Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Are You Taking the 52-Week Money Challenge?

A 52-Week Money Challenge has been circulating on social media and personal finance blogs over the past few weeks. With the onset of the New Year, many people are feeling inspired by a new chance to meet their financial goals and a challenge is one way to get you motivated. If you haven’t seen the 52-Week Money Challenge, here’s how it works. Start week 1 by depositing $1 into your savings. Yes, just $1. Each week,...
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  3765 Hits
3765 Hits

CD Investing: Four Benefits to Consider

Are you looking for a safe investment? If so, there is no better time than now to consider a certificate of deposit (CD). With so many benefits, you owe it to yourself to decide if this is something that could work in your favor.Here are four of the most powerful benefits associated with CD investing:1. Safety. Let’s face it: in today’s day and age a growing number of people are shying away from investments that are...
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  2927 Hits
2927 Hits

Considering Self Employment? Answer these Financial Questions

As you sit in your office (or cube), you may begin to ponder what it would be like to work for yourself. The benefits of self employment run deep, however, working for yourself is not all fun and games. There are many details to consider, including those associated with your financial situation.As you consider self employment, here are five financial questions to address as soon as possible:1. Can you afford to leave your current job? Remember,...
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  3005 Hits
3005 Hits

Have you Ever Considered these Five Simple Ways to Save Money?

For some people, the thought of saving money is something that never crosses their mind. They don’t care to save, don’t know how to get started, and/or are afraid of what will happen if they fail.Are you aware of the relatively simple ways to save money on a monthly basis? Here are five ideas to consider:1. Skip your morning coffee run. Are you the type of person who has to stop at Starbucks everyday for a...
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3044 Hits

Is your Home too Small? Three Ideas to Consider

When you first purchased your home, you may have been comfortable with its size. However, things change over time and now you are beginning to think that you need more space.If you find yourself faced with this dilemma, there are a few ideas to consider. Each one has financial implications, so you need to be careful as to how you move forward.Here are three of the best ideas to take into consideration:1. Sell your home and...
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  2879 Hits
2879 Hits

Could it be Time to Leave your Car Insurance Company?

The decision to leave your car insurance company for a competitor is never an easy one to make. This is particularly true if you have been a customer for a long period of time.While this may not be a move you are looking forward to, when everything is said and done you will look back and realize that you did what was best for you, your car, and your financial situation. Here are five times when...
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3270 Hits

Three Tips for Aggressively Tackling Student Loan Debt

Of the 20 million Americans who attend college each year, approximately 12 million rely on student loans to cover costs. If you are part of this group, you know one thing to be true: this debt can begin to weigh on your mind from day one.While it may be a dream come true to earn your college degree without taking on debt, this not reality for the majority of students.Student loan debt may be a part...
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  3260 Hits
3260 Hits

Conduct a Financial Status Update to Start the New Year

Starting the New Year with full understanding of where you stand will put you on track to meeting your financial goals. So take pull out your financial documents, get out a pen and piece of paper, and jot down details of all your financial accounts. Having all the numbers in one place puts you in a much better decision making position than if they were all scattered. Here’s what to take account of: Monthly household budget....
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  2905 Hits
2905 Hits

Can College Students Really Save by Living Off Campus?

As a college freshman, it is safe to assume that you are living in one of your school’s dormitories. That being said, you are probably looking forward to the day when you can break free and live on your own in an off campus house or apartment.While the freedom of living off campus may be what you are truly looking forward to, here is something else to consider: you can save a lot of money by...
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  2985 Hits
2985 Hits

Tips for Making - And Not Breaking - Your New Year's Resolutions

Another New Year rolls around and once again, it’s time to come up with those resolutions – the things you hope to accomplish this year, but will probably forget about before Spring rolls around, if not by Valentine's Day. Maybe the real resolution this year should be to actually keep your resolutions. In an article for the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Pauline W. Wallin, Ph.D. suggests a few reasons that we don’t keep our resolutions. For starters,...
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  2934 Hits
2934 Hits

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