Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Don’t Hire a Lawn Care Company Until you Answer these Questions

Don’t Hire a Lawn Care Company Until you Answer these Questions
Many homeowners enjoy the sight of a lush, green lawn. While some are able to achieve this result on their own, others realize the need to hire a professional. There are many benefits of hiring a lawn care company, including the fact that they do all the work for you. You never again have to purchase fertilizer, apply it on your grass, and hope for the best. There is a professional who can do the job...
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These are very important questions to ask yourself. Lawn care is an expense a lot of people forget about. Some lawn care companies... Read More
Thursday, 20 August 2015 08:49
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Here is How you Prepare for a Video Interview

Here is How you Prepare for a Video Interview
A growing number of companies are relying on video interviewing technology, as this allows them to save time and money on their search for the best candidate. While this works in the favor of the hiring company, applicants often find themselves in a tricky position. They want to move forward with the process, but they don’t know what to expect along the way. After all, this form of interviewing is relatively new. If you have been...
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The best way I always prepared for a video interview was to practice with the webcam or video camera. I would record myself and wa... Read More
Wednesday, 19 August 2015 09:04
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3 Ways to Have Free Fun as the Summer Winds Down

3 Ways to Have Free Fun as the Summer Winds Down
With summer quickly winding down, you realize that back to school season is right around the corner. Furthermore, it won’t be long before the weather cools off and you begin to spend more time indoors. You may not be able to slow down time, but you can control the amount of fun you have during the last few weeks of summer. Here are three great ideas for free fun: 1. Visit a Park Do you live...
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Great tips Chris! I wish summer was not ending, but I would agree the above ways are a great way to enjoy some free fun. I would a... Read More
Wednesday, 19 August 2015 09:01
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Here is Why you Shouldn’t Keep Large Amounts of Cash at Home

Here is Why you Shouldn’t Keep Large Amounts of Cash at Home
Are you the type of person who keeps large amounts of cash at home? You may think you have a good reason for doing so, but consider this: it is a big risk. Here are several reasons why you may want to alter your approach in the future: 1. You are not earning interest on your money. Why keep cash under your mattress when you can put it in the back and earn interest? Sure, interest...
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In today's age, there really is no reason to keep a large amount of cash at home. Your debit and credit cards can be used almost a... Read More
Friday, 14 August 2015 10:43
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5 of the Best Ways to Save on your Water Bill

5 of the Best Ways to Save on your Water Bill
Do you cringe every time your water bill arrives in the mail? Are you scared to review your water consumption for the previous period? If this sounds familiar, it goes without saying that you have had a run-in with some high water bills in the past. Rather than continue down this path, here are five of the best ways to save in the future: 1. Check your faucets for leaks. That small drip may not seem...
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Great stuff Chris. Also how about 5 ways to save on your power bill. What I try to do is: (1) Use fans whenever possible (2) Turn ... Read More
Thursday, 13 August 2015 17:01
Finance Globe
Great post Chris! Nice thinking on the electric bill Frank. One thing I might add. If you're able to get a separate water meter fo... Read More
Thursday, 13 August 2015 18:21
Thanks for the additional tips, Frank. Always good to save on as many utility bills as possible!
Friday, 14 August 2015 08:33
2961 Hits

3 Items that are Worth the Extra Money

3 Items that are Worth the Extra Money
There are times when “buying cheap” is the best option. There are also times when you should splurge, realizing that a higher priced item will provide you with better quality. If you don’t know when to save and when to splurge, you aren’t alone. Until you figure things out, it is easy to cross the line from time to time. Here are three items that are worth the extra money: 1. Trash bags. Have you ever...
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Chris, I completely agree on the items above. I would also add these 3 items as well. 1. Toilet Paper: No one wants cheap toilet ... Read More
Monday, 10 August 2015 09:21
Finance Globe
This is a nice topic. In general, I practice spending less on the things I don't use often. I try not to cut the "healthier living... Read More
Monday, 10 August 2015 14:01
4294 Hits

Don’t Fall Prey to these Life Insurance Mistakes

Don’t Fall Prey to these Life Insurance Mistakes
Buying life insurance is not something you look forward to. Not only does this cost money, but you will have to face the idea that you won’t be around forever. Even though it may not be exciting to purchase a policy, it is often the responsible thing to do. If you must go through this process, you might as well get what you want in the end. To ensure that this happens, you need to avoid...
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Great blog and it reminds us we are vulnerable. Life insurance is a tool that takes care of our remaining obligations upon death s... Read More
Saturday, 08 August 2015 09:45
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Self Employment Success Hinges on These Three Factors

Self Employment Success Hinges on These Three Factors
When you make the leap from the corporate world to self employment, it only natural to have feelings of excitement and fear. On one side, you are excited about what the future holds. You are finally taking control of your career path. Conversely, you realize that there is no more security of being an employee. Instead, the success or failure of your business rides solely on your shoulders. If you want to achieve success, if you...
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In regard to a business plan, I would add that is needs to be as detailed as possible. While a detailed business plan can seem dau... Read More
Thursday, 06 August 2015 09:08
Totally agree, Frank. It is important to dive into the finer details, as these will help guide you during the growth stage. Thanks... Read More
Thursday, 06 August 2015 10:24
I have always looked at a business plan as a disaster plan. Yet, unless you're extremely talented or lucky - you will see disaster... Read More
Saturday, 08 August 2015 02:34
4466 Hits

How to Get Over Job Interview Nervousness

How to Get Over Job Interview Nervousness
As you continue to send your resume to one employer after the next, you hope to receive “that” call. The one in which the other party asks you to come and interview for the position. Once the excitement wears off, there is a good chance the nervousness will settle in. Are you ready for the questions that are sure to come your way? Are you ready for the possibility of meeting with several interviewers? As nervous...
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2751 Hits

Six Unexpected Expenses That Can Wreck Your Budget

Six Unexpected Expenses That Can Wreck Your Budget
Unexpected expenses can derail even the most perfect budget. While you can’t predict when they’ll happen, there are a few expenses that are almost unavoidable especially if you’re married, a homeowner, or employed. Unemployment. Lots of factors affect how long it will take you to get another job, but the rule of thumb is that it takes one month for every $10,000 salary you were earning. So, the more money you were making, the longer it...
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Thanks for the great information Latoya. I also wanted to add a few expected expenses that usually come up every month that can al... Read More
Wednesday, 05 August 2015 16:59
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