Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

3 Ways to Incur Less Debt in 2018

Has 2017 been a bad year for you in regards to debt? Do you continue to rack up one bill after the next? Are you hoping to change this in the year to come? Although you may have made some poor financial decisions over the past few months, it doesn’t mean you have to continue this trend in the future. By making a few basic changes to your approach, you’ll find it much easier to prevent...
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I would also say paying off existing debt will help you keep or lower your total debt plan. I continue to set aside 10% of my inco... Read More
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 09:00
2248 Hits
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Four Tips for Handling Debt Collection Accounts

Dealing with debt collectors can be a nuisance, but if a collection really belongs to you, dealing with it is better in the long run. Here are some tips for handling debt collection accounts and dealing with debt collectors. Know when to communicate in writing. Phone conversations may be faster and more convenient, but there are a few times you should send a letter instead. If you need to dispute the debt, request proof, or ask...
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Be very careful of scammers, there are a ton in the industry.
Tuesday, 28 November 2017 08:59
2287 Hits
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Is a Smartphone Upgrade a Wise Choice?

The days of getting a new cell phone just for signing a two-year service agreement are long gone. Unless you can take advantage of a carrier promotion, you’ll likely pay full price for a new smartphone. With phone prices creeping higher and higher each year, owning a smartphone is pretty expensive, sometimes even more so than owning a laptop computer. Carriers make it fairly easy to upgrade to a new phone, allowing you to pay in...
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  2067 Hits
2067 Hits

Four Perks That Make a Credit Card Well Worth It

There are dozens and dozens of credit cards on the market. Some aren’t worth a second look, but there are a handful with perks that are so great, you’d be crazy not to get at least one for your wallet. When you’re looking at credit cards or evaluating a credit card offer, here are a few perks that make the credit card well worth it. Rewards Of all the types of credit cards available, rewards are...
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  2297 Hits
2297 Hits

How to Avoid Falling for a Pyramid Scheme

Everyone who’s looking for an opportunity to make money outside of their regular paycheck should be aware of pyramid schemes. These scams are typically disguised as legitimate opportunities to work from home and lure in people with the promise of big money. Pyramid schemes, which are illegal, are different from multilevel marketing programs, which are legal and can actually allow you to generate income. Pyramid schemes convince those interested to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars...
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  2665 Hits
2665 Hits

5 Ways to Make Better Financial Decisions

We’ll spend our entire lives making financial decisions. The wrong decisions can be difficult to undo and can cause major financial troubles. Good decision making takes some practice, but here are some guidelines to help you make better financial decisions. Think through your decisions. Avoid making major decisions on impulse. Otherwise, you’re more likely to make a mistake. When you’re faced with a financial decision, take time to think through the choice. Consider all the factors...
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  2415 Hits
2415 Hits

Yes, there are Benefits of Using a Credit Card

It’s easy to talk about the many potential pitfalls of using a credit card, such as the ability to quickly rack up a large amount of debt. While you need to be careful with your spending, here’s something to remember: with the right approach, you can take advantage of a variety of benefits. Here are three benefits of using a credit card, all of which could change your financial situation for the better: •    Convenience. Are...
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  2494 Hits
2494 Hits

How to Ask for a Raise at the End of 2017

With 2017 coming to an end, it won’t be long before you turn your attention to the new year. This can mean many things to you both on a personal and professional level. As an employee, you may have one thing on your mind at this time: earning more money in 2018. While there are many ways to reach this goal, one of the best is to simply ask for a raise. There is no guarantee...
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  2149 Hits
2149 Hits

Should You Buy Your First Home?

As you begin to ponder the idea of buying your first home, there will be many feelings running through your mind. You may be scared at the prospect of spending so much money at one time. You may also be excited about the positive impact this could have on your life. While it’s up to you to make the final decision, there are many questions you can answer to help you along the way. Here are...
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  1983 Hits
1983 Hits

3 Things to Look for in Your First Credit Card

Are you in the process of searching for your very first credit card? Are you excited about the prospects of finding an offer that will improve your financial situation? As you search for your first credit card, you’ll soon come to find that there are many offers to choose from. Some have more to provide than others, and in the end you will only want to select one. Although every consumer is different, there are three...
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2471 Hits

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