Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Steps to Determine Which Loan to Pay Off First

Steps to Determine Which Loan to Pay Off First
It doesn’t matter if you are a business owner or individual consumer, nothing changes the importance of tackling debt in the appropriate manner. If you have no debt, this never comes into play. The same holds true if you only have one loan, such as a single credit card. However, if you find yourself saddled with multiple loans, you’ll need to answer an important question: which loan should I pay off first? Believe it or not,...
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Make sure you also consider the interest rate on the loans. You usually should pay off the higher rates first.
Friday, 30 June 2017 14:57
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5 Ways to be Proactive with Your Finances

5 Ways to be Proactive with Your Finances
Regardless of your age, job, and income, nothing changes the fact that you can be proactive in regards to your finances. This holds true for experienced professionals who earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. It also holds true for new graduates who are working for minimum wage in hopes of eventually reaching the top of the company. And then there is everyone in between. The word proactive, as it applies to finances, means something...
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The reality on this Blog is every day living. Setting aside as has been explained needs to be "Job 1" yet we have student loans th... Read More
Sunday, 12 March 2017 12:31
I would say the hardest thing for me right now is saving for retirement. It seems so far off, but I know the reality is I need to ... Read More
Friday, 30 June 2017 14:56
2733 Hits

How to Choose the Best 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card

How to Choose the Best 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card
As you search for a 0% balance transfer credit card, you’ll soon find that you have many options to choose from. All the major credit card companies have several offers to consider, with each one providing consumers with a unique set of features and benefits. With all this in mind, you may struggle to compare and select the best offer. Fortunately, there are a few basic details you can focus on to ensure that you make...
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Note you can't do this if its the same credit card company, i.e. visa to visa.
Friday, 30 June 2017 14:55
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5 Dos and Don'ts for Spending Your Tax Refund

5 Dos and Don'ts for Spending Your Tax Refund
While some Americans loathe tax season because of what they might owe Uncle Sam, many others wait for their tax refunds like children on Christmas Eve. If you’re due a refund this year, don’t blow it. Here are a few dos and don’ts to make the best use of your refund. Use it to catch up on past due bills. Sure, you might have had your eye on a shiny new tablet or nice new furniture, but...
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I always put my tax refund into my IRA. I have always done that so I never assumed I was going to get any kind of "bonus".
Friday, 30 June 2017 14:53
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Bank of America Continues to Invest in Digital Banking

Bank of America Continues to Invest in Digital Banking
Over the past couple of years, a growing number of financial institutions have devoted additional resources to digital banking. However, Bank of America has “been in the game” from the start. Furthermore, the company expects more of the same in the year to come. In a recent press release, Michelle Moore, head of Digital Banking at Bank of America, noted the following: “As one of the first banks to offer mobile banking a decade ago, we’re...
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What kind of additional services could we expect with this investment?
Monday, 22 May 2017 11:00
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Frugal Flips for the Not-So-Extreme Cheapskate

Frugal Flips for the Not-So-Extreme Cheapskate
Back in the day, before reality TV and the internet were there to tell me otherwise, I thought I had mastered the art of living on the cheap. As a single parent on a tight budget, resourcefulness was essential for survival. My ability to stretch a dollar became so great I considered it a super power. I was the Wonder Woman of frugality and a DIY champ before crunchy granola moms and their Pinterest boards made...
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Do you think people can grow enough food to feed themselves independently?
Monday, 22 May 2017 10:59
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How Will Loan Shopping Affect Your Credit?

How Will Loan Shopping Affect Your Credit?
One of the best moves to make when you’re preparing for a home or car purchase is to shop around for the best interest rates. A lower interest rate results in a lower monthly payment and lower overall cost of borrowing. You’ll want to move quickly when you’re shopping for a loan. Otherwise, the multiple inquiries could impact your credit score. When you rate shop, your credit report may show multiple inquiries from each of the...
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You can also do a soft search that won't hurt your credit score. That is what I did when I was shopping for rates.
Monday, 22 May 2017 10:57
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The Benefits of Searching Homes for Sale Online

The Benefits of Searching Homes for Sale Online
Depending on your age, you may remember the days when searching for a home meant two things: •    Scouring the real estate section of the local newspaper.•    Driving through communities of interest, hoping to catch a glimpse of a for sale sign. While both of these options remain in today’s day and age, the majority of people have come to find that searching homes for sale online is the best approach. Here are three of the...
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In this day and age I cannot imagine starting your house search without using online search. You still need to visit the house in ... Read More
Monday, 22 May 2017 10:56
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5 Bad Habits of People Who Are Always Broke

5 Bad Habits of People Who Are Always Broke
Some people experience major setbacks that lead to financial instability. Unfortunately, for people who are always broke, the root of the problem is in their own decisions and habits. If you don’t want that person to be you, avoid the bad habits of people who are always broke. They’re waiting for a magic fix. It may be a tax refund, a bonus, a raise, an inheritance, or something else, but people who are always broke are often hoping for...
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I found people who are always broke are very emotional about their financial decisions. They lack the quantitative analysis needed... Read More
Monday, 22 May 2017 10:55
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How to Pick Between Two Great Credit Cards

How to Pick Between Two Great Credit Cards
There are dozens of great credit cards out there, especially in the rewards and no interest categories. It’s fairly easy to whittle your options down to two similar and great credit cards, but picking one over the other can feel like you’re leaving something on the table. Here are a few ways to pick between two credit cards. Which one pays rewards in the categories that you typically spend? You may be trying to decide between...
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My generally view is if they are both great cards, you won't hurt yourself over the long term if you get both credit cards.
Monday, 22 May 2017 10:53
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