Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How to Save Money at a Dealer’s Service Department

In a perfect world, your car would never need service. Of course, you know this is never going to be the case. Even if your vehicle only requires basic maintenance, there is a good chance you will seek outside assistance.Some people do their own work. Others have an independent mechanic they can visit when something goes wrong or routine maintenance is required. And then there are those who visit a local dealer’s service department when the...
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  966 Hits
966 Hits

Don’t Say these Things when Asking for a Raise

Now that 2014 is well in the past, you may begin to look towards the future. From a career perspective, this could mean asking for a raise in the new year.While there is nothing wrong with discussing this with your supervisor, there are things you should and should not do along the way.Here are three things you should never say when asking for a raise:1. I can’t remember the last time I received a raise. This...
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  1008 Hits
1008 Hits

5 Common Budgeting Goals

Living without a budget is like playing with fire. You may get away with it for an extended period of time, but it will likely come back to burn you at some point. With this in mind, it is best to have a budget in place at all times.Here are five of the most common budgeting goals. Set these for yourself and your financial situation will soon improve:1. Set up and follow a basic budget. This...
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  2904 Hits
2904 Hits

Teach Your Children Well: Essential Skills for Financial Literacy

Reality check: 76% of American families live paycheck to paycheck. Only 50% of us have enough savings to cover expenses for three months. 27% have nothing saved. 38% of adults don’t think they’ll have enough saved by the time they reach retirement age. Only 40% are following a budget. Collectively, we owe 11.52 trillion dollars in consumer debt. When it comes to their personal finance knowledge, 40% of adults would give themselves a grade of C,...
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  3320 Hits
3320 Hits

Best Ways to Fund your Emergency Account

Do you have an emergency account? Are you keeping this money safe, hoping you never have to use it, but realizing the time could come at some point?If your emergency account is short on funds, there are steps you can take to make up for this in the months to come. You may be surprised at how quickly you reach your “target number” when you take the right approach.Here are three of the best strategies for...
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  2751 Hits
2751 Hits

These Hidden Expenses are Killing your Budget

Creating a budget is only half the battle. The other half is staying on track, day in and day out, no matter what comes your way.You may not realize it right now, but there could be hidden expenses killing your budget. If you don’t know what these are and how to get them under control, you will continue to suffer month after month.Are these expenses giving you trouble?1. Vehicle maintenance. This can include everything from new...
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  2947 Hits
2947 Hits

3 Ways to Compare Homes Before Buying

Buying a home is a big decision. This holds true no matter if you are doing so for the first time or have made such a transaction in the past.There are some questions that could hold you back, with the biggest one being: which home is best for you?No matter where you live, there is a good chance there are many homes for sale in your area. This is particularly true if you live in or...
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  2867 Hits
2867 Hits

Is 2015 the Time for a Career Change? Financial Impact

With the new year a few weeks away, many people are beginning to set a variety of personal and career related goals. Is 2015 the time for you to make a career change? If this is on your mind, you must consider the financial impact and whether or not you are prepared for what could come your way.Here are three ways your financial situation could be impacted by making a career change:1. Earning less money. Money...
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  2869 Hits
2869 Hits

Cheap Ways to Thank Employees this Holiday Season

Regardless of your position, if you have employees who work for you it is important to say thanks during the holiday season. For some, this is easier said than done.While you want to show your thanks, it goes without saying that you don’t want to break the bank while doing so. Here are three cheap ways to thank employees this holiday season:1. A greeting card. This may sound “too cheap” but it is anything but that...
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  2759 Hits
2759 Hits

Tips for Booking a Holiday Vacation

While some people prefer to spend the holidays around home, others enjoy taking a vacation during this time of the year.If you are in the process of booking a last minute holiday getaway, there are a few things you can do to ensure success. And in this context, success means booking the best accommodations at the best price.1. Keep an open mind. While you may be interested in one particular destination, don’t overlook others that may...
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  2579 Hits
2579 Hits