Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

7 Ways to Get More Value From Your Credit Card

Sure, credit cards are a great way to rack up rewards points on your regular purchases or save money on a high interest rate balance, but there are plenty of other ways you can get tremendous value from your credit card. Pay off your balance every month. One of the ways credit card issuers make money is by charging interest to cardholders who take their time paying off a balance. The bigger your balance and the...
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Great review and recommendations on the "how to get more value" out of your credit cards!
Sunday, 10 February 2019 07:44
2931 Hits
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These Signs May Point You Toward a New Bank

Even with the popularity of online banks on the rise, most people still have a relationship with a local financial institution. There may come a point when you begin to wonder if it’s time to find a new bank (or credit union). The right relationship is important to all aspects of your finances, so it’s nothing to take lightly. Here are a few signs that may point you toward a new bank: •    Increasing fees: Are...
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6814 Hits

7 Steps to Achieving Financial Health

Many Americans are struggling financially, with a large number of Americans living paycheck to paycheck and others having to borrow to make ends meet. Americans who grew up in a home with parents who struggled my repeat their parents’ mistakes because they don’t understand the important parts of being financially healthy. As you work to improve your finances, focus on mastering these key areas. Spend less than you make. When your monthly expenses are greater than...
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  2101 Hits
2101 Hits

Find a Mortgage Broker Who Can Answer These Questions

For most people, buying a home means securing a mortgage. Even if you have an idea of the lender you want to use, it’s critical to shop your options to ensure yourself of getting the best deal. Generally speaking, there are two ways to search for a mortgage: •    Directly through multiple lenders•    Through a mortgage broker The primary benefit of a broker is the ability to compare rates from multiple lenders, without having to do...
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2315 Hits

Want a Business Credit Card? Answer These Questions First

As a business owner, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of your company’s finances at all times. This could lead to a situation in which you recognize the need to borrow money. While there are many ways for a business owner to secure the financing they require, a business credit card is one of the best. There are many reasons for this, including the hundreds of offers and ability to receive an instant approval. A...
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I own 3 business credit cards. I use each one for a unique situation, and I love them!
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:29
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7 Ways to Handle a Delay in Pay

Temporary layoffs can happen when you least expect and with no warning from your employer. Worse, you may not know how long the layoff will last and when your pay will start again. Staying on top of your finances can be difficult when there’s a delay in your pay. Here are some tips for staying on track until the layoff is over. Take advantage of your emergency fund. A delay in pay is the exact kind of situation...
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This is great information especially what is going on right now. I hope government employees get paid immediately.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:29
1862 Hits
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What are the Advantages of Online Banking?

In today’s day and age, there aren’t many financial institutions that don’t offer an online banking experience. Customers expect this feature in 2019, and any bank that comes up short will find it difficult to compete. While the option is available to you, it doesn’t mean you’re taking full advantage. You don’t have to rely on the many features of online banking, but once you learn more about them there’s a good chance you’ll fall in...
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Trust was my challenge ... right up till the postal service did not have consistent deliveries to my address and I got tired of my... Read More
Monday, 14 January 2019 17:08
Too many benefits now! You almost have to have online banking!
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:28
2482 Hits

Simple Ways to Save Money as a Small Business Owner in 2019

Are you a small business owner with big goals for 2019? Have you come to realize that cutting expenses would be in your best interest? Do you have some concerns about the best ways to save money, without having an impact on the overall health of your business? There are many ways to save money as a small business owner, so it’s imperative to keep an open mind as you explore all your options. If you’re...
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Thanks for the tips Chris, I plan to use these in 2019!
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:26
2385 Hits
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What To Do If You're Upside Down in a Car Loan

  In the ideal car buying scenario, the value of your car would always exceed your outstanding loan balance. However, sometimes the opposite can happen and you owe more on your car than your car is actually worth - a situation that's referred to as being upside down on your loan. For example, if your outstanding loan balance is $17,000 and your car is valued at $12,000, then you’re upside down. If you wanted to sell...
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Has anyone been in this situation before? Given how fast cars depreciate, I would expect this to happen a lot.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:25
2269 Hits
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Options to File your Taxes

2019 is right around the corner. While you have some time in 2019, you will need to begin thinking about filing your taxes. There are a lot of options out there, and depending on your financial experience, you can either do it yourself or hire an accountant. Below are a few options to file your taxes: Hire an accountant: If you do not know and understand taxes, I would recommend to hire an account to file...
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I am planning to hire a CPA this year as my financial situation has gotten more complex over the years.
Tuesday, 29 January 2019 16:22
Has anyone already filed their tax returns? I have to say I have not.
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 16:05
2091 Hits

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