Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How Will a Late Payment Affect Your Credit Score?

How Will a Late Payment Affect Your Credit Score?
When it comes to your bills, there’s one thing you always need to do: make payments on time. Although it’s easy for life to get in the way, you must have a schedule in place to prevent late payments. One late payment is bad enough. However, if you turn this into a habit, things can get really bad for you in no time at all. A late payment will impact you in many ways, starting with...
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I have use my online calendar (outlook) to alert me 2 days before my credit card payments are due. This allows me to never miss a ... Read More
Monday, 21 November 2016 18:15
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How to Choose the Best Balance Transfer Credit Card

How to Choose the Best Balance Transfer Credit Card
For good reason, this is a topic that has been discussed many times in the past. If you’re carrying high interest credit card debt, if you’re looking for a way to save, a balance transfer offer may be the right decision for you. Of course, there is more to this than meets the eye. Most importantly, you need to do two things: •    Understand your current situation, including how much debt you have. •    Find a...
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I have only done this once, but I was able to find a credit card with no transfer fee and a 0% interest for 12 months. It allowed ... Read More
Monday, 21 November 2016 18:14
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Purchase these Things with a Small Business Credit Card

Purchase these Things with a Small Business Credit Card
If you have access to a small business credit card, if you’re comfortable using it to make purchases, it’s a good idea to implement a system in regards to when and how it will be used. It goes without saying that your credit card should be used for business purposes only. Along with this, you only want to make a purchase when you’re comfortable with the idea that you can pay it off right away or...
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I purchase anything and everything that will take my credit card. Since I pay it off every month, I try to put everything on there... Read More
Wednesday, 26 October 2016 09:49
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5 Basic Tips for Dealing with Credit Card Debt

5 Basic Tips for Dealing with Credit Card Debt
Do you find yourself facing credit card debt? Are you wondering how to best approach this financial challenge? Although credit card debt management can be intimidating, the right approach and a bit of dedication can help you reach your goals. Here are five basic tips for dealing with credit card debt: 1. Know what you’re up against. How much credit card debt do you have? How many cards is the debt spread across? What is the...
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When you are faced with credit card debt, you have to get yourself organized ASAP. The more you delay and the longer you wait, the... Read More
Wednesday, 26 October 2016 09:48
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Questions to Answer While Searching for a Small Business Credit Card

Questions to Answer While Searching for a Small Business Credit Card
As a small business owner, you’re in charge of making many high level decisions. When you move in the right direction, things will come together for your company. But when you make a poor choice, it can hold the organization back from reaching its goals. With all this in mind, you need to be extremely selective when it comes time to search for a small business credit card. For some, this is a great way to...
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When I got my first business credit card, I ask myself: Can I add my employee as authorized users? What are my payment terms and i... Read More
Wednesday, 26 October 2016 09:47
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Why was Your Credit Card Application Denied?

Why was Your Credit Card Application Denied?
Imagine this: you apply for a credit card and patiently wait for it to arrive in the mail. Then something strange happens. Instead of receiving a card, you end up with a rejection letter. This can be disappointing on many fronts. While you may feel like giving up, it’s important to review the letter in great detail and then do your best to determine what went wrong. Here are some of the most common reasons for...
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My wife dealt with this when she graduated college. The reason was she did not have a credit or work history. It was not that she ... Read More
Wednesday, 26 October 2016 09:43
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Why You Should Keep a Buffer in Your Checking Account

Why You Should Keep a Buffer in Your Checking Account
If your checking account balance frequently approaches or zips below $0, you’re not managing your account well. Low checking account balances can be stressful and put you at a high risk of overdrafting. Maintaining a minimum balance in your checking account, a buffer so to speak, can benefit you in several ways. Avoid monthly account maintenance fees. Gone are the days of free checking accounts. Many banks now charge a monthly fee on even the most...
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Great advice with options to manage a successful checking account and financial institution relationship. As an add on, you could ... Read More
Saturday, 01 October 2016 17:58
A buffer is an absolute must. No matter how diligent you are in tracking your income and expenses every month, there are going to ... Read More
Wednesday, 26 October 2016 09:42
4290 Hits

7 Times You Shouldn't Apply for a Credit Card

7 Times You Shouldn't Apply for a Credit Card
Credit cards offers get better and every year. With longer introductory rates and more generous sign up bonuses, you may be tempted to apply for every great credit card you see. However, there are times that applying for a credit card isn’t in your best interest.  1. When you don’t have a steady source of income. Credit card issuers are required to ask for your monthly income before approving you for a credit card. But, if you...
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I would agree with all of these except maybe #2 under certain conditions. It is important to start early and understanding how cre... Read More
Wednesday, 26 October 2016 09:40
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Consider the Many Categories of Credit Card Before Applying

Consider the Many Categories of Credit Card Before Applying
If you find yourself searching for credit card offers, you know one thing to be true: you’ll be presented with hundreds upon hundreds of options. By considering every offer, you put yourself in better position to make an informed and confident decision. Like many, you may be worried about making the right choice. For this reason, you need to learn as much as possible about each category of credit card. By doing this, you’ll find yourself...
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To me the 2 best kinds of credit cards are: cash back which gives me the options of how I want to spend my rewards and airline mil... Read More
Thursday, 29 September 2016 11:26
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Use these Tips to Negotiate an Annual Fee

Use these Tips to Negotiate an Annual Fee
Are you thinking about canceling your credit card due to a high annual fee? Before you call your credit card company, keep one thing in mind: you may be able to negotiate. Here are three tips to follow when negotiating an annual fee: •    Show that you are a good customer. Credit card companies give the best perks to the best customers. If you use your card regularly, if you’ve been a customer for many years,...
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This is another area I have never had success in. They never really negotiate with me on the annual fee. The only thing they have ... Read More
Thursday, 29 September 2016 11:25
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