Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Financial Tips for First Year College Students

Financial Tips for First Year College Students
With back to school season right around the bend, students all over the country are beginning to think about what the next few months will bring. As a first year college student, you are in an exciting position. You are making the big leap from high school to college, which is sure to change your life in many ways. It is common to face financial challenges along the way. After all, you are inching closer and...
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This is great information Chris, and very very important for first year college students. This is one of the most important times ... Read More
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 17:05
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Four Tips for Earning Your Credit Card Signup Bonus

Four Tips for Earning Your Credit Card Signup Bonus
Nearly every credit card issuer has at least one credit card with a signup bonus. Spend a certain amount of money in the first few months of your account opening and you can earn points, miles, or even cash. To be sure you earn your points, be a little more meticulous about your spending and payments in those first few months. The last thing you want to do is sign up for a credit card hoping...
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I would also like to add 3 ways to spend to get your credit card bonus that you may not think of: (1) Rent: Always ask if you can ... Read More
Tuesday, 11 August 2015 10:36
3971 Hits
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How to Deal with an Overbearing Car Salesperson

How to Deal with an Overbearing Car Salesperson
The experience of buying a car should be enjoyable. Unfortunately, this process is anything but fun for most consumers. Instead, they dread the thought of negotiating with a salesperson, hashing out details with the business department, and hoping they don’t spend their entire day at the dealership. It is not uncommon to come across an overbearing car salesperson. He or she will do whatever it takes to make a sale, even if it means putting you...
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  3333 Hits
3333 Hits

Don’t Choose Just Any Bank, Find the Best One for Your Money

Don’t Choose Just Any Bank, Find the Best One for Your Money
It doesn’t matter why you are seeking a new bank. The only thing that matters is that you make the right decision at the right time. It is easy to believe that all banks are the same, but nothing could be further from the truth. You have to find the best one for your money, and doing so means answering the following questions: •    What is unique about each bank?•    What does the bank offer from...
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  3368 Hits
3368 Hits

Answer these Questions before Borrowing from your 401(k)

Answer these Questions before Borrowing from your 401(k)
Are you in need of a loan? If so, you can go the conventional route and contact a local bank. Just the same, you could turn to your credit card or ask a family member if they are willing to lend you the money. Even with these choices, you may want to consider another: a 401(k) loan. This may not be your preferred method of borrowing, but it is something to consider for many reasons: ·     ...
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  3386 Hits
3386 Hits

Citibank Ordered to Reimburse $700 Million to Cardholders

Citibank Ordered to Reimburse $700 Million to Cardholders
The federal government on Tuesday ordered Citibank and its subsidiaries to pay back consumers approximately $700 million harmed by the bank's illegal practices conducted from 2003 through 2012. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said that roughly 7 million of the bank's customers were affected by Citibank and its vendor's deceptive marketing, unfair billing practices, and administration of debt protection and credit monitoring services. Citibank's debt protection services "AccountCare," "Balance Protector," "Credit Protection," "Credit Protector," and "Payment...
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  6157 Hits
6157 Hits

Save $100 a Month

Save $100 a Month
It's not hard to find ways to save a few dollars here and there, and those few dollars can easily add up to $100 or more per month. Consider making changes to your routine to find the cash to put into your emergency fund, savings for a down payment on a home, your retirement account, a long overdue vacation, or your children's future education. Look at your daily habits.  Cutting out relatively small expenditures like a daily...
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  5047 Hits
5047 Hits

Don't Be Afraid to Speak to Your Credit Card Issuers

Don't Be Afraid to Speak to Your Credit Card Issuers
Your credit card issuers gave you a Cardholder Agreement with their terms and conditions when you opened a new account, and it's your responsibility as the card holder to abide by them, or be hit with fees and interest charges. But we're all human and make the occasional mistake, or life happens beyond our control. While a creditor may seem like the last one to be understanding of personal excuses, it never hurts to speak to a customer...
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  5067 Hits
5067 Hits

Track your Report and Score to Ensure Success

Track your Report and Score to Ensure Success
This is the sixth post in our series about building a bad credit score into an excellent score. If you are dedicated to improving your credit score, if you are sure that this is a goal you can reach, you won’t let anything get in your way. To ensure that you are on the right track, it is essential to review your credit report and score on a regular basis. With an annual review, for example,...
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  5802 Hits
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Great series! Down to earth practical information ... thanks!
Friday, 17 July 2015 20:51
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Be Patient, Building your Credit Score Takes Time

Be Patient, Building your Credit Score Takes Time
This is the fifth post in our series about building a bad credit score into an excellent score. Once you understand which items have the biggest impact on your credit score, it is time to take action. Are you going to pay down debt in a hurry? Will you alter your budget to ensure on-time payments in the future? Regardless of the strategy you implement, you hope your credit score begins to increase soon enough. Time...
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  3038 Hits
3038 Hits

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