Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Three Simple Tips for Finding the Best Mortgage Lender

When buying a home, you have a lot on your mind. Which property is best for you? Is now the right time to make a purchase? How much can you afford to spend?While these types of questions are sure to be swirling around, there is another one you need to answer: how are you going to find the best mortgage lender?Although this may sound like a complicated process that is full of landmines, you can cut...
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  3108 Hits
3108 Hits

Three of the Best Ways to Stop Foreclosure

From the month of September 2013 to October 2013, foreclosure filings in the United States increased by two percent. This is more common in some states than others, with Florida holding steady at the top with a foreclosure rate of approximately 1 in every 332 housing units.If you are faced with foreclosure, you don’t have to give in just yet. You don’t have to back down from the bank, letting them take your home.Despite the fact...
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  3360 Hits
3360 Hits

Pew Study Shows "Rags-to-Riches" Is Unlikely

The idea that one born poor can work hard and improve their economic position is one that’s been around for decades and is still prevalent. In a Pew Charitable Trusts, poll 40% of Americans said they believe that it’s common for a poor person to work hard and become rich in the United States. However, research from Pew reveals that not it’s not so easy to move away from the lower income levels and to do...
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3206 Hits

What Happens to Student Loan Debt after Filing Bankruptcy?

Are you bogged down with student loan debt? Are your finances in disarray? If you answered yes to both these questions, you may have something on your mind: bankruptcy.While many people believe discharging student loan debt through bankruptcy is a simple task, nothing could be further from the truth. Most debtors are unable to discharge this debt through either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.There is on exception: if you can prove to the court that...
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  5786 Hits
5786 Hits

The Trouble With Sharing Accounts

Parents and children, siblings, and couples all may, at some point, choose to share a checking. Having an account with someone can be tricky and requires an extra amount of communication to be sure that you’re not overspending or creating problems that can affect your finances and your relationship. Once you open an account with someone, they learn a lot about your finances: how much you make, how much you spend, and what you spend it...
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  3683 Hits
3683 Hits

Tough Decisions: Which Bills to Pay

Some times are tougher than others. There may be times in your life that your finances are hard to manage. For example, if you’ve recently lost your job or suffered a pay cut, you may not have enough money to pay all the expenses you have. Ideally, you’ll get new employment soon enough that you don’t have to miss any payments, but it doesn’t always work out that way. You may face the tough decision of...
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  2763 Hits
2763 Hits

Four Reasons to Save Up a Down Payment

Mortgage and an auto loan are two of the biggest loans you’ll probably ever borrow. Some lenders require that you put forward a certain percentage of the home or auto cost because lending you 100 percent of the cost is risky for them. While you may find some lenders who don’t require a down payment and others who allow you to pay your own payment with another loan, there are several benefits to coming up with...
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  3265 Hits
3265 Hits

Another Year of Free Credit Monitoring for South Carolina Taxpayers

Last year, almost than 4 million South Carolina taxpayers had their social security numbers compromised when the state’s Department of Revenue suffered a data breach. In addition, close to 400,000 credit and debit card numbers were also stolen. Taxpayers who filed returns in the state as far back as 1998 were impacted. Since last year, the Department of Revenue has determined that only tax returns filed electronically were affected by the breach. Affected customers were given...
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  5597 Hits
5597 Hits

Should You Bail Out a Friend or Family Member?

If a friend or family members comes to you with a request for financial help, you may struggle with the decision. Depending on your personality and your beliefs about money, you may jump at the chance to help out someone. Or, you may turn them away, if you have a policy to never loan money. Whatever you decide, it could have a major impact on your relationship. Who is it? Suffice it to say, your relationship...
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  3627 Hits
3627 Hits

NDYL, Part 4: Don’t Let a Windfall Knock You off the Wagon

Windfalls can be both a blessing and curse. When a sudden and unexpected chunk of cash blows our way most of us will squander it all in a New York minute. So say the statistics. We’ve all heard cautionary tales of lottery winners who, ironically, end up destitute within a year and a half of becoming millionaires. Hang on a moment. I need to clarify something here. Before you start getting all excited for me (or...
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  1039 Hits
1039 Hits

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