Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

What to Know Before Applying for a Joint Loan

Spouses, partners, or even relatives may, at some point, consider applying for a loan together. As with anything, there are pros and cons to applying for a loan with someone. It's important to think about the advantages and the disadvantages before you make a final decision. Applying together could help you qualify for a larger loan. Because you're applying jointly, the lender will consider both your incomes as means for repaying the loan. Two incomes means you're able...
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My wife and I have a joint loan, but she is the only person I would ever do this with. You have to 100% trust that other person be... Read More
Friday, 23 February 2018 14:21
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How to Save Money on the Cost of Prescription Medication

The rising cost of prescription drugs is something that many people worry about. This is particularly true among those who are currently taking one or more medication as a means of improving their health. While you may have no choice but to purchase prescription medication on a regular basis, there are some basic steps you can take to save money. Here are some ideas to consider: 1. Search for a Generic Brand name pharmaceuticals are not...
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I think its very important to have this conversation with your doctor. They should be involved in the cost and if its too high, th... Read More
Friday, 23 February 2018 14:19
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The Best Personal Loans For Bad Credit

​It usually isn't the greatest idea to take out loans when you have bad credit. The fees are insanely high and the interest rates are ridiculous. That said, I understand that sometimes people find themselves in a pinch and don't have many options. If you absolutely have to take out a loan when you have bad credit, this article might help you. The best personal loans for bad credit are the ones that are secured by...
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2424 Hits

Student Loans – What To Do When They Don't Cover Full Tuition

It can be really difficult to know what to do when student loans don’t cover your full tuition. This can leave you in a very difficult position, especially if you don’t have parents that can help you out. You have a few different options if you find yourself in this situation. You should initially try to find out if you can get grants or further student loans. For example, if in the past you have only...
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2280 Hits

Three Benefits of Refinancing Your Mortgage

​If you are still paying off a fixed mortgage and haven't considered refinancing then you are losing out. Lenders have been offering new and greatly decreased rates for refinanced mortgages at any term. If you are only a couple years into your mortgage you may not believe that you can benefit as well, but the truth is that almost anybody can benefit from refinancing a mortgage in today's market. There is a reason that people have been doing...
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2057 Hits

How to Avoid Resetting Old Debts

As debts get older, they start to affect you less and less. The impact to your credit score isn’t as heavy and the likelihood of a lawsuit decreases, too. Eventually, old debts will drop off your credit report completely and they will no longer be legally enforceable. But, there are certain things you could do to reset the clock on a debt and give it more life. Unless you’re prepared to pay off an old debt,...
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2170 Hits

How to Start Investing on a Small Budget

More than a few of the world’s richest people earned their fortunes by investing in the stock market. Many people never dip their toes into the stock market because they think they need a lot of money to get started. Not true. You can start investing with just a small amount of money. Even a hundred bucks can get you in the door and potentially get you some nice returns. Check your budget to determine how much...
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Finance Globe
Hindsight says that investing in stocks would have paid off very well, especially over that last 9 years as well as other booms in... Read More
Friday, 24 November 2017 13:27
There are also Apps out there now that lets you invest in % of stocks so if you have a low $ amount, this will help you begin inve... Read More
Friday, 23 February 2018 14:16
3263 Hits

Do You Know How to Negotiate a Bank Fee?

Negotiating a bank fee is not nearly as difficult as it sounds. While there is no way to guarantee success, there are a few tips you can follow to put yourself in better position. The first thing you need to do is understand the fee and why it came into play in the first place. For example, overdraft fees are extremely common. As the name suggests, this fee is charged when you overdraw your account. With...
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I would also call multiple times if you get shut down the first time as well.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 09:01
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Winter Home Improvement Projects to Increase the Value of Your Home

When the winter months roll around, you may be tempted to hibernate indoors until the spring weather arrives. This is particularly true if you live in a state where the winter months mean cold temperatures and snow. While there’s nothing wrong with staying indoors, it doesn’t mean you should spend every day lounging on the couch. When you get the urge to tackle a home improvement project, these three are perfect for the winter months: 1....
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I would add: (1) replacing windows (2) making sure your doors are sealed shut around the edges (3) fixing / updating the fire pla... Read More
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 09:01
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What are the Top Benefits of Planning an Estate Sale?

There may come a point when you realize that having an estate sale is one of the best things you can do from both a financial and personal perspective. While there are many benefits of planning an estate sale, three stand out from the crowd: •    Opportunity to make money. Just because you want to get rid of an item doesn’t mean that the next person will feel the same way. Here’s something to keep in...
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I have done an "estate" sale once. I would really just call it a garage sale. While I did not make a lot of money, it really helpe... Read More
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 09:00
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