Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

New Home Sales Slide in September

New home sales slide unexpectedly in September as the deadline for the first-time homebuyer's credit draws near, according to a report released today by the Commerce Department.Sales of new single-family homes decreased 3.6% to a seasonally-adjusted annual pace of 402,000, down from the revised August rate of 417,000. Analysts had expected a rate of 440,000, according to a Bloomberg survey of 75 economists. The September rate of sales is 7.8% below the September 2008 estimate of...
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  2701 Hits
2701 Hits

Obama Announces $3.4 Billion for Smart Grid

While speaking on Tuesday at Florida Power and Light’s (FPL) DeSoto Next Generation Solar Energy Center, President Obama announced a $3.4 billion investment to spur transition to a smart energy grid.The president described what a clean energy future would look like. "We can imagine the day when you'll be able to charge the battery on your plug-in hybrid car at night, because your smart meter reminded you that nighttime electricity is cheapest. In the daytime, when...
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  507 Hits
507 Hits

Existing Home Sales Strong for September

Sales of existing homes were strong in September, up 9.4% to a seasonally-adjusted annual pace of 5.57 million units, including single-family homes, townhomes, co-ops, and condominiums, according to a report released today by the National Association of Realtors (NAR).The September rate of sales was 9.2% higher than from a year ago, and sales activity is at the highest level in over two years, the NAR said. According to early reports from a consumer study that won't...
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2882 Hits

Mortgage Applications Drop for Second Week

Applications for mortgages in the week ending October 16 was sharply down again for the second week in a row, according to a report released today by the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA).The Market Composite Index, a measure of mortgage loan application volume, decreased 13.7% on a seasonally-adjusted basis from the previous week. This includes an adjustment for the Columbus Day holiday. Unadjusted, the index decreased by 22.4% from the previous week's reading.The MBA said that the...
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  2691 Hits
2691 Hits

Fed Says Small Improvement in Economy

The twelve Districts of the Federal Reserve reported either "stabilization or modest improvements" since their last report, though often from depressed levels to begin with, according to the Fed's most recent publication of the Beige Book.Residential real estate and manufacturing lead the more positive sector reports, both showing a pattern of improvement since the summer. Consumer spending and non-financial services were reported as mixed.Commercial real estate was reported to be one of the weakest sectors, reported...
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2606 Hits

MoneyGram Settles FTC Charges for $18 Million

A money transfer company that allowed fraudulent telemarketers to rip off thousands of consumers has settled Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charges and has been ordered to pay $18 million in consumer redress. According to FTC charges, MoneyGram International, Inc., the second-largest money transfer company in the U.S., knew that their service was being utilized to defraud consumers and did very little to stop it, and in some cases, its agents in Canada even participated in these...
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  2908 Hits
2908 Hits

Retail Sales Ex-Autos Up .4% for September

Retail sales in September declined by 1.5%, mostly due to the steep 10.4% drop in motor vehicle sales after the expiration of the Cash for Clunkers program, the Census Berueau reported today. Analysts had expected a decline of 2.1% in total sales for September.“Retail sales in the third quarter saw its strongest gain in almost two years, due to the successful ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program,” U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said. “The healthy increase in sales...
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  536 Hits
536 Hits

Bankers Say in February Credit Will be Difficult to Obtain for Consumers Under 21

The credit card law that goes into effect in February, the CARD Act, will make it very difficult for many adults under the age of 21 to obtain a credit card without a parent co-signer or proof of their own income, the American Bankers Association (ABA) said in a statement on Tuesday.“The new credit restrictions will only be effective if education bridges the gap. Otherwise, first-time credit users will be older, but not necessarily wiser,” explains...
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  2916 Hits
2916 Hits

ABA Testifies on Small Business Lending

The American Bankers Association testified on Friday on the impact of the recession on lending to small businesses.Testifying on behalf of ABA before the Senate Banking Committee, community banker Stephen Wilson, Chairman and CEO of LCNB National Bank in Lebanon, Ohio, said that this is not the first recession faced by the banking industry, and that despite the current challenges banks are working hard to ensure that the credit needs of their communities are met.Wilson said...
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2689 Hits

500,000 Loan Modification Milestone Reached

The Treasury Department reported on Thursday that under the Making Home Affordable program, more than 500,000 trial loan modifications are in progress.Earlier this year in July, the Treasury and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Devolopment (HUD) set the 500,000 benchmark for November 1. This goal pushed servicers to ramp up program implementation and sustain a faster pace of modifications; trial modifications are now being issued at a faster rate than new homeowners are becoming...
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  2799 Hits
2799 Hits

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