Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Save on Furniture by Purchasing Online

Are you interested in buying new furniture for your home? Have you come up short when shopping locally?While there is nothing wrong with shopping for furniture at local stores, there may come a time when you realize that you are unable to locate the right piece at the right price.In the past, buying furniture online was scary. You never knew what you were getting, how it would arrive, and whether it would look right in your...
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  3002 Hits
3002 Hits

Use an Enterprise Instant Messenger to Save Money at Work

As a business owner, you have many goals. Like most, you probably keep a watchful eye on your company’s bottom line. This means looking for new ways to save money, even when you think you have exhausted all options.Technology allows many companies to save thousands upon thousands of dollars every year. Are you taking advantage of all the tools that are available to you?With an enterprise instant messenger, you will find your company in position to...
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  3340 Hits
3340 Hits

Does it make Sense to Change Credit Cards?

No matter how long you have had your credit card, there could come a day when you feel that making a change would be in your best interest. Before doing so, however, you want to make sure that this change is for the better. The last thing you want to do is cancel your current card, just to find that your new one does not offer you as many benefits.Everybody has their own reason for considering...
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  3591 Hits
3591 Hits

Home Location: Pay Now, Benefit Later

Location, location, location. When buying a home, there is nothing more important than the area in which it is located. Some people make a purchase based on the school district. Others do so after reviewing crime statistics. And then there are groups that choose a home based on its walking distance to destinations such as restaurants.No matter who you are, when buying a home you need to consider the location. Not only will this benefit you...
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  3177 Hits
3177 Hits

IRS Announces Taxpayer Bill of Rights

IRS Announces Taxpayer Bill of Rights
Your rights as taxpayer may not always be clear or easy to find answers to, but that should change with the newly released Taxpayer Bill of Rights that was announced on Tuesday by the IRS. Publication 1, “Your Rights as a Taxpayer” has been redesigned with the 10 rights and will be sent to millions of taxpayers this year when they receive IRS notifications on tax issues ranging from audits to collection. The information will also...
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  3735 Hits
3735 Hits

Money Matters when Choosing a College

As a high school student, there will come a time when you need to choose a college. Your decision will be based on many factors, including the education and degree programs offered, location, and of course, how much it costs.While nobody wants to choose a college based on money alone, this is a factor you cannot afford to overlook. If you do, you may look back after graduation and wonder if you made the right decision.Here...
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  3232 Hits
3232 Hits

New Car Negotiation Tips: Don’t get Scared

When buying a new car, there is no doubt you will spend a lot of time pondering the price. Are you spending too much? Should you opt for another vehicle? Is there anything you can do to save money? These are the types of questions that are sure to be circulating your mind. As confusing as it sounds, negotiating a great deal on a new car does not have to be a challenge. Here are three...
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  3042 Hits
3042 Hits

Ask your Realtor about these Effective Marketing Strategies

If you decide to sell your home, one of the first steps you will take is hiring a qualified realtor. With so many real estate professionals to choose from, you should keep your options open until you are 100 percent sure of which person is right for you and your property.While there are several important details to consider when hiring a realtor, here is one that you cannot afford to overlook: your realtor’s marketing strategy.The strategy...
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  3397 Hits
3397 Hits

DIY Home Upgrades that can Save you Money

While many have the desire to upgrade their home, some fall short of reaching their goals due to a lack of financial resources.If hiring professional help is not in the cards, you have two options:Put the project off for the time beingDo it yourselfEven though you may not have much DIY experience, there are several projects you can take on without the assistance of a professional. Here are three of the best to consider:1. Painting. This...
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  2982 Hits
2982 Hits

Before making a Career Change Consider the Financial Impact

Are you considering a career change? If you are ready for something new, you probably have many reasons for feeling this way. While you may be tempted to make an immediate change, it is important to take a step back and assess your financial situation before doing so.It may not be true for everybody who makes a career change, but most find that this impacts their finances in some way, shape, or form.Before making this change,...
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  2851 Hits
2851 Hits

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