Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Credit Card Rules Part 1 - Cardholder Notification

New credit card rules take effect February 22, 2010, and information will be covered in two articles. Let's take a look at how key points in the new law will affect you, the consumer. New rules on terms and interest rates Card issuers must give you 45 days notice before they can: raise the card's interest rate.make changes to certain fees (such as annual fees, cash advance fees, and late fees)make other significant changes to the...
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  3107 Hits
3107 Hits

Credit Card Rules Go into Effect February 22

The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday approved a final rule amending Regulation Z (Truth in Lending) to protect consumers who use credit cards from a number of costly practices. credit card issuers must comply with most aspects of the rule beginning on February 22, 2010."This rule marks an important milestone in the Federal Reserve's efforts to ensure that consumers who rely on credit cards are treated fairly," said Federal Reserve Governor Elizabeth A. Duke. "The rule...
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3301 Hits

New Jobless Claims Dip Slightly

Initial claims for unemployment benefits rose by 1,000 to 434,000 for the week ending January 2, the Labor Department reported on Thursday. The four-week moving average, which smooths out weekly volatility, was 450,250, a decrease of 10,250 from the previous week's average of 460,500.Seasonally adjusted, the insured unemployment rate was 3.6% for the week ending December 26, down .2% from the previous week's figure of 3.8%. Unadjusted, the advance national insured unemployment rate for the same...
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2689 Hits

Save $1000 a Year

Saving a buck or two here and there can add up to a significant savings over time. And for food and beverages, certain habits can drastically reduce your expenses over the long term. Here’s a few suggestions for saving money on these necessities:Brew your coffee at home instead of going to the cafe. Whether you buy the convenience store coffee for $2 a cup or the $5 a cup gourmet coffee, brewing it yourself for pennies...
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2975 Hits

Obama Announces $2.3 Billion for Clean Energy

President Obama announced on Friday awards of $2.3 billion in Recovery Act funds to go towards new clean energy manufacturing across the U.S."Building a robust clean energy sector is how we will create the jobs of the future," said Obama. "The Recovery Act awards I am announcing today will help close the clean energy gap that has grown between America and other nations while creating good jobs, reducing our carbon emissions and increasing our energy security."The...
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463 Hits

Consumer Loan Delinquencies Dip Third Quarter 2009

Consumer delinquencies in nearly all loan categories declined in the third quarter of 2009, according to a report released today by the American Bankers Association (ABA). This is the first time since 2007 that so many loan categories experienced a decline in delinquencies, which the ABA defines as a late payment that is 30 or more days overdue.The ABA's composite ratio, which tracks eight closed-end installment loan categories, fell 12 basis points to 3.23% of all...
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2389 Hits

Pending Home Sales Slump in November

Pending home sales fell sharply in November but remained "comfortably" above the level of activity from a year ago, the National Association of Realtors reported today. The index used to measure contracts signed in November fell 16% to 96.0 from an upwardly revised 114.3 in October, but is 15.5% higher than November 2008 when it was 83.1.The slide in pending contracts comes after a strong surge in previous months when buyers scrambled to beat the original...
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2599 Hits

ARC Loans - SBA Loan for Struggling Small Businesses

If you're a small business owner and are having a tough time meeting business expenses during this difficult economy, you may consider looking into a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan program designed just for you.Under the America's Recovery Capital (ARC) loan program, small business owners may receive up to $35,000 in short-term relief. The ARC loan is intended for viable small businesses facing immediate financial hardship to help the business ride out the current economic situation...
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3675 Hits

Intel Sued by FTC for Chip Monopoly

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced today that they are suing the world's leading computer chip maker Intel Corporation, saying that the company "has illegally used its dominant market position for a decade to stifle competition and strengthen its monopoly."In it's complaint, the FTC alleges that "Intel has waged a systematic campaign to shut out rivals’ competing microchips by cutting off their access to the marketplace. In the process, Intel deprived consumers of choice and innovation...
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2784 Hits

Writing a Business Plan

Writing a business plan is a crucial step to your business' development. A well thought-out business plan defines your business, outlines your strategy for the growth of your business, expenses and income expectations, marketing strategies. It helps you allocate resources properly, handle unforeseen complications, and make good business decisions. And a realistic business plan is a basic requirement if you plan to obtain a loan to help start or grow your business. The Small Business Administration...
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3505 Hits

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