Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Benefits of Renting out of College

As a new college graduate, the world is at your fingertips. It will not be long before you are taking your first step into the working world, realizing that your future is bright.One of the biggest questions you have to answer is where you are going to live. While some college graduates stay at home for a few years, saving money and searching for the perfect job, others are ready to get a place of their...
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  3511 Hits
3511 Hits

Estate Sale Shopping Tips for Success

Are you the type of person who enjoys jumping from one estate sale to another? No matter if you have been going to these sales for many years or are just now getting started, you know you are in for a good time. You also know that there are many things you can buy, from furniture to clothes to electronics and much more. The three tips below will put you on the right path to success:...
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  3053 Hits
3053 Hits

Saving Money on College Textbooks can be Simple

As a college student, you are well aware that you will use textbooks day in and day out. Without these, it would be a challenge to learn. While some shy away from buying textbooks, hoping they can pass their courses anyway, others realize that this should not even be a consideration. The primary reason students avoid buying textbooks is simple: they don’t want to spend the money. Although the high cost is enough to scare anybody...
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  3595 Hits
3595 Hits

Technology and Banking: Your Strategy is Changing

The way you bank today may not be the same way you did so five years ago. This is definitely the case when you take into consideration the strategy you employed a decade or so ago. Technology is changing the way people bank for the better. Although you may have to alter your approach to take full advantage, once you are onboard with the “latest and greatest” it will not be long before you realize that...
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  4071 Hits
4071 Hits

Simple Tips to Save on the Cost of Groceries

Many people overcomplicate the process of saving on the cost of groceries. They continue to overpay, despite the fact that a few basic changes to their approach could help them keep more money in their pocket.Here are three simple tips you can implement on your next trip to the grocery store:1. Get extreme with your couponing. It does not matter if you search your local paper or the internet, the more coupons you get your hands...
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  3077 Hits
3077 Hits

Budget-Friendly Landscaping Tips

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to your home. Curb appeal--or lack thereof--significantly impacts property value. Investing in a nicely designed landscape can increase your home’s overall value by up to 20 percent. But, like many home improvement projects, landscaping expenses can easily get out of control. Below are a handful of tips that can help you stay within your budget and get the best return on your landscape investment.Plan your work and work your...
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  3153 Hits
3153 Hits

Self Employment Success: More than Money

You have had enough of the rat race. You are tired of driving through traffic, just to take orders all day long. It is time for you to consider self employment.While this is a big step as far as your career is concerned, it will also impact your finances and personal life in a variety of ways.When it comes to self employment success, there is more to feeling good about yourself than earning a lot of...
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  2999 Hits
2999 Hits

The Benefits of Hiring a Contractor, Despite the Cost

Do you have a project around your home that requires professional assistance? Before you contact a contractor and pull out your checkbook, the thought of doing it yourself may cross your mind.While some projects are perfect for you, the homeowner, others will require the attention of a professional contractor. Despite the fact that this will cost you more money, you are getting a lot of bang for your buck.Here are three benefits of hiring a contractor,...
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  3106 Hits
3106 Hits

The Financial Side of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

If you are faced with the task of hiring a personal injury attorney, it means that you or a loved one has been involved in some type of accident. While this may not be something you want to do, when you get professional help on your side you will feel better about the future.Are you familiar with the financial side of hiring a personal injury attorney? On the surface, you may see nothing more than a...
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  2905 Hits
2905 Hits

3 Ways to Get the Most for your Vehicle Trade

Has the time come to purchase a new car? If so, the time may also be here to get rid of your old vehicle. While some people opt to sell their car by owner before heading to the dealer, others realize that trading it in would be in their best interest.The more you receive for your trade the less you will pay for your new vehicle. For this reason, you should do whatever it takes to...
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  3430 Hits
3430 Hits

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