Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Items to Negotiate With Your Cable Company

Cable companies are notorious for regularly increasing the cost of your service. Just as you get comfortable with one payment, you receive a bill that you’re not expecting. While you could simply pay the higher bill, you don’t necessarily want to take this approach. It’s better to contact your cable company, ask about the increase, and determine if there’s anything you can do to save. It goes without saying that you can negotiate the overall price...
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Its pretty easy to switch cable providers, so I usually switch every 2-3 years to get the best deal and keep them honest.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:55
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3 Options for Consolidating Your Credit Card Debt

Trying to pay off multiple credit cards can be complicated. You have to break up your extra money between all your balances, which means you’re not making as much progress as you would if you could just pay one debt. Consolidating your credit card debt makes it much easier to pay since you can make a single payment. The hard part can be figuring out the best way to consolidate. Here are a few options to...
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I think consolidating it with a home equity line is usually the best plan as its usually the lowest interest rate. You can also pa... Read More
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:36
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Ask Your Credit Card Company to Change These Things

When you apply for a credit card, you do so after comparing a variety of offers in order to find the right one. Over time, the terms and conditions of your credit card could change. If this happens, you shouldn’t hesitate to contact your issuer to discuss your options. Furthermore, if you come across something that no longer works for you, it’s worth asking for assistance. Here are three things you should ask your credit card...
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Always ask for the manager! Sometimes they don't provide it, but I have had success in the past.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:35
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What’s the Problem with a Low Credit Score?

A low credit score (also known as a bad credit score) isn’t the end of the world. Even if you have a low score, it doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t live the life you want in regards to your finances. However, as time goes by, you’ll come to realize that a low score is impacting you in a variety of ways. Here are five issues that could come to light: Loan denial: Lenders look at many...
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Thanks for the info Chris. A low credit score really only hurts you. If you have a low credit score now, make a goal this year to ... Read More
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:34
One method to help improve credit scores is to keep your credit utilization under 30% and some schools of thought even take it to ... Read More
Monday, 11 March 2019 07:39
2202 Hits

3 Tips for Tracking Your Credit Card Spending

Spending too much on your credit card can lead to major problems. Big credit card balances put you at risk of going into debt. They can also hurt your credit score, since 30% of your credit score is based on how much of your credit you’re using. Here are some tips for tracking your credit card spending so you’re on top of what you’re charging each month. Use a spreadsheet. If your credit card lets you...
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A lot of the major credit card companies (Chase, American Express, etc.) track your spending into categories automatically. They c... Read More
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:33
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Introduction to Asset Allocation

As I mentioned in my 2018 stock market in review article, asset allocation is very important in evaluating your investment portfolio. Many people perform their asset allocation themselves or hire a financial expert to assist with it. If you are looking to start performing your asset allocation yourself or learn more about it, I thought I would provide a high-level overview. Please let me know if you have any follow up questions, and I would be...
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I usually re-do my asset allocation twice a year.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:32
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Financial Scams in 2019

Financial scams are extremely common now. They put a lot of people at risk and in many cases you can lose a lot of money. With the advancement in technology, scammers are getting smarter and that makes it much more difficult to identify the scam before it is too late. As we enter into 2019, below are a few scams to keep an eye out on. Crypto Rip-Offs: Cryptocurrencies are so common now due to the...
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  2944 Hits
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A good read and somewhat sobering to say the least. Who can a person trust?
Sunday, 10 February 2019 07:40
In this day and age, very few people! My wife's Paypal account was recently hacked! Luckily paypal was great about it.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 12:58
2944 Hits

2018 Stock Market In Review

For those who don’t follow the stock market on a regular basis, I thought I would provide a high level summary and recap. Most investors are relieved that 2018 is over. There were a lot of highs, including the tax-cut optimism, to quite a lot of lows, especially the last few months. From a U.S. stock market perspective, it was the worst performance since 2008 during the financial crises. The S&P 500 fell 6.2% for the...
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Good review of 2018. Appreciate the concise review.
Sunday, 10 February 2019 07:42
Thanks Wanderer. After every year do you compare how your total portfolio did compared to the U.S. or global stock market?
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 12:57
2363 Hits

Negotiate These Things With Your Credit Card Company

You should never be shy about negotiating with your credit card company. Here’s why: you have a lot to gain and nothing to lose. The worst that can happen is that you get turned down and have to find an alternative solution. There are many things you can negotiate with your credit card company, including the following: •    Balance: This doesn’t come into play often, but it may if you’re in a tight financial spot. If...
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Calling multiple times and re-asking the same questions, pressuring them usually works for me. I always ask to speak to a manager ... Read More
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 12:55
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Good Reasons to Review Your Credit Report

Some people know they have a good credit score, so they don’t see the reason in reviewing their credit report once a year. Conversely, some consumers know they have an average or poor score, which leads them to shy away from their credit report because they’re afraid of what they’ll find. Regardless of which group you fit into - or if you lie somewhere in between – you should get into the habit of reviewing your...
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Realistic suggestions for all of us. In the world of scamming and ID theft, we cannot take much for granted!
Sunday, 10 February 2019 07:45
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