Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Spending Limits Are Important, Even When You're Charging

Before going on a shopping trip, one of the first things you do (or should do) is figure out how much money you’re able to spend. You check your current account balance, consider what bills and income you have coming in the next few weeks, then decide what you can safely spend. If you haven’t been following that (or a similar) plan when you shopped in the past, keep those steps in mind for your future...
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  3656 Hits
3656 Hits

Three Tips for any College Student Searching for a Job

Are you a college student? Have you come to the realization that you need a job? If you answered yes to both these questions, you are in the same position as many others at your school (as well as other institutions throughout the country).On one side of things, you understand the importance of finding a job as soon as possible. On the other side of the equation, you are likely concerned about the search process and...
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2938 Hits

Is it Time for a Small Business Credit Card? Answer these Questions

With the new year around the bend, there is no better time than now to take a strong look at what 2014 will bring to your business. For many, this means a focus on finances.Has your business gone without the use of a credit card in the past? If so, you may want to change your approach in the new year.Applying for a small business credit card may be one of the best moves you ever...
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3438 Hits

Defining Your Long-Term Financial Goals

We can get so bogged down by the demands of our daily lives that we forget about the future, about planning for it and taking steps to make sure we’re securing the future we desire. Sometimes daily life can be so demanding that we forget to even think about the future, much less plan and actively work for it. It can be hard to focus on what we want for our lives decades from now, especially...
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3055 Hits

NDYL, Part 5A: Relapse Recovery

I’m on stage, speaking to a huge crowd of people I’ve never met before about a subject far outside my comfort zone, and I’m naked. I cannot see my audience members’ faces or hear their voices, so I can’t read their reactions. I can’t tell if they’ve even heard a single word I’ve said . . .I’ve just described a dream most of us have had (or some variation of it) at some time in our...
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3275 Hits

Evaluate Credit Card Offers Before Applying

Credit card companies want your business. You can tell by the number of credit card offers you receive in the mail – that is, if you haven’t opted out. It can feel like an honor, having credit card issuers chase you for your business, but before you get too puffed up, consider who's doing the chasing and why they're chasing you. The credit card offers you receive are based on the credit cards each issuer thinks...
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4312 Hits

Choosing a Rewards Credit Card – Three Points to Consider

Has the time come for you to apply for a rewards credit card? With each passing year, more and more offers are made available from the major credit card companies. Subsequently, you have to compare your many options before making a final decision.Here are three points to consider when comparing rewards credit cards with hopes of making a choice in the near future.1. What are the finer details of the rewards program? It is easy to...
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1129 Hits

Five Tips for Choosing a Realtor to Sell your Home

Are you interested in selling your home? This is a big decision that should never be rushed. To ensure that you are on the right path from beginning to end, hiring a realtor would be in your best interest.Regardless of where you live, you are likely to come across many realtors in your area. In big cities, hundreds upon hundreds of agents are vying for your business.How are you going to choose the right realtor to...
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  2747 Hits
2747 Hits

Three Things to Look for in a Business Credit Card

There may come a time when you need to apply for a business credit card. This holds true no matter if you are a “one man show” or in charge of an organization that is growing at a rapid pace.With hundreds of business credit card offers to compare, there are multiple questions to answer before making a final decision. While it is important to focus on key details, such as the interest rate and credit limit,...
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  3131 Hits
3131 Hits

CFPB Begins Taking Payday Loan Complaints and Makes First Action

Consumers who feel taken advantage of by one of the most infamously predatory businesses – payday lenders – now have a place to send their complaints. In early November, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced it would begin taking complaints on payday loan businesses via its complaint form found at or by phone to 1-855-411-2372. Some of the potentially illegal practices you can complain about include: unexpected fees or interest, unauthorized charges to you bank...
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  4066 Hits
4066 Hits

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