Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How to Save Money on Holiday Groceries

With the holiday season in full swing, there is a good chance you will have a household of guests at some point in the near future. As you know, this means you will be spending quite a bit of time at the grocery store.Even though you may be worried about the cost, there are things you can do to save money without cutting back your menu.Here are three of the best ways to save money on...
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  2862 Hits
2862 Hits

Safe Cyber Shopping Tips

It’s the Holiday shopping season and savvy shoppers everywhere know the best deals of the year can be found in the few days immediately after Thanksgiving. The bravest of us get up at the crack of dawn on Black Friday to stand in ridiculously long lines and fight (sometimes literally) crowds of people for the hottest toys or gadgets at rock bottom prices. Some of us who may be less concerned about buying cheap than about...
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3067 Hits

Avoid these Holiday Spending Mistakes

Now that the holiday shopping season is in full swing, it is time for you to hit local and online stores to find the best deals. While doing so, it is imperative that you have a strong grip on your finances. If you don’t, you could make one more spending mistake that causes you trouble now and/or in the future.Here are three mistakes you want to avoid at all costs:1. Charging more than you can pay...
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2728 Hits

Don’t Fall Prey to these Holiday Shopping Scams

With the holiday shopping season upon us, it is likely that you have your list in hand, money in your pocket, and a plan for finding everything you want and need.As exciting as it may be to shop during this time of the year, this can soon turn to disappointment if you find you have become the victim of a scam.Every year, unsuspecting individuals fall prey to a variety of holiday shopping scams. Here are several...
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1019 Hits

3 Black Friday Shopping Tips to Follow

In a few short days, Black Friday will be upon us. While many people will shy away from stores, others will dive in headfirst in search of the best deals.If you plan on braving the large crowds, here are three tips that will improve your chance of finding the right items at the right price:1. Plot out your plan. Are you going to drive around from one store to the next, not knowing where you are...
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2759 Hits

The 3 Best Ways to Save While Eating Out

Everybody enjoys eating out from time to time. However, most of these people realize that it comes at a cost.With the right approach, you can eat out without breaking the bank. Here are three of the best ways to save:1. Choose restaurants where you don’t have to leave a tip. For example, Chipotle and Panera are two of the most popular restaurants in the country. Along with high quality, tasty food, you order at a counter...
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3292 Hits

The Cost of Upgrading your Company’s Technology

As a small business owner, you likely understand the importance of technology. Some companies are ahead of the times, while others are lagging behind and looking for a way to catch up.If you feel that now is the time to upgrade your company’s technology, it is important to answer these questions:Why are you making this change right now?What will you get out of the new technology?How much will it cost?The third question is the one that...
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1517 Hits

Use the Internet to Compare Service Professionals

Are you in desperate need of an accountant? How about an attorney? What about a consultant for your business? If you find yourself searching for any type of service professional, you are well aware of the challenges.To cut through the dead weight and eventually choose the right professional, it is a must that you begin your search online. Here are three reasons why:1. You can compare the website of each service professional. This will give you...
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2952 Hits

Easy Ways to Save on Tech Devices

Are you in the market for a smartphone or smartwatch? How about a tablet? Regardless of the tech device you are shopping for, you know one thing to be true: you are not always going to find something that comfortably fits into your budget.While some people are resigned to the fact that they will overpay, others realize that this does not have to be the case.Here are three easy ways to save:1. Shop online as opposed...
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3103 Hits

Six steps to back to school savings

This time of year, if you’re a parent of school-age kids, you might relate to that old commercial with the dad skipping merrily down the aisles of the office supply store as he tosses school supplies in his cart to a celebratory chorus of “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Or, perhaps, you dread the imminent return to harried mornings packing lunches and shuttling kids off to school followed by evenings fraught with homework...
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  3139 Hits
3139 Hits