Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How to Improve the Chance of Quickly Selling your Home

Are you putting your home up for sale in the near future? Are you hoping to make a quick sale? If you answered yes to both these questions, there are steps you can take to improve the chance of a fast and efficient transaction.Every home and every market is unique. For this reason, what works for one person may not work for the next. That being said, here are three things to consider as you look...
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  2761 Hits
2761 Hits

3 Questions to Ask your Car Insurance Agent Today

There is no better feeling than having a good relationship with your car insurance agent. You know you can ask this person whatever is on your mind, and that you will get an accurate answer without delay.Regardless of what type of relationship you have with your agent, you deserve to receive high quality coverage at an affordable price. Even if you feel comfortable with your current policy, there may be room to do better.Here are three...
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  2958 Hits
2958 Hits

3 Tips for Comparing Car Dealers

3 Tips for Comparing Car Dealers
If the time has come to purchase a new car, one of the first decisions you have to make pertains to the dealer you decide to do business with. No matter where you live, there is a good chance that there are several dealers in your area who claim to offer the best price, selection, and service. How are you going to decide where to start? When it comes to comparing dealers that sell the same...
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  3139 Hits
3139 Hits

Overpaying for Utilities? These Tips can Help

It does not matter if you own a home or are renting, there is a good chance you are responsible for paying monthly utility bills. These include but are not necessarily limited to: electric, gas, water, cable, and internet.Most people realize the importance of having these utilities at their disposal. That being said, many of these same people get the feeling that they are overpaying. Does this sound familiar?If you are looking to save money on...
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  3154 Hits
3154 Hits

3 People to Turn to when Selecting a College

As a high school student, there may come a day when you must decide which college to attend. While this is an exciting decision, you may also be worried that you are making the wrong choice.To ensure that you are on the right path, it is important to receive as much outside advice as possible. The final decision rests in your arms, but there is nothing wrong with getting the assistance of others you can trust.Here...
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  2961 Hits
2961 Hits

3 Cheap Interior Updates to Increase the Value of your Home

Are you interested in increasing the value of your home? If so, there is a good chance you will be putting the property on the market in the near future. Even if this is not the case, most people realize that making changes on the cheap would be in their best interest.Of course, there is one burning question on your mind: where do I start? While there are many projects you can tackle, here are three...
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  2952 Hits
2952 Hits

Speak with a Self Employed Professional before Taking this Track

Before taking the track of self employment, there are many details to review and questions to answer. While you may believe this is the best choice for you, until you take a deeper look at your entire situation you will never know for sure if this is what you should be doing.How will you make an informed and confident decision? If you want to cut out a lot of the guess work, one of the best...
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  3167 Hits
3167 Hits

Using Your Credit Cards Wisely

A credit card is a wonderfully convenient way to pay for nearly anything. It can be a handy tool to help you track your spending and manage your budget, and offers more protection than if you paid in cash. A credit card is also the downfall for many consumers who don’t grasp the consequences of their unwise credit habits until it’s too late. To get the most from your credit cards, be sure to use that...
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  3817 Hits
3817 Hits

5 Things you should always Buy with your Credit Card

As a credit card holder, you are faced with a variety of decisions on a daily basis. Most importantly, you will be asking yourself this question often: should I use my credit card or pay in cash?While some people use their plastic for everything, others are much more selective. It would be in your best interest to know when you should and should not be using your credit card, ensuring that you don’t make any mistakes...
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  3328 Hits
3328 Hits

Three Simple Tips for Comparing Mortgage Loans

Has the time come for you to buy a home? Congratulations. This is a fun and exciting process, not to mention the fact that it starts a new chapter in your life.Before you can move forward, however, you need to settle on a bank that can provide you with a mortgage. While some people are able to pay for their home in cash, most rely on a home loan.With so many available lenders, both local and...
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  3015 Hits
3015 Hits

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