Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

6 Signs It's Time to Leave Your Bank

Some relationships are meant to be forever. Your relationship with your bank isn't one of them. Breaking up with your bank means going through the process of changing your direct deposit, getting a new debit card, and get used to the new bank. But, if your bank is no longer serving you well, the changes are necessary. Here are some signs it's time to leave your bank. They’re charging too many fees. A monthly fee might be acceptable...
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If you change banks, does that hurt your credit score?
Sunday, 30 April 2017 20:45
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Can You Trust a Mortgage Broker?

When buying a home, there are few things more important than securing a solid interest rate from a reputable lender. There are many ways to go about doing so, such as contacting a variety of lenders on your own time. With this approach, you control the process from start to finish. Another common strategy is to rely on the services of a mortgage broker. With this approach, a broker takes on the process of shopping around...
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2665 Hits

What are the Benefits of Buying a Car Online

In today’s day and age, you can purchase pretty much anything online. From groceries to construction supplies, there’s no reason to leave your home when it comes time to shop and make a purchase. A growing number of people have come to find that buying a car online is one of the most enjoyable ways to get a new set of wheels. Although the entire process is not typically completed via the internet, you can definitely...
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One of my good friends purchased a car online and had only positive things to say about it. The next time I buy a car, I am going ... Read More
Wednesday, 26 July 2017 13:36
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Can Forbearance Save You From Loan Default?

Major life events can affect your finances and your ability to pay your bills. Job loss, disability, death of a family member, or relocation can create temporary hardship and make it difficult to stay on top of all your expenses. One option for affording your bills during short-term financial hardship is forbearance. Under forbearance, the lender agrees to lower or suspend your monthly payments for a specific period of time; six months or a year, for...
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I have worked with a few couples where forbearance saved them from bankruptcy. Its not a perfect solution, but it can help you for... Read More
Wednesday, 26 July 2017 13:38
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Salary Negotiation Tips for First-Timers

Have you come to the conclusion that your employer should be paying you more money? Are you ready to negotiate your salary for the first time? Although this can be a stressful situation, it’s something you’ll probably face at some point in your career. Despite your concerns, such as the possibility of your employer shooting you down, it’s important to move forward and take immediate action. After all, you don’t want to work for less than...
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Make sure you research your market pay as well. Having benchmarks can be a great tool.
Wednesday, 26 July 2017 13:38
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3 Personal Reasons to Close a Credit Card Account

3 Personal Reasons to Close a Credit Card Account
There are many things that may lead you to close a credit card account. This isn’t a decision to take lightly, as it can have a negative impact on your credit score, but it may be a move that you have to make. Here are three personal reasons to close a credit card account: You are done taking on debt. Many people reach a point in their life when they no longer want to take on...
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In early 2016 I determined there were more credit card accounts for me to use than was required or practical. So, I determined wha... Read More
Saturday, 22 April 2017 20:32
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A Spending Freeze Can Help You Meet Your Financial Goals

A Spending Freeze Can Help You Meet Your Financial Goals
If you’re feeling like you’re spending more money than you should, you’re looking for a way to save money fast, or you need to stretch your money to the next paycheck, a spending freeze could be beneficial. A spending freeze is essentially a financial fast where you refrain from spending unnecessary money for a certain period of time. Dramatically cutting your spending may not sound like fun at first, but it can be worth the sacrifice...
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A aide you may want to consider as part of the spending freeze is a budget. Using a budget will help you identify the items you mu... Read More
Saturday, 22 April 2017 20:16
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What are the Benefits of a Personal Loan?

What are the Benefits of a Personal Loan?
Are you in desperate need of money? Do you find yourself comparing your many options for obtaining the cash you need? Like many, the first place you turn is your bank account. If you don’t find what you need, it’s natural to turn your attention to your credit card. While a personal loan isn’t the right choice for every consumer in need of money, there are many benefits that allow this product to standout. Consider the...
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Used a Personal Loan to help establish myself in the world of credit and to use the funds to pay off debt. What I liked was the fi... Read More
Sunday, 23 April 2017 05:38
I have never used a personal loan, but I agree that they would be good for someone to establish credit or if they were in a bind. ... Read More
Wednesday, 26 July 2017 13:32
2995 Hits

Is a Home Security System Worth the Cost?

Is a Home Security System Worth the Cost?
There is nothing more important than your safety and security, so it only makes sense to learn more about the benefits of a home security system. Although you may be interested in everything a home security system has to offer, you can’t overlook the cost associated with installation and monthly monitoring. Is this something you can comfortably add to your budget? Here are three of the biggest benefits of a home security system: Peace of mind....
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An additional benefit is potentially a lower property insurance rate. Often times, insurance companies will give you a credit on y... Read More
Saturday, 22 April 2017 20:22
I have one, and would never go back. I feel safer, and its nice when I get home late from work if my wife is home alone. I highly ... Read More
Friday, 30 June 2017 15:35
2627 Hits

What Your Credit Report Reveals About You

What Your Credit Report Reveals About You
Many of the companies you have accounts with regularly send your account activity to the credit bureaus. Then, businesses that you want to have an account with you check your credit report to determine whether to approve your application. Here are a few things your credit report says about you. Whether you pay your bills on time. Each month, your creditors report our creditors report whether your payment was on time for that month. Any payments...
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I check my credit report once a quarter. It gives me a piece of mind and I want to make sure I am always on top of my finances.... Read More
Friday, 30 June 2017 15:34
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