Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Five Fake But Believable Email Scams

Five Fake But Believable Email Scams
Fraudsters get better and better and making tricking people out of their money or out of information that can lead to their money. If it’s your first time seeing a particular scam email, you may be fooled into clicking on a link, responding, or providing personal information. Be careful – no legitimate business solicits personal information via email. Here are some common email scams to look out for. I’m in trouble and I need your help....
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  3390 Hits
3390 Hits

How to get more out of a Job Interview

How to get more out of a Job Interview
Any job interview, regardless of the company or your current position, is sure to bring some level of stress to your life. After all, you wouldn’t be interviewing if you didn’t want to secure the position. Some people go into a job interview with the thought that the other party is going to do all of the work. They are going to ask the questions, write down the answers, and take notes on everything that is...
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  3686 Hits
3686 Hits

Don’t Wait Any Longer to Plan your Summer Vacation

Don’t Wait Any Longer to Plan your Summer Vacation
Now that winter is almost in the past, it is time to start thinking about the spring and summer seasons. For many, this means one thing: vacation. If you have yet to plan your summer trip, there is no better time than now to do so. The longer you put this off the more difficulties you will run into as you search for affordable accommodations and transportation. Here are three financially driven reasons to plan your...
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  3175 Hits
3175 Hits

What is your Budget Missing?

What is your Budget Missing?
When you look at your budget, what do you see? Be honest. If your budget has treated you well in the past, you are in good shape as 2015 wears on. Conversely, if you have found a few holes, it is time to patch them up as soon as possible. No two people have the exact same budget. However, many people find that their budget is missing the exact same details. Here are a few to...
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  2889 Hits
2889 Hits

3 Ways to Stretch your Vacation Savings for a Better Trip

3 Ways to Stretch your Vacation Savings for a Better Trip
Are you the type who saves in advance for vacation? You set a goal, based on the destination you hope to visit, realizing that you can reach this number with the right strategy. In today’s day and age, traveling is more expensive than ever before. The cost of airfare and lodging are on the rise, and that is just the start of the many expenses you will face. Below are three ways to stretch your vacation...
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  4173 Hits
4173 Hits

Is it Possible to Negotiate a Medical Bill?

Is it Possible to Negotiate a Medical Bill?
Even with health insurance, it is possible you could one day face a large medical bill. Despite your frustration, it means nothing to the facility or provider that wants paid. While there is no guarantee of success, it is possible to negotiate a medical bill. Here are several tips that can guide you: 1. Don’t wait around. It may take a day or so to digest the finer details of your bill, but you don’t want...
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  5956 Hits
5956 Hits

What to do with Bonus Money in 2015

Do you work a position in which earning a bonus is possible? Some companies pay these once a month. Others only pay once a quarter or once a year. Regardless, this should be more than enough to keep you focused throughout the year. After all, the better you perform the more money you earn.What you do with bonus money is your decision. However, you don’t want to jump the gun and spend the money foolishly before...
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  3461 Hits
3461 Hits

Your Job and your Budget: Do you need to Earn More?

There may come a time in your life when you realize you need to earn more money. Even if you enjoy your current job, making a change could be in the cards if you want to improve your financial situation.Here is the question you need to answer: is your budget suffering as a direct result of your employment? You need to earn more money than you spend. If you don’t, you will find yourself drowning in...
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  3068 Hits
3068 Hits

Want a Promotion? Do these Three Things

There is nothing better than these words: you are getting a promotion. Not only does this mean more responsibility, which is something many workers crave, but it could mean more money as well. Talk about the best of both worlds.Sometimes a promotion comes when you least expect it. Other times, however, you have to ask for this. It may not be the easiest thing to do, but it could be the one step that pushes you...
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  2903 Hits
2903 Hits

Here are 3 Ways you are Wasting Money at the Office

When you head to the office, you know one thing to be true: you are going to make some money. But is there a chance you are wasting money along the way as well?Believe it or not, some people spend hundreds of dollars per month at their place of employment. Worse yet, they don’t truly realize what is going on or just how much money is flying out of their pocket.Here are three ways you may...
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  2629 Hits
2629 Hits