Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Forms of Funding for Your Self-Employed Venture

Are you ready to leave your corporate job behind and become a self-employed professional? Do you require some funding in order to make this move? If you don’t know how to fund your self-employed venture it doesn’t mean you are out of luck. It simply means that you need to become familiar with the many options that are available to you. Here are three forms of funding that you absolutely need to consider: •    Personal savings....
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Edward Myers
We had been self-employed. You have got to pay into unemployment cash to get unemployment. How much you get...More of the stock, y... Read More
Monday, 18 September 2017 02:31
I would add outside investors. In this day and age, there are lots of people get investments from 3rd parties looking to invest.... Read More
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:39
Guest — Alexferguson
A course that numerous individuals take, you may think that it is simpler to secure an advance from a companion or relative rather... Read More
Thursday, 22 February 2018 02:56
3109 Hits

Should You Start Holiday Shopping Today?

Even though we are several months away from the holiday season, it will be here before you know it. While some people enjoy waiting until the last minute to shop for gifts, others realize the benefits of getting an early start. Would it be crazy to start your holiday shopping today? Rather than shoot down this idea, here are a few reasons why it makes sense: Not buying everything at the same time. When you buy...
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I always buy my Xmas presents in the summer. Right now I can enjoy myself and not fight the crowds!
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:28
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What’s the Best Way to Pay for a Personal Emergency?

There is nothing more stressful than facing a personal emergency that has the potential to negatively impact your finances. From a serious illness to a major car repair, you never know what you will face in the future. This is why you need to be prepared for anything that could come your way. Although everyone is facing a different set of circumstances, here are some of the best ways to pay for a personal emergency: Emergency...
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These kind of situations are never good. These are some good ideas, and you can always try and negotiate with the person/company c... Read More
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:26
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5 Shopping Mistakes That Can Cost Big Time

Even though shopping is a necessary part of life, it’s still important to steer clear the mistakes that will hurt our wallets. Watch out especially for these five shopping mistakes  Not shopping around. Never take for granted that the price you see posted is the price you have to pay, especially for big ticket items. Never underestimate the value of checking around for different prices. Even if you don't spot a better deal at least you can...
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Always have a budget before you go out and shop
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:25
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3 Simple Daily Habits for Self-Employment Success

Self-employments has its rewards, but it also has some challenges. While you have a lot of freedom and flexibility in your schedule, you have to be disciplined to achieve results and ensure you can maintain that freedom. Building the right habits are key to long-term self-employment success. Do the most important things first. You might be tempted to log into your email or check your social media accounts at the start of your workday, but that may...
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Doing the most important things first is so key and huge! Thanks for the tips here!
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:24
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Shopping for a Credit Card When You Have Excellent Credit

When you have an excellent credit score, the credit card world is your proverbial oyster. Not only do you have more credit card options, the options available to you include top-tier rewards credit cards. Your payment habits and impeccable credit management have earned a great credit score, make sure you choose a credit card that will help you maintain it. You’ll receive more credit card offers. Because you’re a person who can be trusted to repay...
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The amount of junk mail for new credit cards is insane! as mentioned above, be careful in selecting your new credit card.
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:24
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3 Steps to Keeping Irregular Expenses From Wrecking Your Budget

Budgeting for expenses that come every month is tough enough. Working in those irregular expenses that come only a few times a year can be even tougher. Property taxes, car tag renewal fees, annual insurance premiums, and holiday spending are a few examples of expenses that don’t come around that often. But if you’re not prepared for them, these irregular expenses can wreck your budget. Here’s how you can keep that from happening.  Know your irregular expenses...
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Always have a safety net! I would advice anywhere from 100% to 300% of your monthly income saved for irregular expenses.
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:23
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5 Tips for Putting Your Vacation on Your Travel Credit Card

A travel credit card, with all its available credit, seems like a great way to fund your vacation. You get to have a great time in a new place and postpone the burden of paying for it. Using your credit card for your vacation can be beneficial, just make sure it doesn’t even up costing you more in the long run. Use a travel credit card that will earn rewards. Large-ticket items like vacations are a...
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Always Always pay off your credit card each month! If you can't afford the vacation, save up before you spend the money on your cr... Read More
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:23
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Don’t Bite Off More Mortgage Than You Can Chew

Have you ever heard the old saying “don’t bite off more than you can chew?” In short, this means don’t take on more than you can comfortably handle. Unfortunately, many people make this mistake when buying a home. While your intentions are good, it’s easy to become so overwhelmed with the process that you end up overspending. If you’re concerned about going down this path, here are three steps you can take: Know your absolute maximum...
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It's all about % of total income. General rule is no more than 30% of your income, but I would advise no more than 20%
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:20
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The Pitfalls of Borrowing From Family or Friends

Are you considering a loan from a family member or friend? Are you familiar with the many ways this could benefit your finances? The advantages of this type of loan are well documented. In addition to a lack of paperwork, you may find somebody who is willing to loan you the money interest free. Does it get any better than that? While you may be attracted by the many benefits of borrowing from family or friends,...
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I did it once, and I will never do it again. It's a long story, but the gist of it is I lost my money and lost my friend as well. ... Read More
Thursday, 26 October 2017 09:31
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