Finance Globe

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2 minutes reading time (326 words)

What are the Hidden Costs of Dog Ownership?


Owning a dog can bring great joy to your life. It can also bring many expenses, all of which you should prepare for before bringing a pet into your home.

When you plan in advance for the costs of dog ownership it’s much easier to stay within budget, year in and year out.

Here are some of the most common annual expenses associated with owning a dog:

•    Food. Unless you feed your dog scraps from the table, which isn’t a healthy idea, you’ll find yourself regularly buying food. How much depends on the size and breed of dog.
•    Vet expenses. It’s your hope that your dog lives a long, happy, and healthy life.  But even if your dog is in good health, you’ll need to take it to the vet every now and again.
•    Toys and treats. These are not 100 percent necessary, but they’ll go a long way in keeping your dog happy. Basic toys only cost a few dollars, but the expense can add up over the course of owning your dog.
•    Dog health insurance. This is optional, but it’s something more and more dog owners are buying. You pay monthly for pet insurance, but it’s your hope that it actually saves you money in the long run.
•    License. Depending on where you live, there’s a very good chance you’ll have to purchase a license for your dog. Not doing so can result in a fine, so you’ll want to make this purchase every year.

As you can imagine, these expenses have a way of adding up as the months go by. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself spending $1,000 or more on your dog every year.

Even though it can be expensive to purchase and own a dog, you get a lot in return in the form of love and enjoyment.

Do you own a dog? What steps do you take to keep the costs of ownership under control?

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Comments 1

Frank on Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:17

My wife and I owned a dog for a short period of time. It ended up costing way more than we thought so we gave it to a family who was looking for a dog and has more discretionary income.

My wife and I owned a dog for a short period of time. It ended up costing way more than we thought so we gave it to a family who was looking for a dog and has more discretionary income.
Monday, 03 March 2025

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