Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Benefits of Carrying a Small Business Credit Card

As a small business owner, you know how important it is to have a solid grasp on your company’s finances. There are many tools you can use to your advantage, including a credit card.If you have yet to take advantage of the benefits of a small business credit card, there is no better time than now to do so. Here are three reasons to apply today:1. A credit card can be used to make a variety...
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  4014 Hits
4014 Hits

5 Things you need to know about a Roth IRA

Are you interested in opening a Roth IRA? With this type of individual retirement account, you are making contributions with after-tax dollars. While this is not the right choice for everybody, with some opting for a traditional IRA instead, there are many benefits to consider.Here are five things you need to know about a Roth IRA:1. Contributions are not tax deductible. This is in contrast to a traditional IRA in which your contributions may be tax...
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  4249 Hits
4249 Hits

5 Tips for Saving on Office Supplies

In today’s economy, saving money at your place of business is more important than ever before. Regardless of company size or industry, there are many ways to save.Here are five tips to consider when purchasing office supplies:1. Buy in bulk. For many years, this has been one of the best ways to save. However, some companies continually overlook the benefits. You may spend more money upfront, but you will not find yourself at the store often...
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  3134 Hits
3134 Hits

Is your Local Bank the Right One for you?

Choosing a local bank is a big decision. While some people stick with the institution they have relied on for many years, others are open to making a change if it makes sense to do so.Do you have the feeling that your current bank could improve in some areas? If so, now may be the time to consider all your options. You don’t want to jump the gun just yet, but if you find another bank...
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  3632 Hits
3632 Hits

Answer these Financial Questions before Choosing a College

Are you in the process of comparing colleges? Are you hoping to make a decision on which one to attend in the near future? Despite the fact that this is one of the biggest decisions of your life, you only have so long to make up your mind.Like many, you may be holding yourself back because you don’t know which school will suit you best in terms of your finances. After all, college is more expensive...
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  3104 Hits
3104 Hits

Do these Three Things before Filing for Bankruptcy

Are you interested in filing for bankruptcy? If so, you should understand the seriousness of making this decision. It may be something that could benefit you now and over the long run, but at the same time there are potential pitfalls to be aware of.Before you make this decision, here are three important details to focus on:1. Other options. Think about it this way: bankruptcy should be your last resort. This is not something you do...
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  2746 Hits
2746 Hits

Hiring a Painter? Use these Tips to Save Money

When hiring a painter, either for an interior or exterior project, it is essential to find a high quality professional that can give you the results you are looking for. At the same time, you should do whatever it takes to save money along the way.The best way to save money on a painting project is to do it yourself. That being said, many people are opposed to this for one reason or the next.If you...
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  2743 Hits
2743 Hits

Quick Tips for Choosing the Right Financial Planner

If you are serious about your financial situation and hope to make all the best decisions for your future, it may be time to hire a professional. But not just any professional. You need to find a local financial planner who can provide you with targeted advice, regardless of your situation.Like many, you may be concerned about the process associated with choosing a financial planner. After all, this is a big decision that could impact your...
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  2873 Hits
2873 Hits

Today's the Deadline to File Your Tax Return

If you haven't already done so, today's the day to file your return and pay your 2013 taxes. If you need more time to complete your return, you can submit IRS Form 4868 to request a six-month extension. Taxpayers don’t need a special reason for an extension; they are granted to anyone who needs more time. The fastest and easiest way to get extra time is to head over to and submit your form electronically...
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  3669 Hits
3669 Hits

Methods for Dealing with a Home Insurance Increase

Even though you understand the importance of having a high quality home insurance policy in place, there may come a time when you feel that you are paying too much.What are you going to do next? If you are lost and looking for answers, here are three effective methods for dealing with a premium increase:1. Contact your agent to find out what happened. Did your premium increase because of a claim? Did it increase for no...
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  3115 Hits
3115 Hits

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