Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Buying a Home? Don’t Make these Financial Blunders

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you will ever make. Travel down the right path and you’ll be happy with where things end up. Travel down the wrong path and you may look back and wonder what you were thinking. For most people, buying a home comes down to one thing: finding the right property at a price they are willing to pay. While this sounds simple enough, especially if you keep...
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1st home purchase is always tough as you are entering into unknown territory. I would recommend to get as much advice as possible ... Read More
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:45
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Equifax Data Breach: What You Need to Know

Equifax, one of the world’s largest suppliers of credit information and related services, recently announced a data breach that may have affected as many as 143 million consumers in the United States. The company went on to explain that “criminals exploited a U.S. website application vulnerability to gain access to certain files.” At this point, Equifax believes that the access occurred from the middle of May 2017 through July 2017. The information accessed by the criminals...
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Guest — Dennis
Good, I'm glad Equifax is trying to fix its mistakes and up its security. A good, reliable invoice system should be secure, especi... Read More
Monday, 18 September 2017 10:56
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What You can do About a High Car Payment

Have you come to find that your car payment is entirely too high? Is this having a negative impact on your budget and finances as a whole? Are you hoping to make a change? It’s extremely common to bite off more than you can chew when purchasing a vehicle. You get so excited about pulling the trigger that you overlook the impact your new payment will have on your financial situation. If you find yourself in...
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Cars never hold their value. I usually recommend to try and ride it out, but refinancing is sometimes an option for certain situat... Read More
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:45
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What to Do If Your Credit Card Issuer Cancels Your Credit Card

Your credit card issuer has just as much right to close your credit card as you do. If you find out your credit card issuer has cancelled your credit card, here's what you should do next. Call to find out why. Your credit card issuer won’t always warn you before cancelling your credit card. So, if you’re curious to find out the reason your credit card has been cancelled, call your credit card issuer to find out why....
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I have never had this happen myself? How about anyone else?
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:44
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7 Financial Moves You Can't Miss

Throughout our lives, we have to make certain financial decisions to ensure our current and future stability. It’s hard to plan for every single thing that happens in life, but you can make a few great decisions that cover the major bases. Here are seven financial moves you can’t afford to miss. Having a steady source of income. Having a job or some other source of income is a basic requirement of being an adult. Of...
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If everyone followed these 7 rules, we would all be better off!
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:43
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Why You Should Never Use In-Store Financing for Furniture

Ever noticed how your local furniture store always seems to have some kind of zero down, zero percent interest financing deal going on? When you're on the market for a new set of furniture, you might recall the most recent deal as you consider how you're going to pay for the furniture. Here's why you should always skip in-store financing, no matter how great the promotional offer seems. They're only deferring interest. The zero interest offer...
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I would generally advice to never use financing at all when making furniture purchases. Instead, wait and save up until you make t... Read More
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:43
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Can You Answer These Questions About Your Credit Card?

It’s imperative that you fully understand the many details associated with your credit card. If there’s anything you don’t understand, you should take the time to clear the air in the near future. When you first applied for your credit card, there’s a good chance you put a lot of time and energy into learning more about everything it had to offer. However, as time went by, you forgot about the most important details. With this...
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fees/interest rate and contact information are the most important in my opinion. Also when the credit card bill is due.
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:42
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What to Do After You Pay Your Car Loan

After what seems like an eternity of car loan payments, you’ve finally mailed off the last payment on your loan. Now you fully own your car and you’re free of payments, what should you do next? Store your title away safely. In some states, the motor vehicle department will automatically mail a title to you once the lender has notified them of the lien release. In other states, you may have to actually go to the...
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I always call the bank to confirm there is no more outstanding balance. I have had an issue before where I had a small balance and... Read More
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:42
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5 Reasons to Buy Less House Than You Can Afford

Many people max out their housing budget, purchasing as much house as the bank will allow. There may be a benefit to buying a home that’s priced under what you can actually afford, even if it means buying a slightly smaller house than you initially intended. You’ll have a lower down payment. Mortgage down payments can be up to 20% of the home purchase price. Buying less house than you can afford means you don’t have...
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You should never buy a home for investment purposes. You may end up making money, but most people just break even.
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:41
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Are You Overspending on These Office Supplies?

As a small business owner or office manager, there may come a time when you need to take a hard look at your spending. Did you know that approximately two-thirds of Americans don’t budget? While this number may or may not be as high in regards to small business, nothing changes the fact that you need to pay close attention to every last dollar you spend. This leads us to an important question: are you overspending...
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Luckily the company I work for purchases these items, but I agree they can quickly add up!
Wednesday, 20 December 2017 17:40
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