Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

ABA: Consumer Loan Delinquencies Continue to Decrease

Americans have been working hard to keep their debts paid on time - bringing down the rate of consumer loan delinquencies for the third straight quarter, according to a report released on Wednesday by the American Bankers Association (ABA).In the eight closed-end loan categories tracked by the ABA’s Consumer Credit Delinquency Bulletin, the rate of delinquencies fell to 2.89% of all accounts in the first quarter of 2010 from 3.19% in the previous quarter. The ABA...
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  2684 Hits
2684 Hits

Unemployment Rate Down to 9.5%

The unemployment rate edged down from 9.7% to 9.5% despite the economy losing 125,000 jobs in June, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported on Friday.Temporary Census jobs coming to an end represented a decrease of 225,000 workers, while 83,000 positions were added in the private sector - leaving the U.S. with an estimated 14.6 million unemployed.But a decrease in the unemployment rate can also reflect that there are simply fewer people in the...
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  462 Hits
462 Hits

Consumer Confidence Drops in June

After consistently rising for three straight months, consumer confidence in June is sharply down amid worries of the job market, the Conference Board reported on Tuesday.The index used to measure consumer confidence dropped from 62.7 in May to 52.9 this month, with a benchmark of 100 in 1985. Only 8% of consumers polled by the Conference Board thought that business conditions were good, compared to 9.7% the month before; 42.4% in June thought business conditions were...
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2649 Hits

How Do ID Thieves Amass $10 Million? A Tiny Amount Many Times

It has become second-nature for consumers to diligently safe-guard their personal information to prevent identity theft and credit card fraud.We shred our sensitive financial documents before throwing them out, we're learning to not be duped by calls or emails claiming to be an organization that needs our social security number or other important imformation, and we know to pick up our mail in a timely manner to prevent theives from stealing credit card and bank statements...
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2523 Hits

$1.5 Billion Approved for Hardest Hit States

The Treasury Department announced on Wednesday that Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, and Nevada - the five states hurt most by the housing downturn - can begin to use the $1.5 billion in the Housing Finance Agency Innovation Fund for the Hardest Hit Housing Markets ("The Hardest Hit Fund")."These states have identified a number of innovative programs that will make a real difference in the lives of many homeowners facing foreclosure," said Treasury Assistant Secretary for Financial...
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659 Hits

Invest in a Fun Family Activity

It can be easy to laze the days away in front of the TV, but at one point many of us begin to wish we had a gratifying hobby or activity to enjoy. Aimlessly shopping is another way to pass the time, but often we'll eventually come to a realization that we are spending too much money out of boredom, and are being "rewarded" with stuff we really don't need or want - just extra clutter...
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  3157 Hits
3157 Hits

May Unemployment Rate Falls in 37 States and DC

Unemployment rates were slightly lower in May across most of the nation, according to a report released today by the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).While 7 states reported no change in the unemployment rate, 37 states and the District of Columbia had a decrease and 6 states had an increase. The nationwide jobless rate in May decreased from the prior month by .2 percentage point to 9.7%, but was still above the 9.4%...
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  2788 Hits
2788 Hits

$9 Million in Grants for Veterans' Green Jobs Training

The Department of Labor announced on Tuesday awards of more than $9 million in nationwide grants for 'green" jobs training for veterans.Raymond Jefferson, assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor's Veterans' Employment and Training Service, said that the 22 grants will provide training for thousands of veterans in 19 states and the District of Columbia.Jefferson said that the grants, provided under the department's Veterans' Workforce Investment Program, will "give an estimated 4,000 veterans who have...
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NAHB: Americans Are Buying Smaller Homes

Homebuyers are choosing smaller homes than they had been in the previous year, according to a report released on Monday by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).The NAHB analyzed data recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau to find that the nationwide average for new single-family homes dropped to 2,438 square feet in 2009.This comes after a long pattern of homes getting bigger and bigger - the size of homes increased has increased continually since...
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2666 Hits

TARP Repayments Surpass Amount Owed

The amount of Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds paid back to taxpayers has exceeded the amount of TARP funds outstanding, the U.S. Treasury Department reported on Friday.The Treasury reports that through the end of May, TARP repayments have reached a total of $194 billion (there's $190 billion outstanding). TARP repayment officially surpassed the amount owed when the Treasury completed the sale of 1.5 billion shares of Citigroup, which provided $6.18 billion to taxpayers."TARP repayments have...
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  5115 Hits
5115 Hits

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