Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Filing for a Federal Tax Extension

The deadline to file your income tax return is just around the corner - it really comes up fast for those who aren't ready. But don't panic. If you don't see being able to complete your tax return before the deadline, just file for an extension by April 15th and you'll automatically be granted another six months to complete your tax return.To be timely for your extension, follow the same rules as if you were filing...
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  3056 Hits
3056 Hits

State Tax Revenue Down 8.6% for 2009

The nation's unemployment rate hit 10% last year, and a long, two year global recession has threatened the financial security of families around the world.It comes as no surprise that state governments are the next to feel the painful effects of a shaky economy; less money being earned and less money being spent across the nation has resulted in a severe drop in state income. State governments reported that tax collections decreased $67 billion in fiscal...
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  496 Hits
496 Hits

FACT Act 2003 - Most Consumer Credit Protection Projects Complete

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) testified today to the U.S. House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit of the Committee on Financial Services that the agency has completed most of the consumer credit protection projects required by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction (FACT) Act of 2003, also known as FACTA.The FACT Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush as an amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Since 2004, this legislation...
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  4319 Hits
4319 Hits

Jobless Claims Dip Slightly

New claims for jobless benefits showed slight improvement for the week ending March 13, the Department of Labor reported on Thursday in its weekly report.There were 457,000 new claims last week, down 5,000 from the previous week after a drop of 6,000 in the week prior. The four-week moving average, which smooths out weekly volatility, fell by 4,250 to 471,250. These numbers show very little change from February and are well above the readings in January.Continuing...
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2667 Hits

Family Vacations on a Budget - Go Camping

Family Vacations on a Budget - Go Camping
Vacations are time to bond, have fun with your family and friends, see new sites, and take a breather from real life. But the financial woes of the past couple of years have really got consumers thinking about more cost effective ways to get the same result in various aspects of their lives, and the family vacation is one area where we can easily spend a lot of money if we're not careful. The majority of...
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  3062 Hits
3062 Hits

Family Vacations on a Budget - Go Camping Part 2

Family Vacations on a Budget - Go Camping Part 2
This article is the second in a two-part series. Camping is a great alternative for the budget-conscious family vacation! Other benefits to camping compared to traditional flying/lodging/dining vacations: You travel with your own stuff, instead of renting a bed someone else slept in. There's nothing worse on vacation than reserving high-priced lodging because it seems nice on the website, only to get there and find that it doesn't look or smell clean - if you're travelling...
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  2834 Hits
2834 Hits

February Retail Sales Up .3%

The U.S. Census Bureau announced on Friday that advanced estimates of February retail trade sales were $355.5 billion. This is an increase of .3% from the previous month after a .1% rebound in January, and is 3.9% above February 2009. This beat analysts' projections, who as a group expected a decline of .3%. It was expected that February's winter storms that hit much of the Mid-Atlantic could have negatively affected retail sales figures. February's numbers look...
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  476 Hits
476 Hits

Unemployment Rate for January Rose in 30 States

The over-the-month unemployment rate for January rose in 30 states, fell in 9 states, and remained the same in 11 states, according to a report released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).Over the past year, the unemployment rate rose in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The national unemployment rate fell from 10% in December to 9.7% for January, but it is still two percentage points above what it was in January...
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2457 Hits

LifeLock Customers Getting a Refund

Since 2006, Lifelock Inc. ads have claimed that it could prevent identity theft for consumers willing to sign up for its $10-a-month service. The company even went so far as to put the CEO's social security number on the side of a truck in big, bold print as if daring any identity thief to steal it.The Federal Trade Commission reported today that Lifelock, Inc. has agreed to a $12 million settlement for making false claims to...
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  3326 Hits
3326 Hits

Fed Proposes New CARD Act Rules for August

In the next stage of implementing the credit card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (CARD Act), the Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday proposed new rules to cut cardholder's late fees and interest rates.The rules will amend Regulation Z, the Truth in Lending Act, and are set to go into effect in August 2010. The CARD Act, signed into law by President Obama in May of 2009, was set to go into full effect in...
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  3213 Hits
3213 Hits

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