Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Which Items have the Biggest Impact on your Credit Score?

Which Items have the Biggest Impact on your Credit Score?
This is the fourth post in our series about building a bad credit score into an excellent score. If you are seeking ways to improve your credit score, it is important to understand the items that have the biggest impact. This will ensure that you spend your time and energy in the appropriate manner. Your FICO score takes into consideration both negative and positive information. For example, a late payment will lower your score while establishing...
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  4286 Hits
4286 Hits

Best Ways to Improve your Credit Score

Best Ways to Improve your Credit Score
This is the third post in our series about building a bad credit score into an excellent score. As you continue your quest toward an excellent credit score, you will find yourself faced with a very important question: which steps can you take to improve your score within a reasonable period of time? While nothing happens overnight, there are some key steps you can take to put yourself on the right path: 1. Pay your bills...
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  3189 Hits
3189 Hits

Why is an Excellent Credit Score Important?

Why is an Excellent Credit Score Important?
This is the second post in our series about building a bad credit score into an excellent score. It goes without saying that a high FICO credit score is better than a low score. Your score is used when making a variety of lending decisions, so you don’t want to do anything to risk your good standing. Generally speaking, an excellent FICO score falls in the 750 to 850 (perfect) range. It may not be easy...
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  3431 Hits
3431 Hits

Order Your Credit Report to Check for Errors

Order Your Credit Report to Check for Errors
This is the first post in our series about building a bad credit score into an excellent score. When was the last time you reviewed your credit report? If you can’t remember, if you know you have neglected to do so in the past, it is time to make a change. Contrary to popular belief, credit bureaus are not perfect. There is a chance your credit report could have at least one mistake. Subsequently, your score...
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  3458 Hits
3458 Hits

What are the Biggest Benefits of Paying with Cash?

What are the Biggest Benefits of Paying with Cash?
Credit cards remain popular among many people for a variety of reasons. From the reward points to the convenience, there will always be people who would rather swipe their plastic than pay with cash. Conversely, there are several high level benefits of paying with cash. Once you become familiar with these, you may find yourself more interested in using cash and less interested in credit cards. Here are three benefits: 1. No chance of running up...
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  3137 Hits
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Finance Globe
Nice perspective Chris, one most of us think about often. Just like anything, abuse and too much freedom can be destructive.... Read More
Wednesday, 08 July 2015 03:04
3137 Hits
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Is your Budget Failing for One of these Reasons?

Is your Budget Failing for One of these Reasons?
Just because you put a lot of time into creating a budget doesn’t mean it will help you achieve financial success. Here is why: You may have used inaccurate data.You have to stick with your budget (not just create one).You aren’t being realistic with your expectations. If your budget continues to fail you, month after month, it is time to adjust your approach and consider the changes you can make for the better. Here are three...
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  3111 Hits
3111 Hits

Answer these Questions Before Buying Long Term Care Insurance defines long term care insurance as follows: “Unlike traditional health insurance, long-term care insurance is designed to cover long-term services and supports, including personal and custodial care in a variety of settings such as your home, a community organization, or other facility.” At some point, particularly as you age, you may consider purchasing this type of policy. It is not a decision everybody makes, but it is one that deserves your attention at some point. With...
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  2816 Hits
2816 Hits

3 Ways to Secure a New Car Loan with Bad Credit

3 Ways to Secure a New Car Loan with Bad Credit
Just because you have less than ideal credit doesn’t mean you will never be able to purchase a new car. This may bring additional challenges to the process, but there are steps you can take to improve your situation and increase your chance of driving off the lot in a shiny new vehicle. Here are three ways to secure a new car loan with bad credit: 1. Start the preparation process as soon as possible. With...
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  3522 Hits
3522 Hits

College Students: How are you Preparing Financially for the Fall Semester?

College Students: How are you Preparing Financially for the Fall Semester?
As a college student, there is nothing more exciting than the summer months. This is a time to unwind. This is a time to think about the year to come. Of course, it is also a time for you to realize that nothing lasts forever. Before you know it, the first day of the fall semester will be here. There is no better time than now to prepare financially for the fall semester. It may be...
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  3106 Hits
3106 Hits

Reasons to Put your Credit Card Away for Good

Reasons to Put your Credit Card Away for Good
There is no denying the many benefits associated with applying for and using a credit card. For example, you may earn reward points that can be used for everything from travel to gift cards (and much more). Along with this, a credit card affords you the opportunity to make big purchases, all without having to spend your cash. Conversely, there are some potential downfalls associated with credit card use. Most notably, you can find yourself in...
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  3725 Hits
3725 Hits

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