Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

5 Things You Should Never Buy with a Credit Card

5 Things You Should Never Buy with a Credit Card
If you carry at least one credit card, you will always find yourself wondering when to use it and when to put it away. Like most, you probably have a clear idea of what makes the most sense in regards to credit card purchases. For example, many people purchase gas and groceries with their credit card. Conversely, there are a few things you should never buy with a credit card. Here is a short list: 1....
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I actually disagree with all of these AS LONG as you pay them off in full and you don't get charged extra fees. These are all grea... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 13:11
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The Types of Questions a Credit Card Company can Answer

The Types of Questions a Credit Card Company can Answer
There are many reasons to contact a credit card company. For example, if you’re interested in applying for a particular offer it makes sense to reach out to a customer service representative. While the rep will not be able to provide you with personal financial advice, he or she can most definitely answer a variety of questions. Not only that, but you can be rest assured that the information you receive is accurate and up to...
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I bother my credit card companies all the time. The terms and print are too difficult to read and understand. I have generally bee... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 13:10
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Are there Any Good Reasons to Apply for a Store Credit Card?

Are there Any Good Reasons to Apply for a Store Credit Card?
Do you have a favorite department store? How about a furniture store? If so, you’re well aware that most of these establishments offer the opportunity to open a store credit card. Generally speaking, this isn’t something you need. Most people are able to make the purchases they want, all without using a store credit card. However, there are a few good reasons why you may want to think about this. Consider the following: •    The opportunity...
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I have a couple of store credit cards, and I regret applying for them. I rarely spend enough money at one location for them to be ... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 13:08
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Questions to Answer Before Applying for a Business Credit Card

Questions to Answer Before Applying for a Business Credit Card
Applying for a business credit card is a big decision. While this may be something you think you need, you don’t want to jump ahead until you are 100 percent certain. To ensure that you are on the right track, here are several questions to answer before applying for a business credit card. All of these are important to address: •    What are your plans for using the credit card?•    Do you have a list of...
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As an add to this, you may well be reviewed verbally and potentially be requested to provide documents on your business. Questions... Read More
Thursday, 04 August 2016 18:17
Interesting information Wanderer. I have recently added 2 Chase business credit cards, and the process was very seamless for me. G... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 13:07
3570 Hits

Rank Credit Card Deals Based on these Factors

Rank Credit Card Deals Based on these Factors
With hundreds of credit card offers to consider, it’s never easy to make a final determination as to which deal is best. While you’re in no rush, it goes without saying that you want to put this process in the past as soon as possible. The way you rank credit card deals may not be exactly the same as the next person, however, there are some factors that definitely deserve your attention. 1. Rewards program. Will...
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As I usually note in the comments, make sure you are prepared to pay off the credit card each month before you get one. You should... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 13:02
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6 Fees You Should Never Pay

6 Fees You Should Never Pay
You might overlook the fees you pay because it doesn’t seem like a lot of money, but multiple fees can add up. Avoiding fees is easier than you may think. Late fees Late fees are the penalty imposed when you pay after the due date. Some late fees are more expensive than others. Your landlord, for example, may charge a hefty percentage of your rent as a late fee. Late fees can be avoided by simply...
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ATM fees are by far the most annoying, and I hate to say it, but I pay them quite often. I use cash a lot when I am traveling so I... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 12:59
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7 Tips For Dealing With Your Student Loans

7 Tips For Dealing With Your Student Loans
Student loan debt has grown steadily over the last several years, with the total amount of outstanding debt topping $1.3 trillion according to a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Many borrowers owe more than $50,000 and some even owe more than $100,000. Dealing with student loan debt can feel overwhelming, but it's possible. Explore your repayment options. Many student loan providers give you several different options for repaying your student loans. Some...
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My wife and I are currently going through all of these steps as we pay off our student loans. It is honestly a ton of work, but wo... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 12:58
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5 Worst Habits For Your Finances

5 Worst Habits For Your Finances
For some people, financial troubles are caused by things outside their control – illness, loss of a spouse, or fraud. Other times, financial troubles can be traced back to things that you could have done differently. If you're having money problems, these habits could be the blame. Even if you're doing well right now, avoiding these will ensure you stay that way. Having Bad Spending Habits Overspending, not budgeting, failing to save, and using debt are all spending...
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I find most of my friends who have terrible finance habits, have no education on it at all. For many, this topic is extremely bori... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 12:56
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Top Reasons to Read Consumer Credit Card Reviews

Top Reasons to Read Consumer Credit Card Reviews
Are you seeking a new credit card? Are you looking for information on the many available offers? Rather than rely solely on the info provided by the credit card companies, there is something else you can do: read consumer reviews. By taking this approach, you’ll find it much easier to get a beat on what each card has to offer. Here are three of the top reasons to read consumer credit card reviews: 1. Honest information...
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I honestly have not had much luck getting any value at reading consumer credit card reviews. Generally I consider the large credit... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 12:55
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Adopt These Money Habits If You Want to Retire Early

Adopt These Money Habits If You Want to Retire Early
While the average retirement age is 62, you don’t have to stay in the workforce that long. If you can stash away enough money, you may be able to retire early. Here are some money habits that will help you quit working sooner. Make saving a priority. Instead of saving after you pay your bills, put money in savings first. Max out your employer’s retirement plan, especially if there’s a matching program. Save outside of your...
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I was lucky enough to understand how important it is to start saving early. The impact of time is by far the largest factor in gro... Read More
Friday, 26 August 2016 12:53
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