This is in addition to their full-time jobs, and while there is plenty of opportunity out there for people to start one, many are not because they feel it is too difficult to start one. Below are some tips and tricks to help make sure you can get your side hustle off the ground. I can promise you, if...
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Has anyone started a side hustle this year? positive/negative experiences?
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:11
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Tips and Tricks to Help you Pay Off your Student Loans Faster

This shocked me, but I read an article that stated there are over than 44 million borrowers who owe more than $1.4 trillion in student loan debt! That amounts to over $31,800 per person, which is a lot of money! While you may not be able to pay off the entire amount quickly, the ball is in your court and there are several ways to ease your current debt burden. Below are some great tips and...
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Anyone having success paying off their student loan debts??
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:10
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5 Things to Look for In a Stock Trading App

In the past, trading stocks would have required you to meet with a stock broker who would make the trade on your behalf. In exchange for making the trade, the stock broker would charge a fee and even require a minimum investment in the five or six figures. Smartphones and the fintech evolution have made stock investing much easier, faster, and far less expensive. With stock trading apps, you can start with a minimal investment, pay...
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I am curious, what portion of people actually use a stock trading app? I only use desktop, but curious if I am an outlier.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:09
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4 Tips for Handing Debt Collector Calls

When one of your accounts falls past due, your creditor may sell the account to a third-party debt collector. The debt collector then has the right to pursue you for payment. Of course, one of the ways debt collectors attempt to get you to pay is by calling you. These calls can be a nuisance, especially when you can’t afford to pay. Knowing how to handle debt collector calls can keep you in control of the...
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I usually recommend to not speak to them. I recommend seeking out counsel to help you deal with your debt and debt collectors.... Read More
Thursday, 19 July 2018 15:52
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How to Get a Lower Rate on Your Current Credit Card

Have you come to find that the interest rate attached to your current credit card is entirely too high? Do you enjoy everything else about your credit card? If you answered yes to both of these questions, you may want to contact your credit card company to see if there is anything they can do to help. By help, we mean one thing: lowering your interest rate. There is no guarantee that your credit card company...
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definitely recommend to get the phone and call. This has worked for me dozens of times.
Thursday, 19 July 2018 15:51
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5 Easy Ways to Protect Your Finances

Remember the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? That goes for your finances too. Whether you have a little money or a lot of it, taking steps to safeguard your finances is important for your future. Here are five easy ways to protect your finances. Choose FDIC-insured banks. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or FDIC, is a government agency that ensures your bank deposits won't be lost in the event of...
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I would add credit monitoring as well. This helps you in case of fraudulent activity.
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:56
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Inexpensive Ways to Upgrade Your Master Bathroom

Like many people, you spend a good amount of time in your master bathroom. From getting ready for your workday to winding down before you call it a day, this room of your home gets plenty of attention. There may come a point when you realize your master bathroom is no longer up to par. Instead, it requires a few upgrades in order to make the space as comfortable and inviting as possible. While there are...
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We updated our bathroom last year and re did the shower with a glass door. It was inexpensive and it made the bathroom look a lot ... Read More
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:50
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Simple Ways to Save Money on Groceries

Do you often walk away from the checkout line at the grocery store and wonder what happened? Do you immediately begin to think about the steps you could have taken to save money? In today’s day and age, with grocery prices on the rise, it’s more difficult than ever before to stay within your budget. Fortunately, you can make some basic changes to your strategy in order to save money and feel better about every trip...
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I spend roughly $100 a week for 2 people. We try to buy generic when we can, but vegetables/fruits add up so its hard to decrease ... Read More
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:48
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Beware of These Summertime Budget Busters

Are you the type of person who waits all winter (and spring) long for warmer weather to move into your area? Is this the time of the year when you enjoy yourself the most? While there’s nothing wrong with savoring every last minute of summer, there’s something to remember: these months have the potential to take a toll on your budget. Here are a handful of summertime budget busters to keep a close eye on: •   ...
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  1985 Hits
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My wife have taken 3 vacations this summer and boy have the bills stacked up! We weren't planning to take so much this year, but w... Read More
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:47
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