Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How the New Imposed Tariffs Will Impact your Wallet

You have probably seen in the news lately, the discussions of proposed tariffs with many countries including China and Europe. While I will not discuss the political aspects of tariffs, I wanted to share a summary of what exactly a tariff is and how they could impact your wallet. A tariff is bascially a tax that the government places on imported goods. The tariff proceeds go to the government and a tariff is used to protect...
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It seems like the media buzz has become quiet on this topic, anyone else notice this?
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:20
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Why it is So Important to Start Saving for Retirement Before you Turn Thirty

Many people, like myself, did not think saving early in my life was important. I figured I would be able to save later in life when my salary increased and would not worry about it. I never realized how wrong I was, and I quickly realized it is critical to start savings as early on as you can. While everyone may not be able to save in your early twenties, I would highly recommend to try...
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Anyone around 30 (or slightly older) who started investing because of this article????
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:20
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Tips for Opening a Savings Account With a Small Amount of Money

Building a savings habit is one of the best things you can do for your financial health. Don’t put off saving money because you think you don’t have enough. The key is to look for a savings account with no minimum balance requirement. This way you can open your savings account, even if you’re not ready to put anything in it yet, and deposit money as you can afford to. Look for an Online Bank Online...
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Most online banks have a very minimal or no minimum. So you have no excuse!!
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:19
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How to Get the Best Gas Mileage on Your Road Trip

As you plan for your road trip, it goes without saying you’ll be searching for ways to save money. Can you pack food so you don’t have to spend excessively at stops along the way? Can you drive straight through to your destination, all so you don’t have to spend money at a hotel? Depending on the length of your trip, there’s a good chance you’ll spend a lot of money on gas. While there is...
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I would also map out your direction and focus on the most efficient way to travel.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:18
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Why You'll Regret Dipping Into Your Retirement Savings

Your retirement fund is a place that you can invest money you earn today so you’ll have a nest egg to support yourself when you finally stop working for good. Retirement may be decades away for you and in the meantime, you may be tempted to pull money from your retirement fund for some of your other financial goals. People commonly dip into their retirement to cover a down payment on a first home, for home...
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Early withdrawals are going to kill your retirement funds. I recommend against it almost for all situations, unless it is really d... Read More
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:17
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What are the Hidden Costs of Dog Ownership?

Owning a dog can bring great joy to your life. It can also bring many expenses, all of which you should prepare for before bringing a pet into your home. When you plan in advance for the costs of dog ownership it’s much easier to stay within budget, year in and year out. Here are some of the most common annual expenses associated with owning a dog: •    Food. Unless you feed your dog scraps from...
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My wife and I owned a dog for a short period of time. It ended up costing way more than we thought so we gave it to a family who w... Read More
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:17
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Is it Time to Review Your Estate Plan?

It’s not the most pleasant thing you’ll do in regards to your finances, but there will be times when you have no choice but to review your estate plan. Upon doing so, you’ll soon learn one of two things: •    You can leave your estate plan the way it is for the time being•    You need to alter your estate plan as to better suit your current situation and the future You don’t have to go...
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  2006 Hits
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My wife and I are expecting so we have just started evaluating our estate and are working on a will right now.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:16
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How to Avoid a Credit Card Late Fee

Do you often worry about paying your credit card after the due date? Are you concerned about the impact it will have on your finances, including a late fee and red mark on your credit report? Since these are legitimate concerns, it’s time to strongly consider the many strategies you can employ to avoid late payments. Here are three to consider: 1. Conduct Regular Account Reviews As the month wears on, you should regularly review your...
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If you do incur a late fee, call the credit card company. They almost always waive.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:14
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Start Now to Save Big on Back to School Shopping

Although we’re just now moving into the dead of summer, it won’t be long before it’s back to school time. Since this has a way of creeping up on even the most organized parents, there’s nothing wrong with getting a jumpstart on back to school shopping. Starting early helps eliminate some of the stress that is often associated with this time of the year. Furthermore, with the right approach, it also allows you to save money....
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Does anyone buy their school supplies after the school year and does it actually save any money?
Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:13
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9 Tips for Making Bill Paying Easier

One thing is for sure - monthly bills will always be part of life. That doesn’t mean your bills have to be a headache. There are ways to manage your bills so that your finances flow smoothly and your bills don’t give you nightmares. Check your bills regularly. Avoid letting your bills pile up because the higher the stack of bills gets, the more you’ll procrastinate on opening them. Even if you’re not planning to pay...
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You can also add automatic payments. Make sure you still look at your bills, but this way you will never miss a payment again.... Read More
Thursday, 19 July 2018 15:55
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