Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How Small Business Owners Can Save Time in 2019

As a small business owner, the month of December is often the busiest time of the year. You’ll find yourself answering questions such as: •    Did you reach your goals in 2018?•    Are you in good position to take on everything 2019 will bring?•    What types of changes do you need to make to achieve more success in the new year? While you answer these questions, among many others, you may come to the conclusion that...
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I really like the software idea. If you want to be able to leverage your business without hiring additional people, software is th... Read More
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:47
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Look for These Things in Your First Credit Card

Are you interested in applying for your first credit card? Are you concerned about sifting through the hundreds of offers on your way to finding the right one? Searching for your first credit card can be enjoyable, stressful, and downright scary at times. On the plus side, there are numerous offers to choose from, thus allowing you to find one that is perfect for you and your financial goals. Conversely, a large number of offers can...
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For my first credit card, I wanted no annual fee, cash back rewards, and a great online paying system so I can make sure I pay off... Read More
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:46
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5 Ways to Spot Online Loan Scams

The world of online lending makes it much easier to get funding for home improvements, debt consolidation, medical bills, or other financial needs. It’s also easier for scammers to trick unsuspecting consumers. Scammers can pose as legitimate lenders and trick you into paying for a loan upfront. Or, they can lock you into loans with higher interest rates and fees than you actually qualify for. Be on the lookout for both of these when you’re looking...
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There are so many scammers online, I always try to double and triple check when possible.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:45
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Perks of Using a Digital Wallet for Purchases

One of the features that comes with today’s smartphones is the ability to use your phone for payments rather than swiping your credit cards. The latest smartphones come equipped with a technology known as Near Field Communication, or NFC, which can transmit certain information when the phone is near an NFC-equipped reader. In the case of payments, your phone can securely send your payment information when it’s placed near a credit card terminal. Some smartwatches even...
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  2716 Hits
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To add Samsung Smart Phones have a good following on their Smart Phone Pay System. And, another option that is just being reintrod... Read More
Saturday, 01 December 2018 05:07
Great information here! I may start using this in 2019.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:45
2716 Hits

Easy Ways to Save More Money in 2019

With 2018 coming to an end, there’s no better time to review your finances with the goal of making changes for the better once the calendar turns. Like many, you’re probably looking to save more money in 2019. Even if you’ve had some success over the past 12 months, you know there’s always room for improvement. While there are hundreds of ways to save more money, these five are easy to implement: 1. Carpool There are...
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I plan to save my tax savings and my 2019 bonus into my retirement accounts.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:44
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Student Debt in 2018

Student debt has officially gotten out of control. I was reading some interesting articles this weekend on student debt and I thought I would share some of the highlights. I am also not providing any kind of solution, but this has to be addressed. It may be too late, but the numbers below are just staggering! Student loan debt is now the second highest consumer debt category. Student debt is only behind mortgage debt, and it...
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  2480 Hits
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Scary read! The Student Loan Debt is astronomical in size. In my mind I would like to see a tax break for students who pay a certa... Read More
Thursday, 29 November 2018 20:30
I agree 100% I also think this is one of the biggest long-term concerns to our economy.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:43
2480 Hits

What is Fintech?

I would say I read a fintech type article everyday now. Fintech companies have exploded into the mainstream over the last 10+ years. However, many people may not exactly know what ”fintech” is, so I put together a very simple summary. Please feel free to ask any follow up questions in the comments section below. FinTech or financial technology really describes the intersection of financial services and technology. Most of the time it refers to start...
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  2128 Hits
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Glad you provided this information as I know little or nothing on the subject. Call it a "heads up" if you will. Seems there may b... Read More
Thursday, 29 November 2018 20:24
Thanks Wanderer. It is a very interesting industry as I am trying to learn as much as I can as well.
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:42
2128 Hits

How to Save During the Holiday Season

The holiday season has officially started. The holiday season can bring very happy moments in your life and you should celebrate the season with family and friends. However the holiday season brings obvious expenses that can put stress into your life, especially if you haven’t budgeted for them. Below are several ways to save money during the holiday season and you can instead focus on bringing joy into your life. Make a budget: A holiday budget...
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  1949 Hits
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Was anyone able to save a little more than expected during the holiday season?
Thursday, 27 December 2018 09:42
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What a New Application Means for Your Credit Score

  Any time you make an application that requires a credit check, an inquiry is added to your credit report. These inquiries are factored into your credit score for the next 12 months, which means each application has the potential to hurt your credit score for up to a year. Inquiries vs. Other Credit Score Factors Inquiries only make up a small percentage of your credit score - 10 percent to be exact, so you probably...
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  2013 Hits
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Every time I get approved for a new credit card or loan, I would say my credit score declines 40-50 points. It usually takes me 6-... Read More
Sunday, 25 November 2018 16:39
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Using the Debt Avalanche Strategy to Pay Off Debt

Getting out of debt is nowhere as easy as it is getting into debt. Many people start out their debt journey by putting a little bit of extra toward all their debts. Even though you may be spending putting a lot of money toward your overall balance, you may not see much progress. That’s discouraging. Having the right debt payoff strategy is essential if you want to be effective in paying off your debt, even if you...
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Great information here! I would add to seek advice and help when you are under this situation. Professional advice and advice from... Read More
Sunday, 25 November 2018 16:38
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